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Everything posted by srek

  1. srek

    Nodes Road Map

    Yes, different to ICE, Scene Nodes are not an immediate solution, they are a glimps into the future. Don't be fooled by the small number of assets though, the nodes you see are just the tip of the iceberg. On coding level there is another layer of nodes available to programmers and many of the non asset nodes in 23 are actually still assets, but build one level lower. Of course these will not appeal to non developers, but it should make thinks more interesting and easier for plugin developers in the future.
  2. srek

    Nodes Road Map

    You can have what has been developed and that is what has been included in 23. Tech Demo means that we give it to customers before it is in a complete state. We do not expect it to be of commercial value to you. It is a glimps into what is coming, not the final product. As such it is simply to early to talk about the availability of this or that feature. It was made absolutely clear that scene nodes are the base for the future, not the present.
  3. srek

    Nodes Road Map

    I am not in a position to post roadmaps and i doubt that Dave will go into any real details here, but it is safe to say that future Cinema 4D will have a foundation in what currently is the scene nodes. If you think "What will be supported by nodes?" you are looking at it the wrong way, Scene nodes are the base, not an add on.
  4. There are no fees, Cinema 4D is free for educational purposes, for students as well as institutions. As for the goals of a new CEO, you can also say thanks to Dave for turning up the heat on the new core, something that has a huge and very long term benefit for MAXON and all users. Lets face it, the old management did a good job, but they were resting on past success, something Dave simply does not. He pushes MAXON to stay relevant in the future. I have no idea if we will ever see a Cinema 4D Indie or not, but i think it is blown out of proportion currently.
  5. srek

    Nodes Road Map

    In the new context, that is currently in its infancy, the scene nodes will do everything Xpresso offers and immeasurably more. Whatever features future Cinema will have, they will be controllable by the node system.
  6. srek

    Nodes Road Map

    Just to make it clear, Scene Nodes can not and will not replace Xpresso, especially not in the context of old Cinema 4D scene setups. Within the new contex Scene Nodes go way beyond Xpresso since they define the complete behavior of this (sub)scene.
  7. srek

    Nodes Road Map

    Scene nodes come at the very end of the order of execution, they simply cant have any influence on the scene, otherwise they would need to be a part of the old object system, which they are meant to replace later on.
  8. Please get in contact with MAXON support. In some cases it can happen that the access was not enabled automatically.
  9. Not that i am aware, but you can check 23 itself and the help once it is available later today.
  10. Yes of course. Both normal and Node materials work. If you use node materials you can also control parameters of the material individually. Bottom image uses the same material for each sphere, upper image as well, but with the seed value of the material connected to the index of the cloned spheres. Of course you need 23 for the attached scene 🙂 Node Material 01.c4d
  11. You can apply Standard and Node materials to Scene Node geometry. It is even possible to control parameters of materials individually
  12. There is no R22. R indicates a version available to subscribers and perpetual users, S indicates a subscription only release. The numbering is continous. Pricing and 23 itself should become available later this day in the MAXON Shop.
  13. It is way to early, but there will be access to scene nodes for plugin developers and i fully expect them to make good use of it. The level of integration with the core was a lot better and deeper with ICE than it is currently for Bifrost. The difference is that Neutron does not use the core, it is the core. Even below the user acessible nodes there is another layer of coded nodes. Neutron / Scene nodes is more than you see in the node editor.
  14. ICE, similar to Bifrost, is working on top of the core of the main app, Neutron/scene nodes is different, it is way closer to houdini since it is not an addition to the system, but at its heart.
  15. I can’t and won’t comment on any prices or offers, simply because i don’t know them. Having said that, i don’t expect anyone will be badly surprised by what is coming with R23. Dave was very clear on to be expected pricing, he just couldn’t give an exact value at the time. In short, there is no need for concern.
  16. That information is from september 2019, a time where S22 was not expected to come out half a year later. I am still not sure how the idea of a R22 version as the coming version came into existence, but it has been made rather clear that there will be half yearly subscription releases and yearly perpetual releases. Since version numbers are always increasing this means the logical next release will have 23 as a number and will be released as subscription and perpetual, where, as Dave pointed out many times, holders of perpetual licenses can expect upgrade prices to be in the same price range as previous perpetual upgrades. Cheers Björn
  17. srek

    Odd Silence

    The situation wasn’t much different 20 years ago, there were always some going out of their way to help, and many to reap benefits without thanks or a second thought.
  18. srek

    Odd Silence

    You will not find the old scene again, but there were never more highly visible C4D users online than today. I have to say i miss the old times a bit, but the new ones aren’t bad either.
  19. srek

    Odd Silence

    We know where the scene has moved, it just isn't as large as it was in the past. If you take into account the followers of high level C4D users on social media i would guess that the numbers are higher than in the past, those people just aren't as active as many forums members were in the past. Maybe we just came to the point where Cinema 4D has become just one of the standard tools. I don't bother with visiting Photoshop, Office, or forums of other software i use, why should the majority of Cinema 4D users?
  20. srek

    Odd Silence

    I think that the forums have lost a lot of appeal in the last decade. MAXON User numbers are so much higher than at the high time of the forums, but noone (statistically) is interested in what happens in the forums, my guess is they are all to busy working. Social Media will account for some of this, but even then the disparity between paying customers and publicly visible customers is huge.
  21. It is Neutron, not Neutrino 😉 As was pointed out in the Live Session by Rick, Neutron uses the new modeling kernel. It is not available in an identical manner in the Tech demo though, but the quality and speed advantages are there. The use and display of high object/poly counts is possible due to two main things. The blazing speed of Neutron when it comes to processing them and the equalliy impressive speed of the new viewport that Rick demoed with the fishes. The new viewport is part of the Tech demo and like the rest of Neutron not a feature yet. As was shown in the webcast you can make use of objects modeled in classic Cinema 4D, like the Elephant, and modify them using Neutron.
  22. The new core is not a singular thing. All the development that went into it was also the base for Neutron, the two go hand in hand.
  23. A direct comparison to MoGraph would not be valid, but there is some overlap. For the time being Neutron is a Tech Demo, what it will become in the future we will see.
  24. CA is not in the scope of the tech demo, but i am confident that it will deliver sufficient performance.
  25. API for nodes is available to 3D party renderengine developers. I have no idea if and when this finds it way into more common uses.
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