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Everything posted by bezo

  1. bezo

    List of all C4D Plugins

    All R21 ports (SnapPRS included) from plugin developer Hashimoto (anoanoW) you can find on his new website http://www.coffeestock.shop/wp/ From Keith Young (developer of Riptide, Undertow, Kyamaslide) I have no any info for a longer time. And his website is also down. Hope he is ok...
  2. Since my job is totaly different as my hobby (work also some time with PC, but hard to listen music if you don't hear your own word ´cause of noice machines), I listen music only at home while work on my home pc or clean :-). What I really like to hear is young Portugal composer BrunuhVille... https://brunuhville.bandcamp.com/album/age-of-wonders
  3. Bezier spline is not the best solution for simple animations, but when used, needed to adjust intermediate points (from Adaptive to Natural or better Uniform) and increase them to higher value. Higher value means more precise animation. And as prevention for crazy rotations of cone object is needed to use spline rail. Simply copy source spline and slightly enlarge... Spline-wrap_TestWithBezier_0001.zip
  4. bezo


    What I found interesting, Y axis in case of just single polygon always targeted to side where points in "local" space are higher then other. (or average values of more higher points)
  5. bezo


    Ahh, my mistake. Totaly OT, but for you as programmer I have one question. I can not find logic which way are calculated axis of selections. Here is small video https://www.dropbox.com/s/fki49eopw0ik42n/axis of selection.mp4?dl=0 if these "calculations" are used internaly in other tools (bevel inner for examle), it can not be source of another problems?
  6. bezo


    Tested in R21 and work just fine. Could be posible "respect" size of source polymesh depending on size of target polymesh with some option? https://www.dropbox.com/s/92oc92v5kwqxa8m/polydup_autoscale.mp4?dl=0 (or after placement of source polymesh on target switch to polygonsslect all of source mesh polygons (what we currently have) and adjust axis of selection to bottom of placement (what allow user to save few clicks to adjust manually)
  7. if you set "End Mode" parameter of spline wrap to "Clamp" (instead of default "Extend") and then will animate offset parameter from negative values (-15 maybe) resulted animation looks just fine, but don´t know if it´s enough for you...
  8. here is what I ment... splinwrap_example.c4d
  9. Can not be just modeled top object from cube polygons and used selection set for different material? If you need exactly what is in your screenshot, it´s the fastest and simpliest way. Using some external object bring another problems with priorities (xp vs. deformer, but could be solved with adjusting priorities) if you simply select all edge ring selection and use connect command, you "cut this cube in the middle and when select top middle edge and drag bit up, you have prism as in your screen. Then just select prism/roof polygons and create selection set for texturing. This way prism will not be deformed since main edge "flow" over spline in same position agains cube all the time...
  10. No..........no..........noooo No..........no.......... Great fun @jed, perfect job 👍
  11. bezo


    Yes, the most important thing I didn´t mentioned. (never used icon from interface to convert primitives to polygons)
  12. bezo


    Yes, demo restriction was the reason why plugin don´t work correctly. Just tried in standard version R20. Works as expected, coping mesh into external file and adding to new selection. What is nice, not needed to create target selection first, simply switching with space button between selection and plugin works nice. Also addition red points in case of non-correct selection for placement is great. (in this case is created copy of source mesh on original place what looks like a bug). It can be simply solved by creating correct selection for placement. I had few crashes after this workflow... - added plane, converted to poly - created source polymesh for copy - With Ctrl stored - with space switched to selection tool and selected correct selection for placement - with space switched to plugin and placed copy of source polymesh into selection //all fine until now - while is still selected plugin as tool, removed plane from OM - inserted new plane and converted to poly - c4d crash First I think it´s caused by adding plugin into interface (as icon in left palette), but try this also with standard using of plugin (selecting from plugin menu when use it) and get crash also...
  13. bezo


    Hi Daniel, Just little question. I just tried your plugin inside R20Demo and don´t know if it´s c4d demo restriction or by plugin, but when I follow your steps, with moving mouse over mesh for copy there is not full line over edge and when click Ctrl and left click, I see transparent line over mesh for copy, but another selections for paste are deselected... And mesage from console ------ PolyDup - failed to extract the part of the mesh PolyDup - failed to write the extract file: D:\CG2\MAXON R20 Demo\plugins\PolyDup\Extracts\extract.c4d ------- Ahh, now I see... Since it´s demo of c4d, there´s not allowed to write to any file, Ok, solved... I´ll try in commercial R20 version, but just another question. Is posible to rotate copied mesh to destination place? Or there is some rule for placing copied mesh?
  14. My question was generated from his website where wasn´t any screenshot from win version (or other "win" similar comment)
  15. If you mentioned MD, what is external application, but this option has build-in Insydium products (Xparticles,Cycles4D) what is really great when you switch from version to version. Don´t know about some 4rd party product...
  16. bezo


    ...yes, with polyselections as presets I was meant "stored" parts of mesh for later use in selection sets tags.
  17. bezo


    polyselections as source "presets"?
  18. Congrats Stefan, your surface engine looks really powerful and complex...
  19. bezo


    RepliGON maybe Nice idea Daniel. Do you mean something on mesh level only (simple copy of polyisland on another place of existing mesh/hole based on the same edge loop etc. or some procedural setup? Something like cloner, but with less setings for adjusting? (copy some polyislands in linear/array mode)
  20. Reading between lines only result I see... ...new particle system, resp. massive upgrade of existing particle system...
  21. Thanks for info Daniel.
  22. Really nice models/renders, only what disturb me is shining interier lights. Since outdoors looks like in midday, when everything is lit by real sun, strong shadows from interior light could not follow the reality. (maybe in case there are not real windows but some wallpapers only on the wall... But it just my opinion.
  23. Hello Peter, Do you mean something like this? switch_object.c4d
  24. On Fanatical is currently quite nice deal with books bundle about Blender. (15books for 10euro) C4D users can find some usable informations, especially 2 books about creating textures and node materials in Cycles... https://www.fanatical.com/en/ebooks Also there is a deal with Unity and Unreal Games developement what can be also useful for c4d users...
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