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Everything posted by bezo

  1. If you paste size manually it works?
  2. ...and its disabled in render settings. Enable it and use button "Copy from IRR" to recieve automatic IRR size
  3. Here you can post your entry(s) https://www.core4d.com/ipb/forums/topic/117250-99-polygons/ (or you could click directly on image in first Igor´s post)
  4. The same here. Used from time to time R13 and R19 from old versions, but runs fine without issues. R19 installed especially for cases like this - conversion old files to current releases...
  5. But currently we´re on opposite side as on beginning. Now you want node materials interface only? btw, which interface (shader graph xpresso based or purenew node system) do you like more?
  6. As I said, if your materials are shader graph/xpresso based, if you want make in node, you need convert these materials. But with enabled node materials for presets option every newly created material in RS will be node based...
  7. ...only in case node materials for presets enabled (or material was created in node system) If were created in the past in shader graph mode, even with enabled node materials for presets will be opened in shader graph.
  8. In General tab is option Node Material for Presets. If enabled, when you open redshift material in material manager (with doubleclik) will be opened in cinema4d nodes. If you disable it, newly created material will be opened in shader graph...
  9. Can you post screenshot from preferences/renderer/redshift since don´t know which version you have
  10. btw, How its situation about permanent licence holders? Looking over region reseler web, but didn´t found any info about upgrade permanent licence to latest one. Only subs route?
  11. Thanks Andreas for additional infromations about environment variables and its advantages. For people who wants to know WHAT are and HOW to adjust environment variables, please look into this video... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rA6hdD2PrLY Be sure, depending on user´s c4d version could variable names a bit different, so also need to look into software manual (For latest c4d you should look here but in previous version users could find this info in the same section of their manuals) https://help.maxon.net/c4d/en-us/#html/11083.html?Highlight=environment variables ps, sorry to creator of this thread for breaching original topic, for some users it could be helpful
  12. If you look on file and you see database, only way for installing material presets is "Import Assets..." into Asset Browser... And at the end you could see if presets are supported by your current RS version or not...
  13. For scripts are pre-created folders (doesn´t matter if installation or preference folder in this case). So, you need to put all your scripts there. As I see your screen, you need to go just one level deeper (in installation/preference folder search for "library" and inside you´ll find "scripts" folder and here is the place for all your scripts)
  14. ..it´s a simple. (single polygon and cloner with 98 clones and bunch of effectors. And at the end conversion to pure polygons to keep challenge rules (don´t tell it to Jay or Igor please, because could happend something like this So, keep it in secret 😉 ) There was in the past maybe similar challenges in the world. Looks like Keith Haring was contributor on one named "dog in a one go" or "use thirty linear lines"
  15. ... or cylinder without caps with insetted all polygons (preserve groups off) moved by normal and applyied bevel. Caps colved standard way...
  16. And to main question. Before internal command there was in the past plugin created by César Vonc. https://code.vonc.fr/subdivision-inverse
  17. You could adjust weight interactively. SImply after selection edge loops press and hold "." (dot) key on keyboard and with horizontal mouse movement adjust strength of weighting. (It will create weight tag automatically and not needed to search for the tool)
  18. A syou could see from screenshot on right bottom corner/AM are UV Peeler settings. Sides of card are simple flat projections and rest of the mesh - edge was unwrapped by UV Peeler (when detached front and back side of card). When unwrapped, then only used scale for adjusting rough similarity to size of card. If I play more just with scale , I can adjust UV´s to the same size as UV´s on sides...
  19. If user really need make nice UV´s, ofcourse its posible just with internal UV tools, just needs a bit more patience and few more clicks, combine multiple commands and result will come... Its not 100 percent exact, but should be...
  20. ...how to smooth... So, simply smooth surface 🙂 Go to sculpt layout, select smooth brush, adjust some high size with low strength and drag over sides of box roughly to remove sharp edges, then with lover size a and a bit higher strength smooth surface until you satisfied with result.
  21. I´m fine with n-gons on flat surfaces. I was only ask for wires because of your first post where flat surface contain a lot of n-gons (looks like) and then are screens with bended that surface. In case n-gons are not solved some way, you could see bended surface deformed. And on screens looks good, so expect some internal software solution which produce nice result. And Igor´s post in the middle of previous page show screen based on your example and there´ s visible huge subdivided mesh (which ofcourse produce nice mesh with enough phong settings (or whatever is called in Houdini))
  22. Please Mike, can you post wires from bended mesh? (or converted to real polymesh) From first screen it looks like a lot of n-gons along holes, but bend looks nice...
  23. Arttu Rautio (aka aturtur vell known here on core4D for his pile-up effector and many others very helpful things) has also small python plugin for few tokens, could be useful for someone (for projects or as learning material) https://aturtur.com/ (in the middle of the page)
  24. Thanks to Andreas' help, I understood the "workflow" of this plugin and was amazed at its simplicity and complexity at the same time. In the meantime Sancho from Asset Browser City asked me for what to wear for party and which colours are "in". With plugin it was done with few clicks... Don´t know if Sancho went to party, but it looks like fashion designer is not job for me 🙂 Thanks Andreas, really good job 👍
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