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Everything posted by bezo

  1. Hi Tola, Quick solution of your problem in attached picture. I think I was met with this few times. When some strange conditions are met, it could happend sometimes /bug maybe... https://www.dropbox.com/s/eb86olrqqvtm30a/weight_editing.png?dl=0
  2. So Jay, ...be the first and post some interesting screenshots or short video about it. ;-) (if it´s ok with NDA)...
  3. One preview from Chris (right now I found out Chris is "rocket lasso") another short review by Dimitris A quick introduction to the Mixamo Control Rig in Cinema 4D R21 by Orestis In case whoes missed Siggraph presenetations (like me) there´s a 8 hours tour of presenetations
  4. Since there isn´t any thread about all new features, updates, improvements in R21, please post here any info about them. It shout be any info/link/video etc... (Please all posts about new pricing/subscriptions etc. we leave in Siggraph thread) Here is complete list of new features (copy/paste from MAXON) CINEMA 4D RELEASE 21 COMPLETE FEATURE LIST General Customer Journey Only one version of Cinema 4D: No more Prime / Visualize / Broadcast / Studio / BodyPaint editions. All functionality is in the one version, no separate editions anymore. Demo and Educational versions are no longer separate downloads. Demo and Educational can be upgraded to a commercial version. New Licensing Solutions MyMaxon Account: Allows Sign In / Sign Out - entitlement can be moved between devices. When creating a MyMaxon account, a 14-day trial license is automatically created. Real-time licensing, buy and use immediately Remote license retrieval - release a license remotely via your MyMaxon web portal. New MAXON License Server: Runs as service on Windows and daemon on OSX/Linux. Web-browser interface. Different MAXON Accounts can pool their licenses on a single server. Greater control over license for client and server. Graphical view of license use, current and past. Detailed license view of ownership and validity. Extended log and info messaging. RLM Licensing: Greater flexibility in license selection. Improved Installation: Online installer - faster, hassle-free installation. Offline installer - small download, more languages supported, faster installation. Exchange Merge Scenes on Drag-and-Drop. Show Import/Export Dialog Preference (option to show / suppress dialog by default - alt-click inverts default behavior). File selector now appears after export settings (rather than before). Updated CAD format support: New, Improved support for Solidworks, STEP, Catia, IGES, JT formats. Option to import instances as Regular or Render Instances. Import hidden objects with "_hidden" name suffix. Modeling Caps and Bevels: Improved constrained / internal bevels via Straight Skeleton Algorithm. User-defined Bevel Shape via Spline UI. Option to Link Start/End Caps. Delaunay Cap Skinning. Library of Bevel Presets. Additional and more obvious automatic selection sets for Shell, Edges. Caps and bevels are always created as a single object. Volume Builder and Volume Mesher: Vector Volumes. Improved UI for Volume Filters. Cache Layer. Spline UI to define scale along spline. Curvature Vertex Map on Volume Mesher. Modeling Core: Dramatic Speedup in migrated commands including Extrude, Extrude Inner, Split, Polygon Group to Object. Migrated Tools (Point Extrude, Weld) preserve surface attributes like UVs and Vertex Colors. Copy / Paste Components (points and polygons). Primitive Caps (Cone, Cylinder, Capsule, Oil Tank, Torus, Tube and Figure) are now welded. Landscape object pivot remains at the bottom of the generated object. Improved Grow Selection command. Improved performance of Isoparm Display. Region-based selections support backface culling. UV Editor Enhancements: Migrated Texture View to OpenGL: Supports Anti-Aliased display of UV lines. Improved redraw Speed. UV Component highlighting. UV Transform Gizmo. UV Ruler display. Quantized UV transformations. Snapping support for UV points and edges. Viewport selection automatically updates UV component selection. Connect Objects + Delete now sets the axis to the bounding box center of selected objects (Alt sets to the last selected parent). Materials and Rendering Denoiser (Intel Open Image Denoiser) Albedo Pass Node Interface Improvements Node Spaces and 3rd-Party API Interactive Drag and Drop (Ctrl-Drag to Copy Nodes) Rearrange Node Ports I/O Nodes Edit Asset mode Asset protection Physical Render Nodes Custom AOVs (Multi-Pass) Line node Spline Mapper node Multi-Trace Ray node Cells Node 2D Nodes Average Area 2D Blur Cache Kernel Get Context Node outputs vertex positions of sampled polygon ProRender Node Material support Volume Rendering HDRI Out of Core Camera animation included in Linear Motion Blur New Diffuse, Direct Illumination and Wireframe Render Modes New Multipasses: Ambient Occlusion Direct Illumination Indirect Illumination Direct Reflection Indirect Reflection Indirect Diffuse Refraction Volume Albedo Interactive Tone Mapping via Picture Viewer Filter Tab Render Queue - Option to disable auto-renaming Workflow/UI Interface Enhancements: Support for HiDPI monitors on Windows. HiDPI Viewport on Windows, Retina Viewport on macOS. Improved Interface Speed (especially in Timeline). Modernized Light and Dark schemes. Improved menus and minor adjustments to Default layout. macOS Menu Bar support. macOS Dark Scheme support Reset Scheme Colors option. New Shortcuts: Save Incremental: Ctrl+Alt+S Texture View Fit to Screen: H UV Transform: Ctrl+T Normal Scale: M~- Melt: Alt+Backspace Dissolve: Ctrl+Backspace Improved Default values Improved OLE-based Drag and Drop file exchange Project Asset Inspector: Supports Images, Videos, Sound files, External files, IES Lights, GI Cache, MoGraph Cache, Substances, Volumes. Supports Objects, Tags, Viewports, Render Effects, Materials and Shaders. Consolidate command collects all assets associated with the project. Group by Asset Name, Type, Element Type, Layer, Take, Node Space, Format. Info Area displays information about selected asset. Quickstart dialog Enhanced Splash Screen Default Material preference (choose which material type is created when double-clicking in the Material Manager). Asset Linking preference (always copy textures, always use absolute path). Color Chooser enhancements: Swap Colors Swatches in Color Chip Context Menu Color Swatches palette can be resized Spline UI enhancements: Double - Scale and copy existing curve Symmetrize - Scale and mirror existing curve Commander now remembers last input Custom, colorizable object and tag icons User Data tag User Data Manager - save and load presets Attribute Manager now indicates when selected object count exceeds AM Edit limit. OS-specific Feature Highlighting MoGraph and Animation Field Force object: Dynamics and Particle Advection (influence the velocity of particles and dynamic objects with Fields). Field Interface enhancements: Sub-fields appear as children in field list. Fields can be used as masks for another field. Channel Convert Field Layer - convert between value, color and direction. Normal Tags can now be used as fields, and have a field list (for use Target Effector, Field Force, etc). Character Animation: Improved Auto-Weighting Algorithms (Bone Glow). Weighting Workflow Improvements. Mixamo Control Rig. Connect Objects + Delete can merge Weight tags of individual objects into a single Weight tags Repeat, Offset Repeat and Oscillate in Track Before / After now default to 0 / unlimited repetitions. Align to Spline tag values can now extend beyond the 0-100% range, allowing easy repetition and parametric animation. Thinking Particles support for all particle forces (via PForceObject). SDK Reorganized Extensions Menu for easier access to scripts and development tools New licensing tools Python: UserData Tag to store user data parameters C++: Python scripts can now be executed from within C++ code C++: New render_filter.framework to implement custom render filters C++: AutoWeightInterface allows developers to define custom auto-weight algorithms C++/Python: Functions to adjust AutoWeight settings and execute AutoWeighting C++: New Geometry Utility functions C++: New function to bake a 2D representation of a BaseShader - BaseShader.BakeShaderIntoBaseBitmap() C++: New Flag in Material Plugin registration to allow 3rd party materials to be set as the default material C++: New Color Utility functions C++: New Volume Utility functions C++: New Debug Utility function DiagnosticVarOutput() C++: New Utility function to create salt and hash for storing encrypted passwords C++: New Tension property in SplineData C++: GeUserArea enhanced to support line drawing via ellipse, bezier and polygon, additional line styles and opacity C++/Python: New flag to define the border style of Static Text in a GeDialog C++: Developers can now define BubbleHelp/Tooltips within TreeViews C++: CommandData virtual functions include a Parent manager GeDialog argument C++/Python: AOV multipasses can be created via RenderData.InsertMultipass() C++/Python: New method GetRecentDocumentList() returns the recently-opened documents C++/Python: New SceneFilter options for use with LoadDocument C++/Python: Functionality to define custom Object and Tag icons and icon colors (NodeData.Init() / MSG_GETCUSTOMICONS)
  5. bezo

    Easy Octane Bake Script

    Thank you very much for the script, I´m sure a lot of Octane users will appreciate it.
  6. bezo


    good job, "Tron" like sound grade atmosphere perfectly...
  7. Maybe there are some changes in MSA of these days, but from what I know (and there was here for a long years), second installation was allowed only for MSA users. Maybe Srek, Hrvoje or Rick can this clarify more...
  8. You´re not allowed to install on 2 computers in case you have not MSA. (if remember correctly and nothing changed) With just single licence without MSA you are allowed to install only on single one computer. (or if you want to use single licence on more computers, you can install on USB flashdisc and use it on more computers with attached this UBS disc (not copied/installed on every used computer)) Except of this benefit of MSA (installations on 2 computers (but not used concurrently)) has MSA few more (Cineversity access for a year and lower upgrade price for new version)
  9. Plugin is still available and also ported to R20, but with updated functions is renamed to "InstanceMan" (links for R20 and older in this forum thread (first post on the bottom) on c4dnetwork.com (maybe the greatest deutschland c4d community)) https://c4dnetwork.com/board/threads/89605-InstanceMan?highlight=instance+vault
  10. ...about Forester... Not sure, but I think Forester licence is locked to hardware (mac address of PC), so not sure if posible to sell it
  11. TDMSC? TD stands for technical directing or technical development. MSC is Master section Class
  12. bezo

    EasyUV (R16-R21 only)

    Yes, Takes are really powerful with this kind if workflow.
  13. full article... https://www.allegorithmic.com/blog/allegorithmic-joining-adobe-family (interesting move, but not sure if for better, future will tell more... Allegorithmic want to keep perpetual licencies as option, hope they will not change their decisions very fast.)
  14. bezo

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year to all amazing people here on C4DCafe and all over the world. Enjoy 2019 Greetings from Slovakia
  15. Ahhh, I was ment gravel under the cars is multiinstanced... ;-)
  16. If you need sticked to ball, use simple parent null. If ball need to be without rotation, simply drag cloner object out of rotator hierarchy (make it child of Null.1) https://www.dropbox.com/s/265pqkgars10ndx/dynamicsplinewrap_0002.zip?dl=0
  17. Do you mean something similar? https://www.dropbox.com/s/xikd9s9oex0thq6/dynamicsplinewrap_0001.zip?dl=0
  18. The best way, when you looking for serial number of your current version of C4D is going to Help/Personalize and in Registration tab with rightclick select "Copy Text"
  19. Simply follow step by step from tutorial about installation you´ve got together with plugin in your email...
  20. It was just idea to restrict object/tool parameters to color "code" :) For user with adjusted 25 objects/tools in Diag could be hard to memorize all presets. And just "class" color could determine action of this preset without opening tool. But as you said, if user could adjust color as he wish, it´s only up to him...
  21. Would be nice to restrict colors, for example red color for negative values/Off/disable , green for positive values/On/Enable and blue (and all other if more) for other parameters.
  22. If you´re on MSA (or was in the past), there is a plugin CV_Splines (currently in version 3) which contain also outline generator (negative/positive) https://www.cineversity.com/vidplaytut/cv-splines_to_objects_interactively_offset_and_chamfer_objects
  23. ...nice updates Daniel, plugin became more powerful with these improvements
  24. Yes, Lazaros´s plugin NitroCycle is like Polycircle on steroids :) (I gave Lazaros couple of ideas and there was updated to plugin within few hours. It´s simply crazy how simple programming of plugins looks to be! ;-D)
  25. You could try Foundry Marketplace, it´s more known and wider then here, https://community.foundry.com/discuss/forum/42/marketplace btw, how did you found combo C4D and Keyshot? Or did you used them separately in different workflows?
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