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Everything posted by BigAl3D

  1. There is old post here on the Café from five years ago asking this question: But it was posted in the beginners section and got no love. I have this same question and thought it might be a job for a Python script. Having something like this could be very handy and save lots of time. Thanks.
  2. Holy smokes thanks for this! I had no idea they updated the Roll-It plug-in to work with modern 64-bit applications. It hadn't been updated for many years. Works great as long as you don't need any dynamics interaction.
  3. @HSrdelic Yes! I can see that link and the animated GIF playing on the page.
  4. I was aware of them, and am interested since will be able to get my Pixel Pusher fix that I've been missing from days gone by, but even the little previews you post on this thread only show and nowhere to click. Everyone should be able to see a teaser to entice them to buy the item. There is a link you posted telling people that they can find the lessons here, just shows an error. Maybe this error is the new problem you have discussed. Not sure. Sorry, there is a problem You do not have permission to view this content. Error code: 2F173/H
  5. @HSrdelic How would one subscribe to these master classes?
  6. I had previously tested the Teacup scene in r19 using the new ProRender on my Mac Pro. It finished in about 10 min. 40 sec. I updated and tried it again and it finished in 4 min. 24 sec. That's a nice improvement. Good job. P.S. Just realized I need to update my profile. Where is the edit button in my settings?
  7. Just posted my final animation in the Corona Club section. I really like the Corona Renderer. It's CPU based, but it's fast and looks great.
  8. Are you looking for something like this? https://nitro4d.com/product/animidi/
  9. Just saw this short video on the Greyscale Gorilla Slack channel. Pretty fascinating where it all began. I definitely remember seeing graphics like this all over TV. The Last Analog Motion Graphics Machine
  10. You are very kind. Thank you sir. By the way, you never need to say small. Every little bit helps.
  11. I wouldn't normally post something like this here, but I got the go-ahead to do so. No pressure. Just wanted to pass this around to see if I can drum up some more donations. The GoFundMe link below, is for my niece Kayla, who lost almost everything to Hurricane Irma in Key West. If you can help out great. If you can’t right now that’s fine. If you know of someone that might be in a position to help, feel free to pass the link along. Every little bit helps. No pressure at all. I’ll probably still like you if you’re unable to help. Probably. Thank you in advance. GoFundMe for Young Family
  12. I find it frustrating that when the new releases are announced, that a demo is not available the same day. Let us kick the tires a bit which may sway more people into wanting the upgrade after playing with the tools. Same complaint I always had with Apple showing off new products and working people into a fervor only to have him say "You will be able to purchase this in the fall."
  13. Well, through the font setting in Chrome, I was able to override the font being shown to Myriad Pro Web. Might have been an Apple font, but sure. Easier to read now. I saw in the code to this page the font Oxygen is specified, which is indeed a san serif font. I wasn't seeing it on my end though, just a typical serif font like Times. Could be that I don't have the font Oxygen installed and so Chrome went to the default font. Not sure.
  14. @Igor I like this new theme. My only concern is the font color. It's borderline dark or at least the secondary darker text is. Since I'm talking text here, in my opinion (over 20 years graphic design), web fonts, in particular smaller text like this, is better with a sans serif font. Much cleaner and easier to read.
  15. Always two there are. A master and an apprentice.
  16. Yeah, I watched this video before it was pulled. The Sound Effector will now use just about any sound format, including an MP4 video he imported and it just pulled the audio. Nice. The other thing that was way more intuitive was the graph. You basically draw a box wherever you want the effector to do its thing. The graph changed color when the sound waves were within its boundaries. Helpful. The box shape was being changed as it was playing. I think there was an option to type in frequency range as well. Let's see, when you import a sound, it automatically adds a special track with the sound attached or maybe this was just adding sound in general. Right now, you have to create a special track, then assign a specific type of .wav file to it. That's all I can recall. I'm sure there will be many other nice new features coming our way.
  17. I thinks it's a good thing. A "teaser trailer" if you will. They do it with Star Wars, why not MAXON?
  18. Maybe I'm late to the party, but Cineversity's Vimeo channel just published this little diddy. It talks about the new improved sound effector in r19. Since when does MAXON talk about anything before it's announced?
  19. @mattbowden Very nice work for such a short time in 3D! The camera work is also excellent, but I suppose you have a lot of expertise in that area.
  20. That's pretty awesome. Interesting that it's the math teacher, but I guess it gets the students engaged and breaks the ice.
  21. Sign me up for this section! Oh wait, I'm already signed up.
  22. @everfresh Ha! Maybe you can get a goat? I would like to go fishing in your puddle, I mean pond. At least, I hope you have fish in there or you have lots of mosquitoes.
  23. Can we assume your flyby was just over and around the structures and not inside them? Now THAT would be too much work. You got beat by someone that is desperate for any work at all, or by a company that has a room-full of modellers that can crank it out quickly. Hell, they could be outsourcing to India or Malaysia for all you know. I lost out on a steady side client doing videos for TV. He found a new company that would do them for half of what I was charging and my price was already very low. I decided that I couldn't justify the work and late nights for half the money and away they went. I definitely missed the money, but my quality of life was better for it.
  24. @everfresh Yeah, my lawn looks great from certain angles until you get up close and walk on it. Then you see all the brown spots, bare spots, weeds and bumps. You know what? My neighbor's grass has the same problems.
  25. I just followed the tutorial posted here recently by C4D Jed and his trick was to have low-poly dummy objects that handle all the dynamics, then you make your high-poly car a child of the various parts and restrict the Dynamics from influencing the child. It works great and you can watch your car zoom around in all it's high-poly form.
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