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Everything posted by bezo

  1. Just hold CTRL while selected edge and move it
  2. very rough example... shapesINshape.c4d another way could be using push appart effector a bit...
  3. Looks like head is in world zero? ...interesting
  4. It´s because of disabled Banking (by default is On I think). For correct rotation adjust profile spline or use sweep details rotation section...
  5. bezo

    Freeze rigged mesh

    Select parent object for mesh of this model (in case its SDS, use first child) and use "Current State to Object" command red is original pose, green and blue are freezed copies. But keep in mind, these copies are just static models...
  6. With c4d crash you mean totally freezing of computer or just posible turn off c4d in task manager (if win)? Because sometimes happend situation when you close (after crash/freeze) c4d and can not start again because is still in memory. If you look ino task manager, sometimes you´ll find it still open in processes not applications only...Then if you kill process, its possible to run c4d again withput restart pc (at leats for me its work)
  7. ...or Sketch and Toon/Art shader and Cinema4D 🙂 btw, new NPR U-Render shout looks nice with this too...
  8. ...or for specific object use time track way...
  9. Can not be simply (like in your 24/12 frames example) simply animate in standard (24 frames) and then track enlarged once? I mean for example for one object animation 0 to 24 frames, for "slow object" the same , but in timeline enlarge track once from 0 to 48. This way second animated object will be one time slower then first...
  10. Do you mean some kind of "slowmotion"? https://nitro4d.com/product/magic-slowmotion/
  11. You´ve set different color (as default) for zero weight. In weight manager go to Display/Colors-Surface Colors and set "Zero" parameter to default (rightclick on parameter and Reset To Default command)
  12. ...btw, have you ever played that chess? 🙂 ...btw2, there´re few more games for c4d (not build-in) https://safina3d.blogspot.com/p/plugins.html
  13. Whole Maxon set of figures has 3331 points in all. I think it´s just maybe a quarter of Jay´s knight 🙂, but sure, Jay´s modeling skills are awesome...
  14. Thanks for info, Have a nice weekend! edit, Just found info here on the forum (but that time is running so fast this spring) https://www.core4d.com/ipb/videos/view-285-real-time-showcase-collection-january-2022-u-render-showcase/
  15. You´re welcome, my process of creating max spring was the same. Only difference was using quantizing while moving selected cage/grid of FFD to keep values between FFD "grids" relative uniform since expect spring itself is stretching equally to both sides.
  16. Congrats to latest release. I want to ask what are trial limitation since didn´t found any info on official pages. Restricted for some time? (since found information about full feature trial)
  17. btw, FFD not change point count of deformed object. It simply deform geometry. If you use "current state to object" command, intermediate points/spline settings becames reality. This is the real reason why your spline has increased point count after conversion. For example if you set intermediate points to Uniform with number 1 your spline after "current state to object" will have only 259 points and still looks enough for using in animation or as path for sweep.
  18. POSE MORPH C4D QUESTION V2.c4d Please check this file if works for you short video PM4B.mp4
  19. POSE MORPH C4D QUESTION V2.c4d Please check this file if works for you
  20. ...or hide bones/joints in whole mixamo rig (selecting by "none")
  21. Can you post scene file to check? Don´t have any mixamo rigs on my pc for checking
  22. Maybe year ago or more I´ve seen this animation of AR-15 when looking for modeling blueprints. Really great animation... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMIBUIN30yU
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