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Everything posted by kingcoma

  1. Great tips, guys! Thanks! Something totally different, but also very fun to do, I made a visual to show possible clients I don't only do stupid characters =D
  2. This better doesn't have any triangles in those spheres and extruded text.. =D I know it's a clay sketchbook, but let me see those wires! 😅
  3. Trying to make a big tree. I like it so far, but it doesn't look big. Any pointers how to make something look really big? Smaller plants on the ground? Smaller texture? Smaller leaves?
  4. That's an awesome little character! Love the beady black eyes and his little face! 😍 Nice and clean lines, great contours! 😄
  5. @natevplasIt also has a cd-rom drive! 😄 56X speeds!🤯
  6. New personal work, titled 'OMG I FOUND ONE!' =D This little old computer got some mining tools from his grandfather, so he headed out into the deep corners of the web looking for gold. Thanks to his new RTX 3080 for some extra power, he found a bitcoin!
  7. Picked up this project which been sitting on the shelf for a while. Superman! And how blind the people of metropolis are =D
  8. Looks very good indeed! I don't completely agree with Cerbera, because I personally like my stuff separated as well. I think it's easier to change something afterwards. It is key though to have a nice edgeflow of your clothes that pretty much matches the edgeflow of the body. I model a lot of mascottes and characters, and the client likes to have different options. With shirt, with sweater, short pants, regular pants, etc. What you COULD do (when everything is finished) is delete the part not visible because of the clothing. This way it won't intersect with the shirt or pants. (like Cerbera said.) Another plus (for me) is when you still have separate objects, you can switch them on and off when weighting, which is quite handy sometimes in hard to reach places. Other thoughts: - I would have another look at the rotation of the thumb. Look at your own hand (in a relaxed position). I think you rotated it a bit to much. 🙂 - the eye sockets are pushed a bit too deep, I think - split the eyes in L-eye and R-eye (also handy when rigging later)
  9. @DasFrodo: Thanks! And yeah, it's a kind of style you're into or not 🤷‍♂️😊 Been practicing edge loops and cartoon faces: always something tricky because there are thousands of ways or variations to get it right. What do you think? Any pointers?
  10. So for the wrap of the mini, I needed to make lots of stuff. All kinds of stuff. Thought it would be fun to implement some personal interests, characteristics that define who we are or what we like. This one is based on my wife. She once said she descends from vikings. Allright. Whatever. And she also loves gardening and spending time in her vegetable garden 😄
  11. Well, it's a bit of a mix between two things: in the middle you see the actual electric logo (it's an E, but it's also a plug) and the outer circles are the 'gauges' from the dashboard. The left side is the e-power, the right side is how much battery you have left. And those are divided in exactly the amount of dashes you see in the visual 😃
  12. @3D-Pangel: haha, funny! But I wonder: how does that work.. A fish in a cage? 😄 @natevplas: when my wife is in the office here, all the cats are in the office as wel. One is on her lap, the other on her keyboard and the other two on the desk 🙄 Another project for fun: We bought a new car last year, an electric mini. Way too expensive for what it is, the range they say it has is a total lie, but other than that, a really fun little car! Unfortunately, they only had this available in 6 boring colors, so the plan is to have it wrapped this year, covered with stupid characters I made! To test what it's going to look like, I made the car in 3d and made a bit of an industrial background for it: the electric logo in neon (first try in neon, never did that before)
  13. Thought it might be fun to start a new thread with all kinds of stuff I'm working on or have worked on. So for starters: cats. I didn't want any pets. My wife wanted a dog. So now, we have 4 cats, 7 chickens and the dog is on it's way. The two ducks we once had, disappeared. We still think they're on a beach somewhere on a holiday or something. But anyway, the cats are all retarded and fun and each of them have their own little character. Bailey is a real lady. Looks at everyone like she's going to kill them, but doesn't hurt a fly and is actually the sweetest of all. Storm thinks he's invisible, and the only thing he does is sleep and eat cables. Preferably iPhone cables and computer cables. I really don't like that little habit of his. Then there's Flash. I once saw him on the side of the road. He looked at me, I looked at him. And I thought: 'I wonder how long it'll take before that cat is in our house..' The next day, our son came home and yelled: 'LOOK WHAT I FOUND!'. It was the cat. DAMNIT! =D My wife absolutely loves him, very cuddly and playful. And he loves food. ANY food. Finally there's Cookie, who doesn't know how to drink from a waterbowl. So for almost the entire day, he sits in the sink, meows the whole time until someone opens up the tap so he can drink from there. So that was my inspiration for these funny characters!
  14. kingcoma

    Big Bear Inn

    I forgot to say: I have disabled the trees (cloners) because it tends to get a bit slow when these are enabled. You can enable them in the 'landscape' tab in the attributes manager. Dito about the grass (hair)
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Complete .psd file incl. layers. This file was my final entry for the 'cosy tavern' competition. For educational purposes only. ©kingcoma.com
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Complete scene of my entry for the 'cosy tavern' competition. This file is for educational purposes only. Models and textures cannot be used in any other way. ©kingcoma.com
  17. Always lame when someone asks for the 3d files. If this wasn't part of the deal or job in the first place, or this hasn't been negotiated in the beginning, it's always trouble. I've had a very nice client who loved my sketches of a character, and he wanted to buy the intellectual rights for that. We agreed on a price, set up the paperwork and both parties were happy and content. I also had another client asking for a 3d source file, and if I didn't hand it over, their client wouldn't pay the bill they owed to my client(about 40k bill) which put me in a position I didn't really had a choice. If I didn't give them the file, I would lose a very good client of mine, and they didn't get their 40k bill paid by their client. After several of these incidents I decided to talk to a lawyer who specializes in copyright and they made a terms of agreement, which I always forward to my clients. This did cost me quite a lot of money, but I was really sick of those questions and being put against a wall. Also, when you say 'additions' or alterations to your model, that is something you have to agree upon. If you don't want to have any alterations or additions to your design or model, they can't , unless they have your approval for that (and your approval of the outcome they produce). You could say you'll be happy to make these additions or alterations for maybe a bit lower price for them, or that you have no trouble fixing things for them to keep the same level of quality. When you give your source files away, who knows who's going to work on them and what they might do to it (and destroy your work). If you have a very specific style, this could be a bad thing for your reputation. Others might recognize your style, but maybe not the amount of detail they're used to. IF you decide selling the files, make a very good price for yourself. When the client has the source files, they can make countless more things with it, visuals, animations, anything YOU could be doing for them at a fraction of the cost of the source files. But to answer your question a bit more to the point (sorry, I get carried away when these questions pop up): it depends. Who's the client, how big is the client (only local, national, international), are you selling just the files, but not the intellectual rights, and so on. The sketch I talked about in the beginning of this post, went away for 25k (for just a sketch and the intellectual property). Another 3d model went away for about 6k, without the intellectual property. So it varies. And again, always go for the 'no, I'll be happy to do it for you!'
  18. My agent asked me to make a simple, fun animation. 'Something with an astronaut' was the complete and very detailed briefing.. =D So I made him this: Agent very happy now! ^^
  19. Nice! Really digging the nuclear blast and wave!
  20. kingcoma


    Awesome! I'll have a look at it. I've heard many good things about redshift (my agent was also bragging about it) so maybe it's time to jump on the wagon ^^ Guess I just have to wait a bit when there are drivers for Mojave.. As for backups: of course I make backups =D But it's always lame to go back to a previously saved thing, and trying to find everything back.
  21. kingcoma


    I read about those eGPU's yesterday, and also read about that script via terminal. They did say you should make a back up of everything, just in case. A bit scary, as I have a pretty constant flow of commissioned jobs. And I run Mojave, but I reckon there will be Nvidia drivers pretty quickly for that. And this was a personal project, so time didn't really matter. That's why I rendered it on my old Mac on the side, so I could continue working on my new Mac. For commercial projects I try to keep the render times as low as possible, and if it's too much, I use a render farm instead. This works great, but like you said earlier, it costs me money, and download time. Which would be the best Nvidia card to have? There are so many! I'll have a look at corona too! Thanks for all the tips and info guys! =D
  22. kingcoma


    Ah yes. Nvidia. I have an iMac Pro, with an AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 16Gb card.. Would that work? 4 to 5 minutes in redshift? Versus 14h (on my old Mac Pro by the way!) physical? That's a HUGE difference! :O
  23. kingcoma


    Well, first, I'm not really that technical, so cpu, gpu, such and such, no idea. Second, I have a lot of versions of cinema4d, but at the moment, I'm very happy with R18. I've had a lot of problems with R19, crashed lots of times. Superlame. R20, with it's new material node system, completely new to me, so have to find some time to learn.. Third, time! I don't have any time to really get into it and do some tests and experiment =( And lastely, I'm not sure if it's my computer or my ability to get something good (Probably both =D), but it doesn't render that fast.. Is it THAT good, gpu rendering?
  24. kingcoma


    Thanks for the kind words, guys! =) @everfresh: I'm not the biggest hero when it comes to rendering, so I mostly use a combination of the physical renderer with GI and AO. There's also some SSS involved, which takes a lot of time preparing, and the hair and fur also needs quite some time to prep. I work on a 5K screen, which makes HD renders look ridiculously small. I tend to make things double that size nowadays.
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