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Everything posted by srek

  1. That also helps if you were to use scene motion blur or change the frame rate.
  2. You are absolutely right, i made a serious mistake in the setup by manipulating the position, i was somehow stuck in TP mindset and thought about adding to velocity.
  3. The userdata value is the added velocity per second. Acceleration is defined as change of speed over time, so yes, the Userdata value is acceleration 😉
  4. In the attached scene you can see how to control the position by using an animated acceleration value (Userdata). Due to a check for difference in scene time this setup will not change the position on a simple refresh. Xpresso Acceleration_0001.c4d
  5. I like the idea, though i fear i can't contribute much over all i would like to kick it off with this Antiprism setup Any D>=3 is supported, the setup does not generate UVs. Antiprism.c4d
  6. Check the attached file, it creates a simple grid of cloned ciubes, each with a noise deformer. The seed of the noise deformer is switched depending on a condition (Distance to world zero). Other parameters are directly dependent on the distance, similar to blending in MoGraph. There are comments on some nodes for clarification. Hope this helps Clone Parameters 01.c4d
  7. Variadic is i.e. a Gradient port, where you can add any number of sub ports defining the knots.
  8. srek

    XPresso & CSV File

    The most powerful way to use CSV in Cinema 4D is using the import data node in the scene nodes. There is a Bar Chart asset that you can use in the objetcmanager, or you can create an own setup. Please find attached an example on how to do it yourself. Data Import.zip
  9. srek

    Nodes Comparison

    A bit useless but nice looking, a wire torus primitive. The file includes a group that was used to define the asset. The asset can be used within the scene nodes/Scene Manager, or as a capsule in the Object Manager. Spline Torus 03.c4d
  10. The solution i meant only works within scene nodes. Please note the post was from Early this year when we did not have capsules that can interact with the object manager.
  11. From my POV it is less about capabilities, Scene Nodes are plenty capable, but a streamlined workflow. Capsules are a major facette, but not the final thing.
  12. At this time scene nodes are still a tech demo, not a release feature. Nevertheless you can find some nice stuff from Maxon trainers on YouTube.
  13. Sorry for the lack of information, it was more important to get the fix out than to do everything by the book.
  14. srek

    Nodes Comparison

    It works just as well with a standard material
  15. srek

    Nodes Comparison

    That was easy, i just followed the help on Baking displacement
  16. srek

    Nodes Comparison

    The ear is a standard example i think from Arnold, it has overhangs. https://docs.arnoldrenderer.com/display/A5AFMUG/Vector+Displacement I actually have no idea what the process would be to bake the displacement map from geometry, that is not my area of expertise.
  17. srek

    Nodes Comparison

    What is the difference to the Displacement Mapping in Cinema 4D?
  18. srek

    Previous position

    The memory node allows access to previous states. It works just like the Loop Carried Value, but iterates over time.
  19. srek

    Nodes performance :)

    They should work, maybe upload the scene?
  20. Those came much later, at that time it was mostly Babylon 5 DVDs and similar.
  21. He was still alive when 23 was released, i would not call that unfortunate
  22. ZZ was one of the two people i worked most with when i joined Maxon over 20 years ago. Our office was the one people came to when they needed a smile and a laugh, or a couple of sarcastic comments 😉
  23. You best bet is likely to set your google search for 2010-2015 and start looking for tests and comparisons. CG Society goes back quite a few years and they did not archive old stuff afaik, it is still available.
  24. XSI was one of the best pieces of software, unfortunately it was bought and discontinued by AD a while ago. It would still compare favorable with current 3D DCCs, but you can't get it anymore.
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