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Everything posted by bezo

  1. Looks find the problem. My attachments on 102 percent...I´ll try to clear something and ´ll see
  2. checked also on Chrome (default Firefox), no success...
  3. In both...I have only black area for text and in right bottom corner button "Insert other media" and nothing more. Before at bottom was separated place for draging attachments, now is missing... http://imageshack.cz/image/vYL for very short moment I see "Loading" with pin picture and then disapear... (when I click on "Reply to this topic" on the bottom of page)
  4. Looks like cann´t attach any file examples after update. Can write text messsage, but cann ´t attach file (only can select from all my attachments until now and paste it in current post)
  5. So, cherry from the cake is sweet, hope cake will taste great too...
  6. bezo

    SPETI and TINA

    Aah, found it...sorry...Looks like for SP1.5 was changed suffix names and changing it in Config tab resolve this problem. For example for color channel was defined "_BaseColor" but SP export texture with suffix "_Base_Color" Textures for _AO and _Ior wasn´t loaded because simply didn´t exists in import folder. Unchecking this channels in Config tab solve also this problem... ...clever plugin... So, all is fine, maybe little idea/suggestion for plugin... When plugin check import folder, will be nice to have in Config tab automatically enable only existing files (this maybe solve error message with non existing files) and user can simply check all kinds of textures import folder contains... ...plus "Clear log file" will be fine :-)
  7. bezo

    SPETI and TINA

    Hello Daniel, sorry for late post at first. As owner SP didn´t play with it too much because of old graphic card drivers and in some cases SP crash or not responding. Will be ready for production for me with new PC (hope in few weeks)... So, I was done some tests of importing texture sets into c4d materials, looks fine but there´s some issue with loading. Don´t know if my mistake or something with admin rights or what, but after import are textures loaded into new c4d materials, but system say "Windows System Error...System cann´t find this file" and I can see only black materials...But when I load textures manually, files are loaded without problems and works as expected... Must be loaded also geometry? (I mean object for assigning materials).Can be this problem? I was only tried to import textures sets from Hans example file from SP without geometry... As you can see in pictures, folder with textures is "real" and manually loaded texture is allready from that folder...
  8. bezo

    SPETI and TINA

    Hello Daniel, Thank you, it´s simply amazing. Plugins of this "workflow" kind are allways welcome. Cann´t wait more informations... Be sure, I´ll enjoy :-)
  9. Not bad idea, agree with Michael...
  10. bezo


    I´m owner of his plugin pack (contain all plugins) and from his site only half of them are "ported" to R17.
  11. bezo


    Hello Adam, Welcome on c4dcafe. Thank you for your great plugin. I´m very surprised how many great plugin developers come from France. As big fan of C4D also watch others c4d forums over the world, french boys from frenchcinema4d forum are one of the most active. You, César Vonc, Valkaari, Oli_d, xs_yann,ksaa and many others... With few of them I've been worked on projects and must say they are great ... Btw, please, do you know by the chance if xs_yann updated his plugins for R17 already? Thanks, Lubo
  12. Hello Nigel,

    Have you seen today´s Tour de Flanders? Peter Sagan was just amazing...

    What are you think about him?

  13. This is great Daniel, this kind of texturing workflow is missing in c4d for long time and really can improve workflow with other painting applications .(mean pretty fast, one click solution) Good luck with your job. Lubo
  14. looks like we are working on the same binoculars model...

    ..hmm....This is BATTLE !!!  :cowboypistol:






    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bezo


      Hello Jay,

      bottom side of binoculars I was seen somewhere on youtube. There is a few other parts of modeling work on bottom side (like battery slot/cover), but no time for doing that until deadline :-)

    3. Cerbera


      Why didn't I think of youtube ? :)

      Yeah, No time, hey - I didn't do the silly extrusion thing on the front right flap or the base. So how many hours would you say you threw at that ?

    4. bezo


      Don´t count the time, but daily about 2 hours in the late night (my real job is far away from C4D and I ´m busy for whole day) and about 5-6 hours for weekends...Yes, weekend´s afternoons I have more free time...

  15. simply Object manager switch to Structure manager and with selected point/points press Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+V for paste... be sure in Structure manager you are in point mode and your mouse pointer is over Structure manager... also you can use commands from Structure manager menu "Structure/Edit"... Somewhere in the past was plugin EasyClone directly for that (polygons also), now you can use new version of this plugin by xsyann (not compiled for R17 yet) http://www.xsyann.com/plugins/xsclone/
  16. Happy New Year to all people over the world

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