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Everything posted by zeden

  1. For example the sphere still rolls when I delete the keys. Memory node bug?
  2. Where did it fail? What kind of animation do you have? What kind of objects are animated?
  3. Thx for the info. Another thing is that Hardware Raytracing can increase preparation times. For previews one might disable it for speed up
  4. To the realtime discussion as someone who just burned 2K EUR on a Renderfarm with broken renderings. This was 10 years ago: Go figure where it could have been today. Pixelberg was a huge chance Maxon missed back in the day. This is 4-5 years ahead of Eevee. The guy also relesead a normal editing tool a decade ago. He was a game TD who tried to bring realtime workflows to C4D and disappeared with R18 becasue he thought Maxon would go realtime with viewport rendering. Pixelberg needed a lot of work but it also used PBR game maps from Unreal and Unity so you had equal look in all three. Was a cool effort
  5. Hi, I have 2 Cloner systems and I want to animate cloner Position 1 to Cloner Position 2 using Inheritance Effector and some fields for fanciness. Let objects fly into frame into a specific final rest order in artistic words. Customer now wants the flying along a curved path. Anybody an idea how to make this setup combine with a align along spline path? It seems trivial but is not I guess....? Do I need a 3rd Cloner in object mode along a spline and inherit to that inbetween? Thank you! Cloner_Inherit.c4d
  6. The easy way in C4D: unsing Step mode in Fcurves and offset repeatTicking clock.c4d
  7. Question: do you have an idea how to rig and animate Splines in Unreal? For thnigs like cables etc?
  8. Maxon feature iterates these days with releases due to subscription. Cloth, Sim, Pyro etc all where updated after release frequently over 2-4 releases.
  9. I am investing some time into a Lumen Rendering workflow as well right now. The fact that you see what you get in the final image is such a workflow boost it is amazing. Makes up for some Unreal quirks in building projects
  10. This one is actively developed. He recently added keyframing of values. Very nice!
  11. Ha didn't somehow see the video on mobile...strange bug indeed.
  12. What exactly is wrong? The blur of the red box? Cannot reproduce your error in 2024.1 or 2024.2. The image here is correct. Blur on moving and no blur on static?
  13. Windkanal.c4d Maybe like this? Interesting challenge indeed
  14. Yeah 3dsmax is the leading modeller out there for sure. The select elements is great yes. The C4D workaround would be to enable "select cuts" in line cut tool and use "fill selection" (U~F). Or select the loop and fill select if you haven't stored the edge selection for later.
  15. Rope_with_Rigidbody_Weight_hanging.c4dHere is a basic file. Play with the settings in the tags and global sim settings. Rope is belted to animated cube. Rigid body is pinned to rope via connector
  16. Could you maybe explain a bit further what is so hard to merge the two systems and bring parameter driving of OM objects into Scene Nodes?
  17. Since C4D market is dead for TFD it seems a logical step?
  18. The denosier needs to be balanced against sampling for details like Mash describes above so accurately. These are state of the art render optimizations in the year 2023 which make Octane what it is. Octane is the master of high end algorithms combined with rendering shortcuts. The genius of Otoy was their balancing of all the tricks under the hood which made it the renderer so fast to kick off the age of GPU rendering. Throwing it away takes the strength of Octane away. Maxon is implementing multiple of Octane's approaches into RS already and even more to come. For example RS RT's new experimental implementation of pixel based displacement mapping is basically the technique Octane uses for years so efficiently.
  19. You don't use coherent ratio, no adaptive sampling, no denoiser and no multi GPU rendering. Gi clamp is too high for that scene. These are non optimizedrender settings. Sorry
  20. You are right....I guess to avoid the stretching one needs to build a cloner inside the nodes that operates on the cube directly and not on the frame in the end?
  21. A capsule like that? User the User data slider for frame size. If someone knows how to propagate the float node input as user data slider without xpresso I would love to know! Frame Box.c4d
  22. Switch off splines and Joint visibility to get speed up effects in viewport for rigging. I had 8 rigged charcters in a scene animateing at 8-10 FPs. That was simply impossible before 2024. Overall the speed ups differ vastly. Sometimes 1-2 fps. Sometimes 20-30 fps.
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