Red Giant is a lot larger than Redshift was and they are very profitable.The value of a company is determined by the value of its assets and the money they make. In both Red Giant is a lot larger than Redshift but not as large as MAXON. This is not a buyout by MAXON like with Redshift but a merger. That means the deal is between the owners of the two companies, not the two companies themself. For that reason neither does MAXON pay for Red Giant, nor does Red Giant get any money. The ownership is changing and the transfer of value is in relation to the value of the new merged company and the way the ownership is split between the parties. Since the Red Giant owners will only own 15% of the combined company in the future, instead of 100% of Red Giant, they are receiving money to compensate.
So no, MAXON is not cash strapped at all, on the contrary, we just merged with a company that is not only very good at making software, but also very good at making profits. Please don't spread unfounded rumors.