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Everything posted by srek

  1. PRS operations on OpNodes/Objects are possible interactively in the viewport.
  2. 1. The stack is restricted to the functions included in the Scene Nodes, Symmetry is not part of that, though it is feasible to create an own symmetry function as an asset. 2. Viewport interactions are currently limited to PRS control of Op Nodes/Objects, but not polygons etc.
  3. One , very, big thing i forgot, the modeling stack is fully functional and allows for quite poweful procedural polygon modeling.
  4. Currently it allows a basic hierarchy based workflow to create cloning and deforming setups. Fields are not part of this and the effectors are partly a bit rudimentary. As a Tech Demo it is meant to create awareness of the flexibility of the new system. It is very easy for a user, or third party, to introduce new objects, effectors, distributions etc. that immediately fit seamless into the existing environment. Anyone can create and include new assets that provide new functionality and they behave like built in elements, provided the creator made the effort to implement them correctly. At this time i would not recommend using it for real projects, the main problem is not reliabitliy or ability, but interaction with older Cinema 4D parts. You are very restricted when it comes to rendering and especially compositing. If however you simply need a huge amount of polys animated it might do the job for you.
  5. That just doesn't work in writing on the internet outside of a super small group you know very well.
  6. srek

    Solar system simulation

    I checked for those as well, but i only found angles for observation by telescope, not orbit positions. You can easily find live displays for planetary positions, but they did not include the needed data, at least not the ones i found.
  7. srek

    Solar system simulation

    Yeah, sorry, that was my cat, the destroyer of worlds πŸ˜‰
  8. srek

    Solar system simulation

    Sorry, i just noticed i messed up inclination. You would need to set that up as an extra Null under the orbit.
  9. srek

    Solar system simulation

    Please find attached a version that might help you. It is directly based on scene time and one second animation time equals a day. On the Xpresso tags there are scaling options. I left out axial tilt since that would open up a whole different can of worms. Due to numerical precision issues i had to use orbital radius values 1/10 smaller than the actual values, km is just to small to measure a solar system πŸ˜‰ Hope this helps Solar_System_0001(R14).c4d
  10. srek

    Solar system simulation

    Do you really use R14? Please make sure to set the correct version. If you like you can send me your file and i add the Xpresso stuff i described.
  11. srek

    Solar system simulation

    I woul start with the average radius (distance to sun) of each object and either work in km scene units or scale everything down by the same factor. Place a Null for each object in the scene center (Sun) and place the object at the given radius. Then adjust the angle of the center null to the orbital inclination of each object. If you want to do the moon or moons of other planets just add them with the planet instead of the sun as center. Then you have to decide if you want to keyframe the rotation or control it via an expression. Personally i would go for an expression but both should work. Via Xpresso i would use three User Data fields to provide the starting angle (position on the path at a given start time, you should be able to get that from the ephemeris table), the angular velocity and a time scale factor to map the velocity to animation time. The expression itself is just the adding up of the velocity over time with a special case to set the angle back to start on frame 0. Good luck πŸ™‚
  12. srek

    Solar system simulation

    Do you want the real elliptical paths planets follow or circles? If you want ellipses you need to work out the math to describe each path. What data do you have and what degree of realism do you want to achieve? This can be anything from very simple hierarchical circle paths up to n body problems and anything in between.
  13. srek

    Solar system simulation

    Do you really want to simulate or rather animate? Simulation is a very different kind of beast than animation and in case of the solar system not actually that easy.
  14. I like it, more interesting people to work with πŸ™‚
  15. Check the attached example, it reads the points of a polygon, offsets them by a given vector and writes them back. This operates directly on the internal geometry data, there currently is no high level operation for this. Polygon Offset 01.c4d
  16. srek

    Damping pendulum

    Use a second range mapper to adjust the end angles over time
  17. srek

    Copyright release

    If they want it for an internal meeting make them an offer to create the needed content at a low rate but watermarked. Also watermark the hell out of it πŸ˜‰
  18. For me it was the end of the 90s an R5 Go. Followed by R7XL later on, about half a year later i started at MAXON and sold my license, i needed the money πŸ™‚ I never produced any artwork that saw professional use, the closest thing were some graphical elements i created for the website of the business of a friend. That was at a time when frames were still a thing with websites.
  19. It should be possible to create expressions for parametric objects that allow you to control their parameters to achieve a given size
  20. The scene nodes in R23 allow for driving individual parameters of clones.
  21. There is no clear line you could draw. While rendering is heavily multithreaded there are a few exceptions, the other way around interactive tools are very hard to multithread, but some functions still have parts that use it. This is all not a really important question though, not the way it was a couple of years ago. Modern CPUs have very high single core boost performance, enough to not have to look for single threading optimization. Just get a modern AMD or Intel CPU and be done with it. oh, and please ignore what is said about this in old threads, for one, it is mostly outdated, secondly, only very few people who have public opinions on this do know what they are talking about.
  22. Interesting, the node state on the left reflects how it would look like with Stream Mode disabled, the AM display on the right is incorrect as well. Make sure you have applied the latest update (only available as full install).
  23. Those examples are super helpfull for anyone who has a bit of a background in scripting or other node systems, beginners won’t find it much usefull.Batz, you are just not the target audience.
  24. srek

    Array from time

    Check out the memory node Edit: Writing data that changes over time to an array would be baking, something not supported on this level yet. If you need access to information outside of the current frame the memory node is the way to go.
  25. Adjusted version with an extra node to read single pixels Evaluate Bitmap 04.c4d
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