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Everything posted by BigAl3D

  1. Yes they are Mac guys and since Stephan was asking about how fast those Mac might be, made sense to learn the details. Your viewport test is impressive. That has been one of the biggest bottle-necks for C4D on the Mac. Would have been nice to see a Corona example though, since we're in the Corona forums. I will assume Vray might show similar results to Corona, except that Vray is a very mature product.
  2. The guys over at Max Tech on YouTube have three of them shipping soon. They do crazy detailed, real-world tests of anything you can want to know. In fact, they've already done some comparisons on the ASSUMPTION that the chips will scale by doubling etc, but there is some question at whether the Mac Studio may run a little faster since it will have more power. The point to a cooling system made from copper instead of aluminum which is a better conductor. We'll see soon. Of course, there is the looming Mac Pro which should be shown during the summer. Fingers crossed.
  3. Ha nice. Reminds me of my second computer when I was young, the Atari 800XL. This baby came JAMMED with 64k RAM of raw power. Before that, I had the Atari 400 with, yes this is true, 4k of RAM. The number four. Not four thousand. Just four. haha
  4. So your biggest issue is finding ready-to-use models of rooms and bathrooms and the parts within? Are you using a specific render engine?
  5. BigAl3D

    Mr. Spock Caricature

    Love these! I have a model suggestion for you. I would love to see you model Cad Bane from the Star Wars universe. In case you are unfamiliar, you can check out these. I really like the Boba Fett version though. Cad Bane
  6. I'll admit I did not read all the replies. I was wondering if anyone has thought to use Dynamic Connectors for some of these parts? Wouldn't they remain fixed, but allow for motion in the direction you choose? Just curious if this angle would work.
  7. I remember seeing all those uses for the newly learned Lathe tool and thinking, "I can make that!". Might have been the second thing I tried to make after a wine glass. Kiwi's design is very cool.
  8. I found the video I origianally saw. Odd to see Jordan Peele here, but whatever. Keep in mind this was 2016. Six years is a lot of dev time.
  9. Plus, I remember seeing an Adobe tech demo with a piece of software where you can have a recording of someone's voice then it creates the text. You can then cut, move and, move disturbingly, add totally NEW text and it creates the new audio from the existing voice in the other text. It was very convincing. This was a few years ago, so maybe they buried it for fear of potential abuse. Imaging if you use that audio tech plus a metahuman of a real world leader and have them say anything you want. Scary.
  10. All of use use C4D for mostly specific types of work. This mean there are 10 new tools for each version that some will never use, but that ONE tool will change their workflow and save them tons of time. That is worth a lot. To THAT individual. Just reading this thread reinforces my statement. It's good to know that certain new tools are available in case you might need it one day. I don't think anyone knows exactly what you make in C4D so how could they say "Yes. THIS tool will change your life!" My 3D two cents.
  11. This period of Tom and Jerry was so good in every way. I think this era was Chuck Jones handy-work. Look at this image. So good. So scary. So maniacal. He's creating the ultimate poison potion to KILL Jerry. I don't know any one that was damaged watching these cartoons. The world is turning a bland and drab grey.
  12. @hvanderwegenThat was a great history lesson. Thanks for that. I agree about the transition from look at this new toy, to quality output. I compare it to my early days as a graphic designer in the late 80s and early 90s. The "desktop publishing" revolution. New software and Postscript laser printers made it possible to ANYBODY to "design" their own brochure and newspaper ad. It was bad, until the actual designers learned how to use the new technology and, like a fine cream, rose to the top and left the desktop people to dry. It was rough. The prepress facilities, magazines and newspapers had so many of those desktop people send them garbage that looked terrible and didn't output correctly, it took a few years for them to trust people like me. With these Road Runner cartoons, while I do love them, lack the attention to detail the animators put into the originals as you so clearly outlined. Whenever I would watch a TV show based on a 3D animated feature film, the first thing you see is no 3D hair and lots of baked-in lighting. Also, a lot of very fast motion with some blur to hide the corners that were cut. Some of the shows were still good because the acting and the writing was still good. Maybe a fun project would be to just match in 3D, EXACTLY, an original cartoon just to see the difference. @CerberaThanks for sharing!
  13. The most interesting trend I see is almost all the main players are adding hooks into the Unreal Engine. Even apps that already have great rendering. I just saw today that Houdini now has a direct path to Unreal. Very interesting.
  14. Funny how many products around the world use the word Maxon. Here's a nugget I found. "Initially, Cinema 4D was developed for Amiga computers in the early 1990s, and the first three versions of the program were available exclusively for that platform. With v4, however, Maxon began to develop the application for Windows and Macintosh computers as well, citing the wish to reach a wider audience and the growing instability of the Amiga market following Commodore's bankruptcy. "
  15. Have to admit, Blender looks better and better as time goes on. I always have it on my system in case I might need it for something that C4D can't do. Sadly, Cycles X isn't supported on Mac yet (3.1 will support METAL), but I did render that scene The Junk Shop just for grins using Cycles in 3.0. That's a pretty complex scene with many effects and DoF. I'm using a 2017 iMac Pro 18-core. That thing rendered in :49 seconds! I feel that's very good considering my setup. I know I've seen Cycles X crank out scenes like that in :15 sec., but they're also using 2 o 3 of the latest VERY expensive GPUs. In a pinch, I would switch to Blender full time, especially since I don't work in a big-studio pipeline.
  16. Remember, many pros might be using iPad Pro or similar device with a pencil-like stylus. Can't imaging many people are using their fingers most of the time.
  17. You will definitely learn a lot from the people here. Too bad you didn't know about it three years ago. Welcome.
  18. Looks like a similar list can be found here. Usually, the guys at Greyscale Gorilla have a deal for Black Friday, but I don't see it yet. https://www.actionvfx.com/blog/the-best-of-black-friday-2021-must-see-deals-for-vfx-artists
  19. Maybe it's been moved a new place, but I didn't see a render engine section anymore, so I'm posting this here. I watched this very well done and extensive look at all of the most popular render engines. It's done by Andrew Price, the Blender Guru, but he uses different apps if an engine isn't available in Blender. Lots of good info if you're on the fence as to which engine to choose. At least I thought so.
  20. Just saw this new Honda commercial. I'm going to guess this is 95% CG with a shot or two of real cars. Would love to know the software and/or render engine. I know it's the artist, but I always like to know. This is the studio that created it: https://makemakeentertainment.com/a52/reels/cg-reel/
  21. @srekI was a long-time Postforum user. Ha. Hadn't heard that site name in years.
  22. I think your test is very close to realistic. My only issue with maybe the gravity or mass of the particles. The chunks appear to made of lighter material than concrete. Aside from that, it looks great.
  23. Here's another one. I haven't purchased anything yet, but they have a decent selections of models. There are some of those janky DAZ "hot chick for guys that live in their mom's basement" models on there, plenty of other stuff too. https://www.renderhub.com/3d-models
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