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Everything posted by srek

  1. While i understand the sentiment it would mean that each and every feature request would need to be assigned to a development item, which is a huge load of work especially since most of the time the descriptions and requested function do not fully match the development goal.
  2. We do listen and we even like to listen. Beside issues of timing and development priorities there are a couple of reasons why seemingly straight forward things sometimes take ages. The biggest issue is that there are as many opinions on how stuff should work out there as there are users. Some have slightly diverging ideas, others just plain want the opposite. Derriving at a solution that will serve most without alienating many is hard work and costs a lot of time. Another big issue i that many ideas simply go against the technology behind it. We can't implement them without braking other stuff. Our continued work on the new core has helped adressing a host of issues already, but it can't solve everything. A very time consuming issue is that many of the small issues have pretty big consequences and just making sure we are not making things worse costs a huge amount of time. So please keep ideas coming, be it via the hopefully soon available again webform, trade shows, support mails or even on the forums. But please understand that we can't react indivudally to every input we get, it would add quite a bit to our workload and delay things further.
  3. srek

    The end of MSA

    Please be aware that if you updated any older license to a newer version the old license became invalid.
  4. I found this to be effectively unsolvable for me. Determining the point, or better line, of contact between cogwheel teeth is amazingly complex. It was fun to read up on this, but utterly out of scope of my math skills to make use of. For round cogwheels i simply use the number of teeth to get the ratio, for any other kind of gear i would go with Dynamics as well 🙂
  5. Love it 🙂 the pyramidal setup makes me think that it might be possible to control the oscillation of the top cogwheel by combining specific control cogwheels to achieve a specific curve, maybe even a sound curve 🙂
  6. If you live in europe the indie version is not available, even in the US the limitations are rather strict so it is much more of a marketing gimmik than an actual product. Given the frequency with wich the offer is quoted unquestioned on Cinema 4D forums Autodesk marketing has done a superb job at very little cost.
  7. "Aquire" since MAXON is the larger entity and effectively gains Red Giant. And again, it is not MAXON handing over any money, it is an investment by Nemetschek. For Nemetschek 70 Millions aren't peanuts, but also not something to worry about if they see a sound investment opportunity. Just because a number looks enormous to you, and me, it does not mean that it is within the context.
  8. Red Giant is a lot larger than Redshift was and they are very profitable.The value of a company is determined by the value of its assets and the money they make. In both Red Giant is a lot larger than Redshift but not as large as MAXON. This is not a buyout by MAXON like with Redshift but a merger. That means the deal is between the owners of the two companies, not the two companies themself. For that reason neither does MAXON pay for Red Giant, nor does Red Giant get any money. The ownership is changing and the transfer of value is in relation to the value of the new merged company and the way the ownership is split between the parties. Since the Red Giant owners will only own 15% of the combined company in the future, instead of 100% of Red Giant, they are receiving money to compensate. So no, MAXON is not cash strapped at all, on the contrary, we just merged with a company that is not only very good at making software, but also very good at making profits. Please don't spread unfounded rumors.
  9. Having a web server behind the help gives us a lot more options in the way the help content is provided and what we can offer. As such it is the base for furthe rimprovements on the help. The Online only situation is just a temporary thing. I honestly did not expect it to be such a big issue.
  10. The thing is, the old system was a pretty simple display of HTML pages/files. To go forward with this we needed a webserver behind the help, something that is best done online, like with 21. To make this functionality available offline you need a local webserver, something that comes with an own set of baggage. All in all not a simple thing to resolve to everyones agreement, but as Rick said, we are working on it 🙂
  11. It seems the distributor messed up by not canceling your MSA in time. Maybe get in contact With MAXON HQ in germany to clear this up.
  12. No need to flood, MyMaxon in it's current shape is the first step and we are planning to do much more with it, it's a lot of work though.
  13. These are two separate issues. The Application Activity is something 100% separated from customer data, thus the full anonymization. These two things are internally handled on two separate platforms, there is no way for us to connect one with the other. Customer data by its definition can not be anonymous. DSGVO and the international equivalents restrict the collection and use of customer data to the point that only data relevant to the service we give is allowed to be stored. I.e. we are not allowed to ask for your marriage status or similar, that has no relevance at all to our business relation to you. With data we are allowed to collect there come clear restrictions on what we can do with it. While we can e-mail you on business matters, we can not e-mail you to lets say promote a third party item or even give your e-mail to third parties. Anything beyond direct business relations has to be approved by you. You will find a very ugly example on this kind of requests for approval in basically all social media platform eulas. Privacy and data protection laws are something we take extremely serious.
  14. Application Activity is completely anonymized. When we introduced this a couple of years ago we went through great lengths to comply to european law and as a result we don't have a clue at all what person is behind the collected data. To the point that if someone would invoke their right of information on stored data we can not comply, since only the user can do this via the Web Data button. On the other hand the collected data is an important source of knowledge to us on how Cinema 4D is used. Design and Development rely on this kind of information to do a good job. By allowing us to get this data you are actively helping making Cinema 4D a better application. Noone is forced to agree to this data collection, there are no repercussions at all if you switch it off, except maybe that we have a less well defined idea on how we can make Cinema 4D better. So thank you to everyone who participates, this is much appreciated!
  15. R20, or even any specific version or feature, didn't have much of an impact on the decision. This is about the over all usefulness and what it helped to create, not about some specific features.
  16. MAXON announced the change to the SDK pretty early so maybe it is just this prolonged time that makes you notice this. Competitors never announce this because it is just part of every release.
  17. If by stable you mean consistent over time then the C4D SDK is maybe the most stable in the industry. Practically all competitors have changes in the SDK that requires at least a recompile with every major release. The Cinema 4D SDK is usually stable over many years, additions to it don't make a recompile neccesary. It is only every other blue moon, like with R20, that the changes are so substantial that at least a recompile, if not code adjustments, are necessary. The perception of instability is due to the long time of stability, not the actual changes.
  18. The result node can show you values per frame, for multiple values per frame use the print node asset.
  19. About 30 seconds that will help us to know what you want. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfTSisNMlEEzmDMRlwaaOUWxmv1bXSElaMF6oUPBg2gxRXc6A/viewform?fbclid=IwAR1ZNh7vIrpsvet8QJ8VCD7Vx7RT6NSb5tlJsO7DJqjXPeTkwdsF901vQtA Thank you :)
  20. The Iterator is nothing to fear, check the attached scene. Select the Xpresso tag to see the bool that controls all cubes Enable-Iterator.c4d
  21. You can use a list iterator instead of doing each object nod eindividually.
  22. The COFFEE Nodes are used in the softbox setups you are using
  23. All interviews are usually held by one person from HR and at least the head of the hiring department. This ensures that it is not always the same people doing the interviews. From personal experience, as a cat person ;) , i can say that even within every department people here are quite diverse regarding personality and background. Please don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that we are all a happy little Family from the 50s, there are conflicts and clashes, but the important thing is that we tend to work well together.
  24. Yeah, they even took on idiots like Hrvoje, Igor or me ;)
  25. There is no personality type we are looking for. If you could see the current range of personalities that are working here you would know.
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