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Everything posted by zeden

  1. C4D Rigging is ok. It is the Mixamo Control Rig mapping that is fragile. Nice you found a way!
  2. I saw that too. Hence the remark about coordinates. I always had plenty of issues with the workflow. It is very fragile. What I saw with your rig: - The Pivot of multiple meshes is not centered, that may create issues - There is a keyframe on the rig, That will make changes difficult. Better delete it. - You can simplify to a single Skin deformer (Select all Skin def and delete, go to char menu and add a single new one, it will take the delted settings into the single new one ) - Your leg joints are perfectly straight. The control rig is confused by stuff like that and screws up Leg Ik. Make a small angle into leg joints - I wasn't able to apply the Control Rig to your structure as well, constant jumps and distortions. I would redo it with merged mesh and slight bend in knees
  3. You are in the Mixamo.com Take with locked Overrides. Unlock it and it works...but there seem to be a few coordinates issues. It is a bit of an annyoing workflow that C4D puts the Mixamo stuff in a subtake. You always need to chage that first. Maybe create a new scene from the Take in the Take Manager
  4. Hi Smolak You have 2023 right? That has RS CPU implemented like all C4D versions have now. So you basically have RS installed. The reason why you may not be able to open the assets is because they are most likely only for MAXON One users...there are many RS mats only for One subs in Asset Browser
  5. Hi Hyyde, alternatively you simply go into Object mode? 🙂
  6. It is in fact a damn good modeler. Only rivaled by 3dsMax. They are adding tools in every release in the last years.
  7. I just tried it here and it worked...Did you put everything under a null?
  8. The future can be seen there already for sure...but also that currently a writer, director and edtior is still needed for storytelling. You can easily cut that film down to five minutes and you would make it stronger. I found it a bit boring honestly.
  9. Bumping this thread. Anybody has this file somewhere? Thanks!
  10. I did a lot of work for very big companys in the last decade and I am not allowed to show anyhing publically. Tha t is a serious problem for freelancing.
  11. That. It started with Mograph. A lot of „indirect“ workflows were implemented. I thought it was only me.
  12. You have an example? Because I think I know what you mean.
  13. Interesting 😉 Seems like C4D R6 brought a new GUI and introduced Bodypaint in the year 2000! Here is A Korean C4D timeline: http://www.cinema4d.co.kr/c4dwiki/422731
  14. Other than that: animations like that are often done in After Effects or Trapcode Particular if you have access to Maxon One
  15. First idea without checking the file: convert the splines to hair or cloth rope and under global dynamics settings (ctrl+d) set gravity to 0 or very low value. That might make them float. Add further forces like wind or turbulence for small movement Edit: ok that screenshot looks more like a particle animation
  16. Answer from Blender forum in any case it helps others: Symmetry can be lost and so the symmetry mode fails. in that case use "symmetrize" command to reestablish symmetry
  17. Hi, thank you. Yes the modifier works but is destructive since one half needs to be deleted right? I am looking for nondestructive way but saw online Blender does not have it... I am using this mode here:
  18. Hi, I am modelling in live symmetry mode along Y axis and every time I select vertices on one side -> right click -> smooth vertices it is only applied on the selection side and not on the mirrored side. Is this a bug? I expect to have the smoothing mirrored? Anybody had that before?
  19. It is a unique beast under all the DCCs indeed. It does things in its own way yes. The reason for that is that it originally was a 2.5D painting program that later added full 3D Workflows and never really redesigned itself for it. It took them 20 years to implement a gizmo ;). But its power also comes from that origin. I myself hope Maxon turns it onto its head and rebuilds UX. But there are also long term user who exactly like it the way it is. Difficult to say. Where do you get stuck?
  20. Like Mike says: during import of CAD into C4D you have multiple topology options. There should be better results possible. Try with different resolution and angle settings and there will be other edge flows
  21. QOL (quality of life) Tools seem very useful indeed. Thx!
  22. Just mirroring facts against the hype;)
  23. Thx, yes it is quite nice for a free tool 😉 Some things are really nicely implemented others are not so... I miss C4D's selection tools at the moment. @Jeff H1 Thank you for the plugin. But...seriously?? Pay for that feature hmmm...Already have 3 Addons installed which bring basic things to it. Blender seems to need a lot of them. Good thing is they are there. That was my workaround as well. Sadly works only in planar selection right? A little bend in the shape and you have to pick all the loops manually
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