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Everything posted by zeden

  1. Hi, I cannot help you with R21 but in S26 and GoZ Polypaint is transfered as vertex colors. Dynamic Subdiv is a Zbrush specific feature and cannot expected to be transfered over to other apps. The intergration of Zbrush and C4D can be expected to be tightened in the coming releases after Maxon took over Pixologic...so maybe update?
  2. Moves was broken somewhere around R24/25. I do not know if they fixed it. I think R23 was the last working version...you might contact support.
  3. Do we need to buy 23 add ons for it hidden in 7 subsites to export the rig as fbx? But hey, cool software!
  4. Would be interesting to move Zbrush Core into C4d as native sculpt Nomad for Android is also only 25 EUR. I recently bought it and it is quite cool despite being far away from Zbrush
  5. I struggeled with the new Gui, have a love hate relationsip with it (the icons don't really work, are hard to distinguish visually and many more problems) but realized they will never go back. I bascially go around it by using quicksearch more often. Other parts I really like. But it is the GUi I use here and they will not revert it. Btw: my main issue is the OM. If you have very long object names like in CAD files the tag tab slides off into invisible space. Super annoying. I find myself like 20 times a day dragging back the separator in OM just to see the Tags. They need to make the separtor fixed. See here. The tags simply shift off into left off screeen:
  6. There is an Octane version on Gumroad
  7. Go to Move tool and Ctrl+Shift click the polygroup The "Nick Tools" for Zbrush have a script whick can be mapped to a shortcut called "Mask PG under cursor" which is even faster. Hover over a PG and fire shortcut. Done. No need to change to move tool you can stay in Draw mode.
  8. You might want to delete the error surface and fill the holes with Fill Polygons command again to connect faces. Maybe that solves the issue Hard to see but they are the planar surface?
  9. Maybe add a scene like that as a demo file? Btw.: any chance to port Jet to GPU? Currnetly it is CPU right?
  10. Could you maybe show the setup here? Thx
  11. Or you buy Wrap3D and retopo a head in 5-10 minutes 😝
  12. HI Cairyn. don't let yourself fool by C4D's rigging tools. They mirror the industry state of 2010 or so. In the last 10-15 years the VFX industry used a hybrid approach with tools like Maya's nCloth for skin and muscle, which ist realistic, but really time and calculation intense: https://www.cgcircuit.com/course/skinning-with-ncloth-part-2?utm_source=CGCircuit+Group&utm_campaign=6830f8ce80-NewCoursesAtCGCircuit_Oct201510_1_2015&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_2d17e3e116-6830f8ce80- Then about 10 years ago Ziva took tht approach to the max and developed skin simulation specific tools: https://zivadynamics.com/ziva-vfx The problem always was C4D Cloth could not do it and lacks secondary controls like morph compatability etc.
  13. Polypen has a strange life inside C4D. Everybody was wow when it was introduced but then later nobody used it 🙂 There is something about it that feels not fluid or intuitiv. The 2 clicks needed. And the lack of symmetry and projection features plays a role for sure and the extra steps to enable it the workflow etc.
  14. There is also Video Enhance AI from Topaz. But it is more of an video post suite than only a denoiser. But powerful: https://www.topazlabs.com/video-enhance-ai
  15. Do you have the feeling that there are many more active users here? There seems to be a core of maybe 20-30 who are always the same answering, the rest seems to be like guests who come and go
  16. HI, tried a similar model and uvs without problems here. Do you have overlapping uvs?
  17. You know this? https://www.anchorpoint.app/ 3D Asset management and project management. They are former Maxon guys? I don't know.
  18. Have you checked your polygons normal orientation already?
  19. Bought it yesterday 😉 I am a bit lost as to when use one of the several various Fluid Solvers. Any advice when to use which one? Would you mind offering a smoke scene to customers maybe?
  20. Yes the node editor needs panel docking and saving as custom default gui.
  21. Sounds great! Any smoke examples? Is fire possible? I do not know if Maxon will come up with liquids and fluids now with the new dynamics system (cloth as a beginning) but an easy and fast alternativ to xparticles surely has a market.
  22. You could apply a bump to the water material as a first try?
  23. Nice. Is the Jet Framework liquids only or also fluids and softbodys etc...
  24. And a procedural approach with s26: You can of course convert that to poly and get perfect circles with close holes and the circular modeling function Procedural modeling.c4d
  25. You guys know you can make circular polys in s26, right? it is a super quick job with that function 😉
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