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Everything posted by bezo

  1. Great solution Daniel, If you remember, I was ask for this function in our PM conversation at the beta times...(pictures are still there) To welding/optimizing...Are points of assets which hold the same position welded/optimized automatically by plugin or user need weld/optimize object manually by entering command for welding/optimizing?
  2. bezo

    Make Planar macro/script

    ...not macro, but plugin (big Thanks to arsen-ch) http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?p=8401581#post8401581
  3. Nice work on update Daniel, good job as always...
  4. Ofcourse, I was ment bobc4d. Excuse Anthony, I was read this thread for few days, know it´s all about bobc4d and at the end wrote wrong name. Really don´t understand why... I thing I was looking for real name and yours stay in my mind... (I´m not as old as it could be by my age :) )
  5. Anthony never left us, he is ours...
  6. Don´t know if there´s some kind of restriction for condition node, but maybe you can pass input values to more than one condition node... In attached small xpresso you can see how is "separated" enter values to different outputs. (Imagine result LOW and result HIGH are inputs to 2 condition nodes) https://www.dropbox.com/s/vr6kqmdvefqdumi/xpresso4levels.zip?dl=0 This way maybe you can send first half of inputs to first condition node and second one to second condition node...
  7. You could use simple Range mapper node, values adjust inside node (or use external via User Data) https://www.dropbox.com/s/7j9ygpdy31qrt3e/switch_position.zip?dl=0 btw, you haven´t connected output from condition node to cube position input...
  8. Some very interesting news for Xparticles users (not only for them) https://insydium.ltd/news/latest-news/insydium-ltd-has-acquired-dpit-effex-from-navie/
  9. More then seven years exist this "list of c4d freelancers" http://www.c4dfreelancers.com/
  10. also could be used simple random node (multiplied/clamped output etc...) https://www.dropbox.com/s/rziifd7daqak1nk/random intensity.zip?dl=0
  11. bezo

    Align Points Plugin

    I think you mean AVTtool plugin (Align to vector from Defcon-x). Works until R14 and then Rbert Templeton (Kuroyume Developement Zone) made port of it. I heard it still work in R19. But since we have guides, it is posible to do it.(maybe with more clicks, but doable. Also there´s a script with similar function inside Holgar´s script pack HB Modelling Bundle...
  12. bezo


    perfect job...
  13. simple example https://www.dropbox.com/s/tf7bgeymlwqlwcs/UD for selecting objects.zip?dl=0
  14. UserData (integer mode /cycle/cycle button interface + small xpresso for enable/disable meshes...
  15. bezo

    CINEMA 4D Flash Sale!

    I also don´t understand this business moves... As loyal customer with MSA I was paid more for upgrade from R18 to R19 then current "upgraders". (only benefit installation on 2 PC without using them concurrently) Also MSA increased price was discounted for a little time, but when I ask my reseler, they told me it´s not for me, because my MSA expire 5 months later (?) I was think same offer will get all MSA users in time of upgrades their MSA licencies. Business is business...
  16. bezo

    Lego Technic Motorcycle

    very nice modeling Nigel, I remember lego as only simple bricks (2,4,6,8 in the row or 2x2 or 2x4 or 2x6), but lego of these days looks very "restricted" in creativity. If you buy model of motorcycle, you can build just motorcycle, nothing more... I was played with Merkur in my childhood and it was very flexible/open for creativity...These days are gone btw, if you compare modeling between applications, is some of them "faster" in workflow (for instance if you want to build some kind of bike in both applications, is some "faster/smarter")
  17. Base80 was always good source of good ideas...
  18. Nice addition to plugin Daniel, btw, could be added tiling option for user checkerboards? (since currently similar option only for default custom checker)
  19. In case of "incorrect/wrong" mesh (bad polygons, complex poles etc.) have c4d problem with aligning normals. Use mesh checker for problems in mesh, then use optimize command and then try to align normals. Can you post file with this object?
  20. can you post screenshot?
  21. Sometimes don´t work aligning normals as expected, it´s strange but it is real... There is a plugin "Select by normal direction" (which is part of Cezar Vonc´s selection plugin pack named "Selection Suppletives") Simply select some polygon, adjust tolerance and other options if needed and apply. https://code.vonc.fr/?a=23 Little helper sometimes could be using effect "normal direction" in material. Create material, enable only color and from Effects select Normal Direction. Then only set colors (for instance red for wrong normals, blue for correct and apply on object. Since bad oriented polygons will be red colored, it´s simplier to select them)
  22. bezo

    Simple Xpresso Counter

    what you are looking for is modulo option. In my example scene file is input set from 0 to 1 which means for FPS 30 frames (defined in project setings) values from 1 to 4 count just one time (1-2-3-4 in 30 frames) If you want faster counting, decrease input outer value. (in case set 0,5 instead of 1, numbers from 1 to 4 will be counted in 15 frames (since it is half of range,in case set 0,333 instead of 1, numbers from 1 to 4 will be counted in 10 frames, what is 1/3 of FPS 30frames) https://www.dropbox.com/s/u8ss36hgnb1pfzb/NumberLogic_0001.zip?dl=0
  23. Can´t wait for your presentation Nate, hope you´ve some special for us ;-) Presentation start at good time for me, since starts at 23:30 (to 00:30 of the next day, so it´s 2 days long presentation) and I come around 22:30 from work... ...what is more important (imho), MAXON year by year try to be more opened to users, which is good for both. (more shows, wider spectrum of presenters etc.) Hope R20 will be milestone in this also... _________ btw, don´t remember throw one T-shirt to me ;-D
  24. Here is script for switching between Ghourard shading and Ghourard shading Lines modes... Extract zip file and put both files into preference/library/scripts folder You can add somewhere into layout or create shortcut and call it by shortcut... https://www.dropbox.com/s/589spj542y8feeg/script_GS_on_off.zip?dl=0
  25. bezo

    Free plugin: DeltaMush

    Hi Filip, Welcome on C4DCafe. As long time user of your Solid Chamfer plugin (2012) I´m happy you´re back... Thank you for your free plugin. Lubo
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