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Everything posted by bezo

  1. MAXON release SP3 for R19 This service release improves the stability and performance of Cinema 4D and is recommended for all Release 19 users. SP3 includes general optimizations throughout Cinema 4D and in particular improvements in Alembic and Python support. A complete overview of all improvements contained in SP3 can be found in the official Changelist (PDF).
  2. Live presentations from Siggraph starts about more than half of hour. So it´s time to make some coffee (a lot of), some popcorn, small barrel of beer maybe :) for someone, settle down comfortably and enjoy... http://www.c4dlive.com/ Today presentations and presenters: ------------------------------------------------------ 9:30am "Fields and the Evolution of Mograph" with Tim Clapham - helloluxx 10:30am "Greyscalegorilla’s Favorite Cinema 4D R20 Features" with Greyscalegorilla 11:30am "Simple Mograph Techniques for FUI Design" with Marti Romances - Territory Studio 12:30pm "A Three Year Journey in C4D" with Bhakti Patel - Facebook 1:30pm "R20 Features and VFX Workflows" with Josh Johnson - VFX Daily 2:30pm "Tactile Design with C4D" with Dean Giffin - Swivet Studio 3:30pm "Creating Rocks And Terrain in C4D" with David Brodeur - Locked And Loading 4:30pm "Character Dev and Animation Workflows in C4D" with Brandon Parvini - Alchem Designer
  3. ...personally never consider it (remaining points after deleting polygons) as some kind of problem. While in process of modeling I use optimize command very often, unused points are vanished in the background...
  4. Would be good to have access to online help for R20 already imo. Since "secrets" are out, for users without access to beta/demo it could be the next step to make decision to buy/continue with MSA if knows more about new features more time before release...
  5. Congratulation MAXON to great release, can´t wait to play with... When watching R20 overview videos, there is a lot of usefull stuff. Maybe one thing what I miss is some kind of retopo of volumes... Retopology tools together with volumes could be as good as (or much better) than Modo´s MeshFusion Boolean Tools especially for modelers.
  6. I hope that after the arrival of R20, the rest of us will not hurt the head :DDD
  7. Mike Udin create small script for this situation. https://gist.github.com/MikeUdin/2f5871a610e12ff75b32f195d6ad6c4b#file-cinema-4d-apply-random-material-py Download, install, select all objects, select all materials, run script, done ...
  8. I was read many times (not only on this forum) threads about looking for good screenrecording software. Currently on Humble Bundle (8 days left) is very nice deal for users who wants make/create/present their workflows/tutorials etc... As almost of us knows, the one of the best applications for this is Camtasia. And this software (together with SnagIt, commercial price for both around 270euro) is in bundle for 20$ (...yes, TWENTY...). - installers PC/MAC - it´s not latest, but second to the last (upgrade-able for 99,50$) https://www.humblebundle.com/software/upyourgame-software?hmb_source=humble_home&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=mosaic_section_1_layout_index_2_layout_type_threes_tile_index_2 ...I'm looking forward to a lot of quality tutorials from our users ;-)
  9. And more simpler is simply COPY/"STOLE" user data interface. If you like some user data, simply right click on parameter/data and User Interface/Copy User Data Interface... Then select your object, Manage User Data, click on any item, right click and Paste.
  10. If you are not in MSA currently (pure c4d user of last version without MSA), you can buy MSA anytime before R20 official release. Current state of MSA isn´ t lock to time, but count of releases, so MSA means 1 new version for lower price then "normal" upgrade, 2 installations (not running concurrently) and Cineversity year subcription. But still is locked to time... :), because when you purchase today, it´s year subscription and takes for 365 days. ( So, ending the same day, but next year and still are there 2 mounths to release new version). In this "hole" you can again decide to buy MSA (you are still allowed) and continue in upgrades for lower price...If R20 release and you ´ll be without MSA, first you need buy "normal" upgrade to R20 for higher price (like MSA) and then you´ll be allowed to buy MSA for R21 for instance...
  11. bezo


    Daniel, when relaxing on bike, free your mind from this kind of noise :DD (good catch btw :D)
  12. bezo

    Select parent

    They are plugins, not scripts. Simply call plugin from plugin folder, not scripts folder. It must be installed in preference plugin folder not preference/library/scripts folder. Then you´ ll find pack of commands in plugins tab called "Object Selection" Or via commander (Shift+C), enter select parent, add to palette,save layout (or add shortcut)
  13. 20 Ai researchers get one for free... https://wccftech.com/nvidia-titan-v-ceo-edition-32-gb-hbm2-ai-graphics-card/
  14. bezo

    Select parent

    You can download for free pack of plugins for selection object from cgtalk, which contain also one required by you... http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?t=1035662
  15. bezo

    Honda NR750 WIP

    Good job, maybe little correction of dimensions would be good. For example handles are very thin imo, need to be maybe twice time thicker...
  16. Perfect job Daniel, Could be implement option for "disable" plugin by pressing same shortcut as call/enable plugin? (currently need to use/select some of tools in wheel. //or add "closing" icon into radial wheel as default for cases when plugin is called by user mistake/accidenatlly pressed shortcut)
  17. QuickSelectTool? :) Nice idea, looks like some kind of "more beauty UI" of default general/modeling popup (V key)... ...adding some nice disc (customizable color) backgrounds
  18. Or simple selection object (one for profiles, one for paths) and can be called lately as one object...
  19. Small quick tip, but very amazing experience... Simply must love it :)
  20. Great solution Daniel, If you remember, I was ask for this function in our PM conversation at the beta times...(pictures are still there) To welding/optimizing...Are points of assets which hold the same position welded/optimized automatically by plugin or user need weld/optimize object manually by entering command for welding/optimizing?
  21. bezo

    Make Planar macro/script

    ...not macro, but plugin (big Thanks to arsen-ch) http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?p=8401581#post8401581
  22. Nice work on update Daniel, good job as always...
  23. Ofcourse, I was ment bobc4d. Excuse Anthony, I was read this thread for few days, know it´s all about bobc4d and at the end wrote wrong name. Really don´t understand why... I thing I was looking for real name and yours stay in my mind... (I´m not as old as it could be by my age :) )
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