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Everything posted by bezo

  1. I was seen this info on motionworks twitter... https://twitter.com/Motionworks
  2. bezo

    Forum suggestion

    Sometimes files/setups itself are selfexplanatory thanks to naming of objects, but yes, a lot of them are "nicely" hidden...
  3. Btw, no any info about discout for XP3.5 customers...Something changes? Edit, found it in news how to apply discount...
  4. Everytime is good to hear that people are ok. I was read about it on CNN server, they said only about material losses same as on our local news servers. Looking on pictures, while it remains only for vine glass breakage, everything will be ok...
  5. As young as orc is has teeth as adult :DD. Nice start...
  6. If "level" will not be dynamic, maybe not need to use xpresso setup... distanceCubs_xpresso_0002.zip
  7. bezo

    Music Video

    Music/song itself not my cup of coffee, but animation is nice. Maybe some face expressions could present more feelings...
  8. bezo

    Fold My Design Help!

    Preset maybe isn´t in demo version since it´s kind of scene preset. Don´t know, haven´t installed demo version yet. But can try it in commercial version. Can you post spline file?
  9. It´s simply crazy...Looks like the best way to become invalid... :-)
  10. bezo


    Parallel with vinyls is not far from the truth maybe...Colors seems to bit flat. Or it´s intention? Or it´s simply DECO :-)
  11. See something similar first time... How you get in?...Jump? :D
  12. On friendly german forum "c4dnetwork.com" Peter Notz ( aka "nophoto") public python script which know convert also hierarchical extrude, maybe you can check it how it´s done...(post 6) http://c4dnetwork.com/board/threads/77919-Script-Editable-Plus-von-Sandi-Dolak-Wo-verfügbar?p=745161&viewfull=1#post745161
  13. Thanks Daniel for great example scene. I was read somewhere about it , but forgot where...
  14. As you can said. Add all splines under Extrude, enable Hierarchical parameter and press "C" key. Single extrude will be converted to extrude objects for every single spline...(then only drag all separated Extrude objects outside from null hierarchy and remove unnecessary objects)
  15. Something similar can be done with Hangover, but I´m not sure about support for lates versions... http://hangover.990adjustments.com/
  16. Nice reel... Can´t wait to play with...
  17. You can use selections...structure manager selection by index...hiding inverse selection... hide points.mp4
  18. From your post isn´t known which i7, but I´m sure it´s faster than Xeon´s. Since c4d use mainly single core power, xeon´s with lower frequency per core are simply slower. It can be interesting for rendering, but not for modeling or animation imo...
  19. bezo

    Fold My Design Help!

    If remeber correctly, there was something broken with this preset in R17. Did not check it in the past after service updates if this issue was repaired...I am not currently at my PC, will try it at the evening...
  20. bezo

    Black Friday sale?

    There was on Toolfarm last year... http://www.vfxer.com/toolfarm-black-friday-cyber-monday-2015-sales/ But don´t know if BodyPaint (as standalone version) was included in deal...
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