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Everything posted by srek

  1. Currently the new nodes are only used by the node based materials.
  2. I had the pleasure of attending a MAXON core developer meeting that Dave joined, he and the devs were talking shop that my ears bled ;)
  3. Harald, Uwe and Horry started the company together as friends and they are leaving the company together as friends, knowing that they achieved something unique and worthy. Since they were heavily involved in finding a successor they were able to make sure to put someone in this position who they think can not only maintain what they achieved but push it further. Nemetschek could have sold MAXON for a long time, they didn't and the current situation is the result of a decision to work closer together instead of separating. Dave was in a well established postion at Adobe, he choose to jump into much deeper water and in the few days i have been working with him here in the office i can say that i am very much looking forward to things to come.
  4. Christmas is just about to come around again, why change now? ;)

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