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Everything posted by zeden

  1. Question is if it is a particle hack or a new particle solver...but in recent years the leaks were all about new tools. So yeah!
  2. https://www.maxon.net/en/article/maxon-welcomes-laubwerk-to-their-expanding-family-of-innovative-tools Seems in the future the complete Laubwerk plants and trees will be in the asset browser for Maxon One users
  3. That's a really awesome setup!
  4. Hi, I mananged to use the noise node to drive an extrude node. Is the same possible with a vertex map? I have a vertex map with a field and want to drive modeling operations with it in a Nodes mesh. Ist that possible?
  5. Waves.c4dSth. like this maybe? CHeck the noise values in displacer
  6. Thx a lot to both of you! Working myself into it
  7. Hi, I am looking for a way in Scene Nodes to build a GUI where the user can choose INT numbers and inside the node opration the polygons in a delete node are changed (e.g: for example from 0,1,2 to 0,1,4,5 or so). How do you approach a setup with muliple inputs to the same node?
  8. I agree. Support disagrees. You might want to track that internally with devs? In my opinion the node is no help in most cases with that current functionality
  9. I am starting to spam this subforum but here is another strange thing: The delete modifier reads the index number of the base object not the current index number from the stack. That does not make sense...Polygon Index.c4d
  10. Another one: can I set an edge cut between two vertives?
  11. Hi, is there a way to bridge edges or polys in Scenen nodes?
  12. Despite the fact about the constant whining on the forums about C4D and that it was considered an amateur tool a decade ago it has now outlived a good number of competitors.
  13. Works beautifully! Not really intuitive but it's working. Thx!
  14. Hi, what needs to be done to apply multiple deformers on an object? This setup here is putting out an Object for every Effector Op (not wanted here):
  15. Thank you. But just another example of Scene nodes being detached from core C4D after like 5 years in development. Why have a different name? Pain point. It doesn't make any sense to users
  16. Is there a way to make edge selection from phong angle in scene nodes?
  17. 1) Render both "Main" and "Beauty" AOV. Use "subtract" layer mode to control strength of PostFX 2) The backplate colors being off is an issue I'd like to find a solution as well. Haven't so far. Would do it in Post
  18. Liquids, Realtime Rendering and Bodypaint update.
  19. I tried those tools a few month ago and 70% of output was garbage. Maybe they are getting better now.
  20. Moves was broken in several versions. Ask support which ones.
  21. It took Maxon some time to understand the real potential of fields. I guess the plugin was one of the eye openers that fields could be more than a mogrpah feature but a new core procedural system. It is a bitter pill for the plugin devs for sure but to be honest for 99% of users a great step to implemenet it in the core version.
  22. The new Transfer Attribute features in C4D can do that. Zbrush as well. See here from minute 19:00 on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6Oq4Xnc-AU
  23. So many cool setups! Is there a way to show the live animation in viewport?
  24. DIdn't want to hijack your thread. I will try :)
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