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Everything posted by bezo

  1. a lot of great deals/resume inside attached links http://www.cgchannel.com/2017/11/black-friday-and-cyber-monday-2017-deals-for-cg-artists/ https://cgriver.com/blog/2017/11/17/black-friday-2017/ contain all kind cg software, plugins, models etc...
  2. The same way as using correction deformer is creating copy of source object, convert to polygons, create selection tags , copy them to parametric object, apply materials and delete polygonal copy of object...
  3. Looks like bug in there, because options from top to bottom (none,dot,point,circle etc...) are indexed and started from zero. In this case zero index started with "dot" which not correspond with options order... (expected 0 for none, 1 for dot etc.) So, if you enter values 0 and 3 in condition node inputs, result will switch between dot and rectangle, not none and circle as expected... Bug because order start with index 14 and continue with 0 to 13 as last option in option list...
  4. press Activate button... button.zip
  5. You need to say where is the problem. From screenshot looks like plugin create pieces as expected. Can you post scene?
  6. bezo

    Desktop Customization

    Fastest way can be add all plugin buttons in single palette, save it as palette preset file, load and paste in new layout and save layout... (little bit faster than adding commands maually into every layout separately)
  7. great upgrades, especially multi insert, filtering will speed up workflow too...
  8. Can you explain more? Xpresso "know" to select some object by it´s index for do "something", but don´t know it´s what you need. Do you mean selecting in viewport or ?
  9. bezo


    Great job Adam, Btw, do you planning support for Thea render or Cycles4D?
  10. There´s a odometer inside Content Browser. Simply type into search field in Content Browser "odometer". Not sure if it´s what you want to achieve, but you can check how it´s made...
  11. Or try Chris Montesano´s Lumen2 plugin. Oldie, but great... http://www.biomekk.com/index.php?page=1&cat=107&itm=27 Mainly used for clone distribution (as cloner), but SkyDome can be solution...
  12. For me help just update graphic drivers to latest version (old Nvidia GT640)
  13. As can we see from example of model https://vitalybulgarov.com/3d-kitbash/free-non-subd-trial-part Vitaly use boole, tris etc... Everything what can make model in render perfect is allowed... ...for IQP must be an outlaw not a God :D
  14. Great job Daniel, really cool progress
  15. Liitle question to 3D pdf, Can be used external images as backgounds of buttons or it´s restricted to camera views?
  16. bezo


    ...nice atmosphere Islands textures look little bit flat and scale also not matched to other objects (ocean wawes for instance). I would add/increase displacement for this textures and use high resolution for them. (Maybe in PS stitch more textures with higher resolution) Island on top right corner in current texture scale looks near then islands in front of it. (imo)
  17. Maybe better way will be add this message into News tab (or Activity), because message has the same content for few days (sometimes week) and closing it everytime when visit the server isn´t really funny ;-) Especially when visiting from smartphone. On 5.5 inch screen must rotate, turn off, rotate back etc...
  18. Congratulation to release of PolyGnome Daniel, great job...
  19. Watching thru tutorials on Kent´s page, must say it´s really strong pack of tools. Export to pdf format is just "cherry on the cake" in this pack. Work with textures looks much more smoothly (megascans support great also), painting (standard or sculpting based brushes) itself is other great chapter...
  20. Not exactly anagram related, but really supercool... http://oinon.net/blog/project/js-shuffletext/
  21. I saw Rick´s presentation live on c4dlive and must say it was one of the best presentations (if not the best) of R19 features on event. Clear, very informative...
  22. Thanks Kent for informations. Watching free pdf samples from your pages must say it´s perfect tool for presentations. A lot of possibilities to present model or scene to clients etc. Fill the space between them without needs to have demoversion/commercial version of c4d. Fast and simply presentation of model (wip or final). Amazing! ...This tool should be included inside c4d long time ago...
  23. If I understood correctly, whole scene is like "embeeded" into pdf? (without link to .c4d scene) Did you tried it with massive scene? It could be very strong tool for creating presentations (only single model of building or complete city scene or whatever)
  24. ...breathtaking... ...super amazing work Dan, hope I´ll find it with little review on MAXON webpage.
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