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Everything posted by bezo

  1. Use Restriction tag. Apply it on deformer and drag your polyselection into it...
  2. This command allow user add some tags for multiple objects at once (group) Help will tell you better... https://help.maxon.net/c4d/en-us/#html/54507.html#override
  3. Its possible you´re in "redshift render mode" and want to choose standard c4d camera?
  4. In Move/Scale/Rotate component mode just double left click on single point will give you coord. for currently selected single point. For more points you could open Structure manager. Shift+F9 and switch it to point mode
  5. You can not use selection filter just for splines/nulls? Or apply xray option on meshes and disable them from selection...
  6. Hi Brandon, I know you play a lot with complex/huge scenes with a lot of geometry, animation etc... (remember your engine animation, looks like you still stick with the same company) So, what I expect? In your scene with battery open view menu/Options/Level Of Details and check settings. If you have "medium/low", set it back to "high". Personally I always use Gouraud Shading (Lines) mode where you could directly see interpolation/segmentation/flow of the mesh I was right? 🙂
  7. Other objects you can drag? Try to check filter if not show animated only.
  8. Here is updated file. Remain just single setup and for example is used also build-in spline node primitive for checking. Is that what you mean to achieve? (for "dense" detection you need to have more points on spline, that´s the reason why increasing number of intermediate points is needed) scene file : Test Slice_0003.c4d
  9. Nice tool, I think I read about it on Rizom-UV discord channel...
  10. Substance engine is "build-in" in c4d for a couple releases backward, so need to install something... To André Ignier´s plugin Sparkle Shader its not work in couple of last releases (with couple I mean many years, don´t remember last working version now, I think latest official version was for R16 eight years ago)
  11. You could do it multiple ways - change cloner mode distribution - change source spline imterpolation - use mospline as "converter" for source spline clones_on_spline.c4d
  12. Check in Preferences/Extensions/Substance Engine if installed. If engine correctly installed, simply load substances thru Extensions/Substance Engine/Substance Asset Manager or Load Substance... options.
  13. Other benefit of remeshed geometry should be nice deformations if you want to make wing animation...
  14. bezo

    House For Sale

    Looks nice, but too bright scene as whole for me
  15. I think problem is with n-gon and its representation as UV map. Please, why you´re using n-gons for it. With Remesh function you could create perfect geometry/nice looking UV map with 2 clicks... crazy_remeshed.zip
  16. Maybe should be issue with priorities. When you turn of SDS, wertex map works as expected
  17. ...or switch mode to max, increase radius and enable autoupdate which looks a bit smoother...
  18. If you want restrict wetex map just for knot, why is enabled freeze modifier? Not understand what you want to achieve with freeze Freeze "remember" influenced points based on subfield radius. So, if you want "smooth", increase freeze radius parameter to higher values as default (maybe to 50 instead of actual 10)
  19. Can not be used simply Voronoi Fracture? (matrix in linear mode as point source, offset fragments as distance between slices) Or is something special with jagged edges on extrusions which are needed?
  20. Wonderful Christmas to you too. You could use mospline as source for placing matrices... cloner_0001.c4d
  21. bezo


    You need to create new coil spline (in example spline object named "wire_coil"). Be sure you have the same length/segmentation for source and projected spline. (wire_coil and wire_wrapped splines, maybe not equal, but close). If needed, increase/decrease point count. For conversion you could use mospline...
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