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Everything posted by srek

  1. You are overestimating the number of available developers. If we were to post such specific job offers we would find no one. MAXON is very flexible in who we employ, so we can get those that fit the company, not only those that match a specific profile.
  2. UX design goes a good deal beyond thinking about feature improvements, it is however a part of our job. A list of improvement ideas is commendable and certainly useful, but on it's own not that much. The bigger problem is finding someone who is able to take seemingly disparate and clashing things and make them work together in a usefull way. The biggest challenges i get as a UX designer for MAXON is to have certain technical options and limitations and quite different user expectations or worse existing workflow paradigmas that clash with the technical necessities. It can be a fun challenge though :) By any means, apply for this, or any other of the job offers, but if possible go beyond what you showed with the list. Cheers Björn
  3. The help is in the making, unfortunately the english translation isn't finished yet. The german help is available though.
  4. This can be done using asset node materials in R20. You can store single nodes or complete materials in an own asset database and use these assets in any number of scenes.
  5. srek

    Cinebench Update?

    The Open GL Benchmark is a lot more dependent on the specific scene setup than the rendering benchmark, this is mostly due to it also being dependent heavily on single core CPU performance.In the end iIt is more of a compatibility test than an optimal measure for performance. You can see this in the way Cinebench is used by websites and magazines, the OGL benchmark is barely used at all, while the rendering benchmark is among the most used.
  6. srek

    Cinebench Update?

    Benchmarks need to be updated when they have to be adjusted to support new hardware. They are about supported hardware features and how efficient they are used, not about features of the software itself. Cinebench has its niche not because it is always including some new software features, but because it is a very reliable benchmark for high core count CPUs. Updating benchmarks often without a technical need only leads to problems since all old testresults are incomparable to the new ones. Cinebench will be updated as needed.
  7. Single rays can be shot, where and what you do with them is mostly up to you. On the left the Context node delivers all current render/shading context data, the Ray node in the middle tells you what kind of ray is currently being processed. On the right side is the Trace Ray node that allows you to cast an own ray. I don't know what kind of sampling scenarios you have in mind. Additonaly to the Trace Ray node you also have Ambient Occlusion for sampling If i remember correctly there were examples for rounded edge shaders build by testers, however due to licensing restrictions we can't provide any of these. Current sampling methods only work for surfaces, not volumes, however you can do some effects that take object thickness into account by casting rays inside of them. This is not a SSS replacement though but might be good for some interesting effects. I used this for X-Ray effects and similar. I think you will be able to tell if this is interesting for you or not, once the Demo becomes available.
  8. QFA I have been using R20 Volumes for modeling for some months now and i basically switched completely to it for 3D printing purposes.
  9. Currently the new nodes are only used by the node based materials.
  10. I had the pleasure of attending a MAXON core developer meeting that Dave joined, he and the devs were talking shop that my ears bled ;)
  11. Harald, Uwe and Horry started the company together as friends and they are leaving the company together as friends, knowing that they achieved something unique and worthy. Since they were heavily involved in finding a successor they were able to make sure to put someone in this position who they think can not only maintain what they achieved but push it further. Nemetschek could have sold MAXON for a long time, they didn't and the current situation is the result of a decision to work closer together instead of separating. Dave was in a well established postion at Adobe, he choose to jump into much deeper water and in the few days i have been working with him here in the office i can say that i am very much looking forward to things to come.
  12. Christmas is just about to come around again, why change now? ;)

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