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Everything posted by bezo

  1. Kent make great efforts to create this pack of tools, looking on it since anouncing somewhere in the past . (Times, when was 4d publish separated in two plugins). For me (as hobbiest) was interesting painter plugin...
  2. Strongly agree with Regis´ words...
  3. Another idea if I can... - asset scale adjusting options
  4. Hello, In first example you have animation inside cloner, so this way can be delayed animation for cloner, but in second example you have driven animation for cloner outside of cloner, so cann´t be driven by effector growing delay. Solution can be bake loft inside cloner (now it´s cloned object animated by keyframes) and use formula delay effector... TimeOffsetWithFormula_DONT_0001.zip Simply set cloner to one single clone, open timeline, drag loft into timeline, from Functions select Bake objects and bake all parameters.If checked, copy of original object will be created under original in cloner hierarchy, but itś keyframed. Remove from cloner hierarchy original loft, disable xpresso for driving progress and press play with enabled formula effector ;-)
  5. Hello Daniel, Sorry for late reply, there was problems with my internet provider... So, with rotation I was meant this... - rotation of whole model/asset before welding This is due different types of assets, because not everytime are "symetrical/rounded" and in case is asset like in example, library will fill so fast with 4x of the same object. In case we have option to rotate, there´s needed just single one model/asset...
  6. Didn´t saw jed´s file, but I think it´s the same... (adjusted spline mapping to range min/max ///expand spline options///) range_mapper.zip
  7. I was meant not kept basis edge points, but rotate also with model asset. In video when you applied rotation parameter I was seen (if correct) was rotated only all other points of asset instead of basis points (edges connected to "center of model" was rotated)
  8. Great job Daniel like always, few questions/ideas... - there will be more than 2 by 2 segments on basis assets in the future? (similar like in Polystein Kit, basis 1x1, 1x2, 2x3 etc...) - rotation whole asset/model around own axis (not without basis edge points, ment 90/180/270/360 degrees /// ofcourse on 1x1 or 2x2 or 3x3 basis) - adding option for direct editing of inserted asset (selected just model of asset/all points/ all polygons of asset, inserted modeling axis at the basis of inserted asset etc...)
  9. ...or try this link and click fullscreen, adjust quality... http://www.ustream.tv/embed/23347051?html5ui&autoplay=true&showtitle=false works nicely on firefox for me...
  10. ... or check if restriction to polyselection don´t work...
  11. bezo

    MSA Renewal

    Yes, there´s around month of time to make a decision (time between announcing new version and sale start). My MSA also expired last month. I was paid immediately as I got offer from my local distributor, but as owner of newest release you can buy MSA before start sale of new release. When new version is on the market, you need to upgrade first for "full" upgrade price and only as owner of latest release you can buy MSA for next release...
  12. Only few days and many questions will be answered...
  13. I´m afraid not... Another not good idea is making some changes/big changes in user data items. Since they are/have own unique ID´s while creating, can produce some unexpected behaviours (not working xpresso at all). Better is create new user data item and relink in xpresso editor (imo)...
  14. remove object node from your xpresso... (cann´t imagine what kind of data hold undefined object. Maybe you have created some dummy object as bounding box or some kind of numeric value for HUD...)
  15. Looks like some kind of bug with using HUD slider and slider in attribute manager... HUD slider is just as an helper, simply remove it from screen, and animate value parameter or attach to time (as in Nigel´s video)
  16. here is file... counter.zip last digit work the same way as others
  17. Nigel/3DKiwi has nice tutorial about this kind of counter... Just simple update and work for you as needed...
  18. bezo

    Xpresso Spring

    Do you mean like this? Untitled 2.zip The key to make it works is enabled option "Use Deformed Points" in xpresso point node... (for splines render used hair, just to mentioned...)
  19. Did you tried cross-eyed? :DDD
  20. bezo


    awesome job everfresh, well done...
  21. ...nice work vector , imo little bigger eye pupils will be look better maybe...
  22. Check this link. Since not xpresso but python only, can produce nice effects. Don´t know if you want to create some animations or stills... https://github.com/CreativeTools/ct-ocean-waves
  23. Hard to say what we can expect from R19. Also bought upgrade week ago (as MSA user), but don´t know what can expect for 600euro. In case of main feature for R19 would be Prorender (btw. some interesting info on cgtalk "directly from kitchen" :), it will not be big deal (for me) http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?f=47&t=1449143 (especially last pages, where is told about "not near future of full implementation" of Prorender into c4d if I understood correctly). In my work I was found installed R10 demoversion on old computer (installed years ago). When start to play with, I had to say "this is the same as I use today in R18" (same interface, almost all deformers as today, cloth, mograph, BodyPaint the same (or only minor changes)... Is not that strange? How many years are between R10 and R18... 10 or more... edit, 10 exactly, just found on wiki
  24. I think it´s "doable" also for cinema. Library is one thing and programmation part (scaling/adjusting/welding/aligning to source polygon normals) other... Like is visible tiling number in every part of kitbash (2x2 most often)
  25. bezo

    Easier iteration

    Much more slower than in xpresso? println"(xpresso for me is more elegant way for me :)" /// as no coder
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