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Everything posted by bezo

  1. With conditions you can set different constants/positions of objects. Like, - model 1 use values from port 1 and adjust object in position 1 - model 2 use values from port 2 and adjust the same object in position 2 *** - no selected model reset everything to some default value/position of object (the same for rotation and etc..) btw, imported geometry of your own model?
  2. For latest version need to by adjusted script (since xrange no longer used. Just with replacing "xrange" to "range" (removing "x" letter will repair script and make it usable also for latest R25 (I think R26 too)
  3. There´s a python effector directly for this, but not updated to latest version used in latest c4d releases. https://aturtur.com/pile-up-effector/
  4. Palette on the left side is contextual to used mode, so you could see UV editing tools not standard modeling tools/commands for point mode
  5. I think he wants after "conversion" "brake" text into separated text splines. Some kind of "fracture" original text into separated text splines/letters. Something like word TEXT after some kind of conversion create four separated text spline objects for each single letter and then adjust unique font for each letter.
  6. bezo

    Unknown File Format

    maybe Octane related...
  7. Holger Biebrach (well know of his HB Modeling Bundle) also work on this kind of stuff. More info: https://www.c4dstuff.com/dinosaurier-documentary https://www.maxon.net/en/article/cinema-4d-brings-dinosaurs-to-life
  8. Check area light object tabs Preview and Shape. You could define own object as shape too...
  9. Check scene file for duplicated generators, for example SDS under SDS (it could happend sometimes), high subdivision settings, large amount of particles (if used) etc...Hard to say what can cause your problem...
  10. Let´s take some very simple example (since don´t see your scene file) with just plane object... 1, Added simple plane object, created material with checkerboard for better control of streching 2, Converted to polygonal object. Now you can see UVW tag was created (this is most simple example, so you could see polygonal mesh and UV mesh looks equaly) From now material use this UVW "map" for applying textures/materials. 3, Created polyselection/stored and applyied material on selection. Now you could see no stretching materials since was not modified polygonal/UV mesh. Material is applyied on selection nicely without stretching 3a, Now it you change polygonal mesh (moving points to the side), material became stretching. It´s because was changed polygonal mesh only and UV mesh hold original state. Since mesh polygons are enlarged and its uv polygons are not changed, material/texture representation in viewport is stretched... (There´re 2 options now. One is "adjust" uv mesh to polygonal (enlarge to same ratio/relative dimensions, this is reason why is used checkerboard to adjusting this) or "Reset" UV map (in real this means creating new UVW tag) 4, So, create copy of plane, remove material and uvw tag from it. Now you could see condition for creating uv map is changed since polygonal mesh is different as at startup. 5, Apply material on object with parametric projection (cubic in my example). Since currently object don´t have uvw tag, applying uvw projection doesn´t make sense.You could see texture is applyied correctly. 6, Now its time to create new uv map. Select texture tag and object and from menu select Generate UVW coordinates command 7, As you could see, newly created uv mesh is not fitted into 0-1/0-1 coordinates and needs to be repaired with fit UV to canvas command 8, Now when is created/adjusted uv mesh, you could change projection from parametric to uvw mapping (if it was not done automatically while creating new uvw coordinates. Texture/material now looks identically as on previous plane even polygonal mesh was "adjusted" by moving points. 9, Now with applying polyselection to material restriction you can see no stretching in result. Since now is taken into account this newly created uv mesh. Now when finished adjusting polygonal mesh and created new uv´s , material/polyselection could be removed/applyied again without stretching (ofcourse, moving some points again "brake" current "connection" between polygons and uv´s and material again became stretched...) Maybe this you ment like "reset". If you don´t want re-create uvw tag again and again after changes on polygonal mesh, you could do it manually by adjusting uv mesh in uv editor by an eye for some sufficient result which is enough for you...
  11. Can you post scene file with just object and texture and with screen what you want to achieve in result?
  12. Use Selection filter for viewport. (then no matter if live or rectangle selection tool used)
  13. For edge beveling use chamfer node (using selection tag)... ...or manual indices/pairs of points setting...
  14. something like this? Clones rotation_bezo.zip
  15. Attribute Manager. You could add multiple AM´s and each lock for some specific data...
  16. Here is another screw toolkit, you could compare and investigate (maybe) different approaches... https://www.fuchsundvogel.de/blog/2015-02-17-screw-generator
  17. Can not be used some way xp with target light? QuasiSym.c4d or without target light (with multiplied rotations based on symmetry plane adjusted by user in xp) QuasiSym_2.c4d
  18. bezo

    Raptorize by Maxon

    First April is first April 🙂
  19. Did you tried to ask directly on support (Octane/Fused) or search over their forums/discord? Maybe someone have the same experience.
  20. If needed just open/close without moving up/down, can not be simpliest way just keyframed animation or posemorph or UD/XP with range mappers?
  21. - select all childs of fracture object - press and hold Alt and click on icon for adding null object.
  22. Don´t understand what you mean with scale UV´s . Wasn ´t fit your UV´s in whole 0-1 uv space? If there´re few uv islands only, use uv transform to scale (the same value for X and Y space and press Apply) a bit whole UV´s and then manually fit uv islands into 0-1 uv space...
  23. Apart from accurate animation it looks bit scary for me (especially second one), I prefer nice young girl with electric violin... 🙂
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