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Everything posted by zeden

  1. Of course it is better for everyone than staying with physical/standard. But it is not about progression on CPU rendering it's about lifting C4D's general rendering into present times which means: GPU The CPU version is said to be multiple times slower.
  2. Modeling tools definietly cool. Cloth examples are a bit weak to judge.
  3. RS CPU for everyone. RS GPU with Maxon One. In my opinion a bizarre decision.
  4. It never happened because it is a production nightmare. You have zero control with classical 2d Apps over textures which in some cases are plain and simple faster to work with. Games also struggle with it. It was a good idea on paper. In reality the flat uv texture view plus procedural shader baking workflows merges traditional and new tech in CGI pretty well. Quad mapping and triplanaer are a huge help here. I know 3D Artists who never in their career layed out uvs because of the mapping options
  5. Oh cool, interesting setup for sure. Nice workaround. Thank you!
  6. Thank you! But the clones still go back to original position during leaving the field? I am looking foe a way to keep them rotated after leaving the field.
  7. Hi, I have a circular cloner and a plain effector with a box falloff. The circular cloner roates and during the rotation its clones animate through the plain effecotr box falloff and get rotted by a certain degree. But of course as soon as the clones exit the falloff they go back into default 0 Degree roation. A constant back and forth rotation as a result. Is there a way to keep the rotation given by an effector after leaving its falloff and only add to it every time it enters again? An additive coordinates change so to say? THX! Clones rotation.c4d
  8. Hi, see this file as an example for poly modeling process. There are of course multiple ways as always to do stuff like this Modeling.c4d
  9. Thx! Exactly what I was looking for
  10. Let's hope they worked on material stacking in C4D Redshift. That is a bizarrely bad implementation
  11. 11,4/19,8 = 0,57 ratio = 100/57 % ratio in C4D UVs I guess should work? But you might get stretching of the texture
  12. Hi, you can make it square and add the ratio as percent values in the cooridnates tab in the uv menue. Manually you can also use the uv transform tools which shows percent scaling as well. - Make automatic uv with "packed" - If islands are connected select the polys of the outer side and right click -> unstitch uv - Hit automatic uv again - Right click -> Resize Commads -> Fit Uv to canvas to make it square - Go to coordinates tab and insert ratio as percent values (in your case 50%) I used the inside wall but the same apllies to outsidec of course
  13. Thing is....does it really make sense to keep the two companys seperated? I mean isn't Insydium = "Maxon 2" from a customer perspetive? They just fill the C4D gaps.
  14. Hi, I want to convert a poly model to liquid starting from top to bottom using fields and falloffs with xparticles. Basically melting it with a simulated liquid effect. Is it possible to gradually create liquid with vertex maps or falloffs in xparticles? Any ideas? Thx!
  15. Sorry, but with Cineversity and the Maxon training Channel on Youtube alone you can be busy for month learning C4D from beginner Stuff to Advanced. On Youtube alone is a 6h Introduction course on R25 and the same on RS recently provided by Maxon. The paid courses on Udemy and Vimeo not even mentioned. There is a huuuge amount of training online all over the Internet.
  16. But relininking the textures is a 20 seconds job. Annoying yes. But not really a problem right?
  17. The bump map node should be under utilities in mat node editor. Have you enabled the bump channel in the material itself? The checbox ticked there? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPR3Jku6jqo
  18. In the manual is the so called Pref Space a topic. I don't really get it to work with that file but somewhere between Arnold and C4D's hair you need to read out the UVs of the hair. Maybe some twisted data mapping needs to be applied. https://docs.arnoldrenderer.com/display/A5AFMUG/Noise Seems like a case for Autodesk support.
  19. Yes but in polymodeling you would never model an edgeflow like that from the beginning. This file looks great in CAD. And visually still very clean inside C4D. But you have zero control about the polygon edgeflow coming out of a CAD program since it is differerent world. If you use procedural mapping and shading then all is great. I did like 30 little movies in my life with CAD data. But as soon as UVs and Rigging are needed you are better off in polymodeling
  20. Hi Jops, yes I have. See how the Fillet is exported as FBX. Have you ever had the task to unwrap a mesh with dozens and dozens of Bevels like that? It is nightmare. Basically needs manual retopo first That is why all VFX and Games do not use CAD and still do quad poly modeling. Because even when the modeling is super fast, the hell beginns with UVWs and Deformations
  21. You are right the kerming was earlier there
  22. And the Pose library manager, motion transfer stuff and the car rig in s24 are awesome!
  23. Another small and often overlooked featue update was everything concerning Text inside C4D. The new text spline with the kerning and the Text Object are really great. You don't realise them untill you need them 😉
  24. https://instalod.com/ This seems to be very good at holding sharp edges.
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