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Everything posted by bezo

  1. bezo

    Xfrog for C4D 5.5

    I think you are allowed for update if you bought 5.4 version...Simply install Xfrog 5.5 and ask for permanent key. (use your CDkey)
  2. If I must tell the thruth, I also start with pyramids, but leave this idea in moment when upvector in cloner said "no, no" :DDD
  3. something like this? Untitled_0001.zip
  4. Did you tried PixelBerg? http://frostsoft.blogspot.sk/
  5. HUD cann´t help? "Master" controler (what you need) always visible and locked to view and second/other object user data visible only if object selected...
  6. You can select one object in OM, then in User data tab lock AM, open new AM, select second object with User Data tab and lock again. This way you have access to both User Data tabs (of both objects)...
  7. bezo


    Beautiful, great idea...
  8. Great progress... Cooperation of multiple selection modes can be really strong...
  9. Wasn´t used manual selection... When opened plugin (window and tool), switched to regular polygons, selected group and applied command Outline selection. When switched back to plugin tool mode, automaticly will be created separated UVpoly islands. Inside cuts are only clicks with plugin tool...
  10. Regnas, it work as you need...
  11. Years ago (25 or more) I was played with nice program (running on DOS). Has nice interface, worked with samples/presets and result was midi sound... Cann´t remember name, but was really perfect for this kind of sound... Btw, there´s something similar today?
  12. Works fine now, thanks.
  13. So, now we need to fill in future this gallery with amazing images :-)
  14. Try to install, but same issue as with WIP2 first version. Again not apeared in plugins menu or console info...R18.028
  15. So, we´ll see what awaits us in next year of our life...
  16. bezo

    The White House

    ...this palette is script pack named Help4D created by Andrey Doronin... http://c4dnetwork.com/board/threads/77189-Reload-this-Page-Help4D-Script-Pack-for-Modeling-by-Andrey-Doronin ...little bit outdated, but as scripting example really nice pack
  17. ;-) Abstract art?... n i c e
  18. Looking nice, Do you use shadows? In night lighting looks like bedside table is flying, pillows on other image too... Btw, I don´t want to be bad, but I don´t sure if it´s allowed with student version make some profit/use it commercially... (same for Vray for C4D edu licence)
  19. bezo

    Xfrog for C4D 5.5

    Last version of powerful organic modeler for creating trees, flowers etc. in 70% discount until January 3rd. Maybe best time/price for upgrade from older versions to actual/supported last R18. http://xfrog.com/product/XA-06.html
  20. ...nice work, Inspired by Geralt from Witcher? ;-)
  21. Best wishes for the holidays and for health and happiness throughout the coming year to all of you... Lubo
  22. on GGTalk is long thread about it... http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?f=2&t=1151366&highlight=foundry
  23. bezo

    Hiding layers

    You can disable selection for everything in viewport by Select/Selection Filter/None or restrict only on nulls, splines, polyobjects etc. Or as I said, disable all, but create Selection Object first, add objects inside what you want to access in viewport. This way cann´t be selected nothing in viewport, but opening Selection Object in Object Manager and clicking/selecting object from list you can manipulate in viewport... If I may ask, why you need this behaviour?
  24. bezo

    Hiding layers

    You can use Niklas Rosenstein Container Object plugin... https://www.niklasrosenstein.com/container-object/
  25. Wip2 is loaded correctly, appears in plugin list, also console say about loading... Installed in main plugin directory R18.028,Win7
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