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Everything posted by bezo

  1. There´s used also some effector (push apart) or pure python effector? Here in Slovakia minus temperatures all the day for few days, snow also :)
  2. Also FF user. Script detected and blocked by ESET...
  3. Yes, plugin was released time ago, and not, it is not for free, it is commercial plugin which you can buy directly in c4dcafe store or simply contact creator of plugin Daniel (aka C4DS) about purchase... c4dcafe store: https://www.c4dcafe.com/ipb/store/product/13-seamilar/
  4. Yes, can be used Random effector with enabled "Visibility" parameter only. Create some Mograph Selection and apply effector on it...
  5. You can use simple plain effector applied on Mograph selection... protractor_scene_0002.zip
  6. Jed, we are on the same wave maybe :)
  7. Do you mean 0 instead of 360? protractor_scene_0001.zip
  8. Not needed any xpresso. Task is simple. For 360 degrees with 15 degrees step you need 24 clones. This create exact 15 degrees step inbetween. Attached slightly edited Cineversity scene file. protractor_scene.zip
  9. for console can be used large icons after expanding and docking icon palette or
  10. If you mean by single click add all input/output ports, no, it´s not posible. It´s because single object/node can have a lot of inputs/outputs of various categories what create single node with too many ports... Maybe faster way for adding port what you need into xpresso node is simple dragging parameter into port from attribute manager...
  11. Crazy details, so beautiful...can´t wait Thanks for posting Charbel ...geometry or normal,bump,displacement?
  12. Thanks for info Charbel, ...erosion simulation...Is it meant something like in World Machine software?
  13. Michael Welters create nice plugin years ago called UV2Object http://www.welter-4d.de/fplugs/freeplugins_en.html#uvtoobject This is plugin I was inspired in my feedback. Some "similarity" could be created here. Maybe adding new additional window where UV mesh will be converted to real polymesh and any change with standard c4d tools will be transfered back to UVs...
  14. Would be perfect to have a chance to use c4d build-in brush tool for smooth UV movement/adjustment to texture... But anyway, great update Daniel.
  15. I think Charbel was yesterday on cgtalk... maybe pave the way for :)
  16. Thank you very much for posting, Safina3D (as also all other french c4d plugin developers) is a source of very useful plugins for a long time... ...very useful script for creating ID maps for SP btw.
  17. maybe this thread can be helpfull for you... https://www.c4dcafe.com/ipb/forums/topic/92656-align-to-spline-tag-question-control-speed-of-the-object-moving-along-it/?tab=comments#comment-619637 ...or others when you put "align to spline speed" words into search link
  18. If all arrows will have same speed, all arrows travel same distance. This way some arrows travel on full path, others less dependent on path length... If you want to all arrows travel full path, speed must be different imo. ...or in animation some arrows stop travel sooner or later...
  19. My MSA will expire in last may, but currently can´t buy new MSA for lower price as emailed me my local distributor. As long time MSA user don´t understand why... In fact MSA "expired" in moment when arrived R19. Now I´m on latest version and my current MSA not cover R20. Strange politics...
  20. Maybe useful link... https://www.c4dcafe.com/ipb/forums/topic/95192-measure-and-construction-tool/ (Frank Willeke´s Quick Dimension Tool no longer available, but Salvatore Maesano´s plugin works well also in current latest c4d release)
  21. bezo

    Navie Effex Gone?

    Yes, installing additional library is needed. First search on your computer for file "tbb.dll". If you´ll find, simply copy this file to installation cinema4d folder (where is cinema4d.exe file) If you didn´t find on computer, download from here : https://github.com/01org/tbb/releases after extracting you´ll find this library in: tbb2018_20171205oss\bin\intel64\vc14\tbb.dll (and copy library file as in previous case to the same folder) After that you´ll see additional menu "Navié" inside c4d...
  22. Happy new year to all members of C4DCafe, hope everybody will find here what is looking for and give the helping hand each other. Because members are what improve and make c4dcafe better...
  23. puppet warp is meant like 3D animation or 2D deformation? Something like puppet in PS could be camera deformer inside c4d...
  24. I was bought C4D 2 Substance Painter tutorial and code works for me.
  25. Black Friday on cmiVFX https://cmivfx.com/products?utf8=✓&category[id]=12 discount code is: blackfriday70 The code lasts 2 days only
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