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Everything posted by kingcoma

  1. kingcoma


    FINALLY! Finished a new personal project! It took me quite a while to get started, was flooded with commissioned work, had lots of other stuff to do around the house, and had a bit of an artist block (lame!) Anyway, hope you like it! Also made a 'making of' so you can have a look how it was made. M
  2. kingcoma


    Thanks, man. Last year was extremely superbusy work-wise, not much time for personal work. And if I had time, been struggling a bit with an artist block =( Hope to post something new soon!
  3. kingcoma


    Lookin' good as always! =) I like the shape, and the simplicity of it (in shape and mesh) I think it's even possible to have him stand on all 4 feet this way. IF you're going to animate him of course ^^ Funny btw, I work exactly the same as you do!
  4. I actually never use the polygon pen :/ I just use the snap function, put points on it, and bridge those. Works like a charm for me.
  5. Hey, that's a great little tip there! I didn't know that one about the clipping =D Nice little project! I don't want to know what the inside of the 5 would look like when trains and cars all come together ^^ Fun!
  6. kingcoma

    Barry BBQ

    fun character! Gotta love the details, especially second picture, left character =D Ha!
  7. Ha, exactly! I do have a little holiday planned for the summer (Dominican Republic!) so I think I'll live =D
  8. A rock? No. A big ass pile of work? Yes. And still am ^^
  9. Thanks for the kind words, guys! =) @Alec: I've made a small mini-tutorial on how to create hair from an object. Eventually I didn't use this technique, gave me a too much Elvis / James Brown look.
  10. FINALLY had some time to make something fun again! =D Added some screenshots whlie making this. hope you like it!
  11. You guys are the best! =D Decade, thanks for the additional screenshots! Gonna give it a try tomorow. *edit: gave it a try and everything works perfectly! =D Still figuring out how that step size thing works, but really happy with what I got so far! I've attached the file, in case anyone is interested. Pointers or extra tips are always welcome! LED screen xpresso.zip
  12. Hi there =) I made this little guy yesterday, and as you can see, the screen / face is made of LED's. The eyes / mouths / messages on the screen are made with alpha maps (thought that would be easiest way?) Planning on rigging and animating this, but I don't know how to set up that screen. I've made a couple of textures (different eyes, different mouths, etc) so I'm thinking of making an xpresso controller, which lets you drag the texture in a field, which you can keyframe. That's one thing. The other thing is, I should also be able to control the xyz of that texture.. The eyes for example have to move up and down, left and right (one LED at a time) I could do all this manually, but that's very time consuming and not handy at all. Attached is the screen LED's with a texture on it. Any thoughts or a link to get me on the way? Thanks for your time! Kingcoma screen LED.zip
  13. Hi Vector, You're right about the wireframe underneath it. In the new version, some have the same principle, but it just fades in and out. (use the arrow keys) Others have a different image or something else, it's always a surprise! =D
  14. Heyhey! Got a lot of things going on, and wanted to share some new stuff =) Couple of weeks ago I was sitting outside, looking and listening to birds. This probably makes me sound like an old man, but anyway! All of a sudden I heard this really stupid trumpet-like sound, and I thought: 'That's a weird bird.' After a couple of minutes listening to it, I realised it was a kid playing with a trumpet. Realising I was an idiot, I thought: 'What would a bird look like when it made such a stupid trumpet sound?' So I present to you: The Bluefeathered Airhornbird! =D I have him rigged aswell, and have an idea for a supershort animation, explaining why this little guy is allmost completely extinct. Also, I have updated my site, which is completely new! Hooray! Lots of new characters, client work, and new and FREE 3d models to download! Have a look!
  15. Made an awesome pelican with feathers using hair!

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