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Everything posted by zeden

  1. What are you struggeling with? Precise curves?
  2. Hi Bigor, Zbrush 2022 update is having the tools you want: Alternatively you can use booleans as well And here a setup video for 3D printing pipeline using Scale master and 3d Print Hub inside Zbrush
  3. I went to sub a year ago and Maxon said my current perpetual R19 is still valid if I ever cancel the sub.
  4. Plane Size from Texture.c4d I want to feed the texture into plane size as well as into the Material Color channel. Is that possible?
  5. Check this out for a little example. Auto Retopo and Photoshop like selection Tools as modeling workflow. This is an example of the crazy tools in Zbrush nobody else has in that quality and fluidity. And it also shows how Zbrush is kind of different from the rest.
  6. Just an advice if you are developing a product or service: never listen to Social Media. Only the angry ones post there. The happy ones never post. As seen in the twitter thread of pixologic: maybe 70 voice angry opinions and create a frustrated impression. But also almost 460 like the announcement thread. So what to make of it?
  7. We can only hope for Zbrush inside C4D! And Redshift inside Zbrush! And a new Gui with OM in Zbursh! 😉
  8. Yes that is a shock. For me a good one because I have both 😉
  9. Could you help me please with this setup? The texture is not rendering. Any idea why? Thank you!
  10. Thx a lot! But this whole Nodes system is overcomplicated to no ends. Completely unituitiv.
  11. How designate to Start node? Sorry I do not find a way to do it... Do you have a screenshot, please?
  12. Awesome thank you. But when I implement a texture image instead of color nothing is shown. Do I need to convert the texture before feeding it into Material Parametrization?
  13. Hi, how can I feed Nodes output into a material channel like color, reflection, bump, normal etc. from an assigned material? Is there a way?
  14. Hi thanks for the answer! But I am only looking for a an automated model sheet setup. I basically only need the proportions width/height coreectly so my plane can be used as BG object for modelling
  15. Hi, I want to create an asset where I can have a plane with a material and if I load a texture into color channel the plane adjusts to bitmap size proportionally. Is that possible? I see that width and height can be read from a texture but how do I translate it into plane width and height? Thx
  16. That viewport performance is stunning. As if there was no data at all but it is a massive amount. I hope they manage to implement the algos in the rest of the software. Awesome!
  17. I expected it to be very complicated at the moment. Thank you
  18. Hi, I have a poly loop selction. When that loop has a certain width can I dynamically add an edle loop with Scene nodes? - Calculate width of loop (or single poly of loop) - If width > x add edge loop to poly loop Is that possible?
  19. zeden

    UV to mesh & back?

    Awesome setup. Thank you a lot! But.....waaay to complicated for what it does
  20. zeden

    UV to mesh & back?

    And how could I morph between the "uv to mesh" polygons and the original mesh? When I use it on a cube with uvs I do not get correct results since the vertices ID is confused between Mesh and uvsMorph_UVS.c4d
  21. zeden

    Cinema R25 Release

    I ranted yesterday as well. But after first try: The new procedural nature of C4D is confusing...But awesome. The animation potential of the stack is endless. I am suprised to be honest how much I like it... And to be honest: I like the new Interface, too That does not mean I still do not understand how they simply abandon large parts of the program. We need more features. I think RS should have been implemented into R25 becasue as arelease it is too thin
  22. zeden

    R25 Expectations

    I tried the new demo of U render two days ago but my trial is expired 😉 I hope you manage to implement GI and Raytracing even if you end up with 2-5s per frame it would be very good for a lot of jobs. Looking forward to it!
  23. zeden

    R25 Expectations

    Just read into the limitation page on Blender docs. Unreal 5 is the way if you are going to almost realtime rendering. Btw. in c4d you have U-render (which still needs a lot of work/features) and you have Pixelberg render engine for almost 6-7 years now which sadly wasn't continued because the developer thought Maxon would come up with a Realtime renderer in the viewport: http://frostsoft.blogspot.com/p/fssoftware.html Pixelberg is the only way to see game PBR textures in C4D without hassle. Too bad it wasn't further developed.
  24. zeden

    R25 Expectations

    As long as Eevee is not raytraced it is not of interest for me. That is what my posting about Blender eralier in this thread was about: Blender looks cool at first sight. But if you want to make it really good you need a massive amount of add ons like this Eevee GI plugin: https://n0451.gumroad.com/
  25. zeden

    R25 Expectations

    Thing is: C4D is still the coolest 3D app out there. The whole thing is just fun to work with. Until you hit an area which is simply not there. Or 12 years old. Like hair, sim tools, BP, fluids, liquids, rendering....it would be so awesome if Insydium was a Maxon company 😆
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