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Everything posted by bezo

  1. Not sure if its "real" plugin. For me it looks like lego. You can play only with lego parts which you get. So in fact there´s a lot of presets for single object and user just select one of them. Or I´m mistaken? ...what not mean its not look beatyful and creator make a lot of work on it...
  2. I´m so sad to hear this, very heartbreaking news... Big Thanks to whole U-Render Team for such as amazing job on U-Render
  3. Here you have another one with scene file. Relative straightforward, but more clicks needed...
  4. Baking itself needs good UV´s. When satisfied with your current UV´s on "source" object, while baking enable also option "Keep UVs". This way baking process will keep original UV´s. Small hint: When you Shift+doubleclick on UV tag, will be opened new texture view just with UV polygons. If you don´t see UV polygons, they should be scaled to very tiny places (check it with option Texture/View/Frame Selected UV Elements and before this command select all polygons of object in viewport) If you will see "nothing", UV´s are scaled to "microspace" 🙂 . To prevent this use option "Keep UVs" as was mentioned before... Try it and inform us about your results.
  5. bezo

    Memories ;)

    Nice... my memories are still in closet on safe place. Since R6 has passed a lot of water... 🙂 (Don´t want to be bad, but these memories are things which just subscribers will never have (and don´t understand it))
  6. Can you post your example? Scene from previous post works fine for me in R25. When opened scene, there was "mess" like on screenshot, but pressed "Fold Preview" button twice (no matter AM or HUD) and problem was solved...
  7. If nothing other help, you could use edge selection tags to restrict for SAT render
  8. You could adjust radius with middle mouse button holding plus horizontal dragging (without adjusting in attribute manager)...
  9. You could do it (extrude) only in component mode. If you have model mode, software don´ t know what kind of components you want to use and simply disable modeling commands for you... btw, what do you mean with extrude object?
  10. Object mode is there for animation only, while modeling I personally never touch scale parameter of object...
  11. I was think you need xpresso when click/enable bool switchin UD for IK, function will be activated after "delay" preset...
  12. Welcome on Core4D David, there´re some nice works/renders on your website, good job...
  13. Scale object in object mode not model mode...
  14. ...maybe you could add condition node and compare frame count modulo way...
  15. You could use zero extrude way. First select all polygons, apply extrude with 0 offset, then use command Normal Move and offset mesh. Also its posible to use explosion FX deformer for thickness, but results are "relative" similar to classic extrude...
  16. Can you be more exact which polygonal object? Since used in the scene some GK5 Corona object for scattering other scene elements, all these elements are driven by xpresso/python...
  17. For adding "something" behind the numbers just use adding in string mode as said @MJV. Here is simple example with existing/known number line. Using this way no matter if your numbers are integers/reals with few decimal places, "m" will be always added at the end of number. If you need one empty place before m (offset m by one empty place), simply change constant string value to " m" (empty place, then m) add_string_mode_scene.c4d
  18. Do you talk about animated character or static object? Can you post scene file for checking ?
  19. bezo

    Torch product visuals

    Great job... ... maybe right time to make short animation (assemle/disassemble)
  20. Congratulation to winners, really nice works. Good job...
  21. Maybe there´re few people here which own licencies of Substance Painter or Substance Designer from Allegorithmic and decided not to switch to Adobe accounts and still use their permanent licencies. Since to last september all Allegorithmic accounts will be closed and users will not be able to download their software/licencies, it should be good visit your account and create backup copy/ies of software/licencies... Just a reminder 🙂
  22. In case of just "rough dimensions" adjustment of object, could be used just sculpt tools without sculpt tag. Simply as other deformers applied on mesh. Or in this case could be used FFD (cage deformer) which knows adjust all levels of mesh at once...
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