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Everything posted by bezo

  1. Yes, you´re right. But $599 payed once (renewing maintenance) and $399 for every other year of maintenance. So, 600 dollars for geting last version on the market isn´t so bad, for example upgrade from R16 to R20 cost 2700euro (3000euro cost R20)...
  2. Since Foundry add as condition for transfering licence to other user to pay 1 year maintenance fee also ( $100 license transfer fee and $399 maintenance to The Foundry ) deals not looks as good as they were in the past. But still looks fine to buy a half less then in official store... btw, Modo was/is the software what I want to try to use. Looks "more interesting" like Max or Maya for me. Have better feelings when looking on screenshots from Modo then other software. Only problem is short trial. Would be nice if Foundry will take MAXON as example and release no time limit trial...
  3. As we say about anoanoW´s Polycircle plugin. I´m sure there will be ports for R20 on Hashimoto´s plugins. As I change email with him about updating one of his commercial plugins, he confirm work on updates...
  4. I´m not sure, but I was read somewhere e-portfolio account is Europe only, so to tell you look into e-portfolio account is useless. If you didn´t recieved email from your local software distributor, maybe the best for you could be to send PM to Rick Barrett here on the forum. I´m sure he can help you with this... (you could find him on previous page on the top)
  5. Thank you Alex for description of all lines. From this description users could understand, which line of code means and "re-use"/grab for own scripts. Because maybe 85 percent of code is "reusable" for creating new scripts just changing few words in the code...
  6. See this yesterday when looking about update for Cycles4D. Also interesting information is free 12 months maintenance for Cycles4D for all users. Not sure if it count with me also since my maintenance left exact year ago... To Cactus Dan plugins we need more information, because they not will be upgraded for R20 (what I understand), but will work under R20 thru Bridge plugin. Question is if there will be option to buy Cactus Dan plugins or only will be available for users with older serials/licencies for older versions...
  7. ...never to late with this code examples, good job mate (and small description of every line/blok would be amazing. This kind of scripts could be very simply "readable" for non-coder users to understand what those lines of code means. Directly from this script how to handle with multiple selected objects instead of single one and perform some "actions" with them...) Thanks...
  8. Do you mean some modal dialog or shortcut way?
  9. btw, documentation is currently updated. If has somebody disabled "Automatically Check for Updates" option in Preferences, simply "Check for Updates..." from Help menu. (very expected full description of all available material nodes)
  10. Did you contact MAXON support with this issue?
  11. bezo

    ice crystal

    Rendertime is crazy, but image is beautyful. Great job Rayko
  12. Did you check your e-portfolio account? I´m sure you have licence and installer there. I got email from my local distributor almost week after release, but in e-portfolio was all from first release day...
  13. To toggle something from filter etc... https://www.dropbox.com/s/deuoqi8yryllcoa/toggle_script_creation.zip?dl=0 This is very (let´s say amateur :) ) way.
  14. Yes, also my resseler offer package with usb for 25euro excl.VAT. Since in e-portfolio I had unchecked digital download every time I visit, I was expect physical media instead of digital download from e-portfolio installer. When check e-portfolio in monday, serials was there but installer was disabled. When check it yesterday, installer was ready... So, it is like it is...I´ll install at the evening and start downloading gigabites of libraries...
  15. Nice example jed, Lowest value of voxels I was tried was 2cm, with 0.2cm it MUST be smooth :D What found interesting, when disable sweep in OM, child objects of sweep still calculated in volume builder...(but inherit mode from parent object and are not visible in builder objects manager and could not change mode for them...) https://www.dropbox.com/s/kh07yhjrd1zyp3w/influence of hierarchy.png?dl=0
  16. Currently got an email from my local reseller. Starting R20 no longer box version/package, electronic download only. Is this for MSA users only or new customers also? I was looking forward to a nice looking small package with usb key...
  17. Very easy to solve it... ...simply decrease Voxel Size parameter in Volume Builder object. (and for total perfect look apply Smooth layer)
  18. Need to be a patient, little delay is expected. Doesn´t matter on day or two... As Rick said on Cgtalk day ago: "We plan to start fulfilling MSAs tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenient holiday. In the meantime, you can get started with the demo version but you will have to download a separate commercial installer when you get your serials. " Personally I´m also waiting for package delivery. Expect recieving a shipment at the end of this week...
  19. On the main page could be used green color for thread names only. other text under could be some softer color. (light grey or white maybe)
  20. I was meant user could use any font installed on computer. I was think there´s some "parametric code inside" writing over any font type...
  21. Enjoy it... - evening - midnight - morning :)
  22. Nice plugin Yaroslav, I think it could be very useful for c4d users, especially for this kind of tasks... Plugin has "hardcoded" fonts or could be use some custom font by user?
  23. You are right, no reasons to wait...Maybe... How many Mb/Gb has demo installer? Since I´m not on superfast internet it could be a little problem...
  24. Yes, I got an email from MAXON e-portfolio. So, licence in my hands, now only wait for few days for little package from Germany :)
  25. Looking on Chris´s intro to R20 features and have question about new node material system. Could be driven materials using User data? There is some node for User Data parameters? As simple example if I want to change color of car and in user data I have few color presets (meant just pure colors, not complex node based materials)
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