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Everything posted by bezo

  1. If box move isn´t an option, so it´s resulting in simpler code only ;-) The main objective was to show "way". In case of xpresso setup is "outside" of all related objects, this is like "main switch manipulator"
  2. or you can use simple coffee code (don´t worry, it´s very clear and can be edited anytime with other few lines (if more objects/tags ´ll be used)) expresso test_0001.zip
  3. Instead of range mapper can be used negate node for inverting input value (set as boole data type)
  4. bezo

    R18 is here :)

    Did you buy software from your local distributor or outside of your country (are on MSA)? My distributor (friendly guy´s from DigitalMedia) send me email when ending my MSA few months ago and immediately after release R18 send email about sending box to my address. Simply ask your distributor...
  5. Very nice combination 2D and 3D. Really love this kind of textures... Volumetric lighting and floaties are simulated or real?
  6. really nice animation, nice lighting and color selection...
  7. bezo

    R18 is here :)

    So, I'm back in the game :-) My physical copy came today while I was at work. (As I was mentioned differencies in size of boxes somewhere in previous post, must correct it...are the same size with R17, it was only optical "illusion" :-)) And what is inside? Note: tablet isn´t part of pack :-) So, the fun begins...
  8. bezo

    R18 is here :)

    This is known limitation of SSAO... (quote from manual) "Note that for technical reasons the world grid, world axis and the lines of other non-renderable elements that are shown in the Viewport will be seen as ,geometry’ by SSAO. These should be hidden in the Viewport (Filter menu), if necessary. Furthermore, ,paradoxical’ effects may occur: SSAO darkening can occur on a Floor object at the outer edges of the Viewport."
  9. bezo

    Easy Light Lister

    Thank you Adam for your plugin. Looks like great helper for lighting setups in scenes...
  10. bezo

    R18 is here :)

    Looks like I´m only man not playing with R18 this weekend... DHL don´t work for me over weekend, so need to wait until monday.
  11. bezo

    R18 is here :)

    Can´t wait my copy in nice paper package. Simply love it old way and must "hold" something in my hands . Just recieved email from my distributor. Looking at my eportfolio, serials there... (looks like something changed/updated in serials, they are different in count as in previous versions)
  12. Robert´s website is offline more time. If you want to purchase plugin, you need contact him (I was heard still active on social media, more people were looking for him)
  13. Thanks for upcomings parts of learning session Daniel, great job...
  14. bezo

    Cycles for C4D

    I am sure when Cycles4D (wrote it without hesitation, simply looks great as name :-)) become a reality, we will get as good as help as in XParticles and bunch off tutorials and examples...
  15. bezo

    Cycles for C4D

    I do not expect support of substances when release (maybe in later upgrades) Looks like independent material system...
  16. bezo

    Cycles for C4D

    Looking on nodes system and have a question...Are they totally different from native c4d materials or can be used standard cinema materials together with some "convert" nodes inside a node editor? Cann´t stop thinkink about it... :-)
  17. bezo

    Cycles for C4D

    Hi Mike, It will be a challenge to "beat" success of XParticles, but it looks really, really amazing. Looking on screenshots must say huge amount of work was made on this project. Great job guys...
  18. Hope Robert is fine, maybe some troubles with web services...When arrive R18, need to update Greebler... (as every year with serial number locked licencies)
  19. Ahhh Florida... I've never been there :-)
  20. Why you provoke me? Now I must go to visit fridge! :-) amazing pictures, well done...
  21. Very nice, looking like a real...
  22. I think it´s a main objective of our c4dcafe
  23. Would be nice to have some message on the bottom about full attachment limit in such case maybe
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