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Everything posted by bezo

  1. bezo

    Smooth bends

    Create geometry and for corners use softselection move mode
  2. Here it is, I´m sure Joao is fine with that. EFS.c4d
  3. Use Fracture object instead... ngons_effected.c4d
  4. Can you post screen/scene file?
  5. with edge cuts selected by you its create just 5 islands, but for me looks good... UV unwrap_0001.c4d
  6. If you remember Chris Maynard´s cmivfx.com, there was years ago (one of first series of c4d tutorials, maybe "Ultimative Learning C4D") and in these tutorials I´ve seen intensive using of this command. I remember the presenter, was not technician, but artist. Didn´t care about polygon flow, polyloops etc., simply modeled by own feelings. And in result it was really amazing... Some poeple should say its not correct, its bad workflow, mesh looks bad, no correct mesh flow etc, but results was increadible... ...who cares about mesh if final product looks amazing...
  7. If you turn off axis for up vector and adjust a bit rotation, it will not solve your problem? (for me it looks "believable", green on top)
  8. 1, Check Voronoi fracture object/Object tab and turn off "Colorize Fragments" option (if enabled) 2, Go to Selections and enable "Outside faces" option 3, Drag newly created selection into material
  9. Don´t have it but expect you got zipped file with database. Simply unzip it, place somewhere you want to have it, open c4d Asset Browser and connect database (step 2 is optional, just to see whats happend when installed database (will be added under "User Databases")) After these steps you should see added database and objects appear in asset browser (search for their name or are created in special folder, you´ll see)
  10. I ´m affraid you need to do it manually. Maybe simple animated plain effector/linear filed and assemble in the desired order...
  11. ...call commander, enter "zz", press enter...
  12. bezo

    Mograph text swap

    maybe some nodes-using way. No mograph, straight transition thru range mapper and string part node... (you could try to search "string" in commander ynd you´ll find a lot of really funny nodes for example creating random texts from source you define, from random categories you´ll define, hiding/unhiding texts, connect, truncate etc...) changing texts_2023_02.c4d
  13. Beautiful ideas, nice work...
  14. If you see light yellow cross in viewport while trying to "scale"/zoom and you have selected camera, you´re in object mode navigation. Simply deselect camera object in object manager (but still have "selected"/activated in viewport as view camera) or change camera navigation mode
  15. Did you tried icons or shortcuts and nothing works?
  16. If you´re on R25 or newer c4d version, you could use build-in node/capsules. Open Asset browser and search for "arrow" in nodes tab Have some prebuild arrowheads, could be useful...
  17. Cloner object itself is enough 😉 (hint for users with older c4d versions)
  18. I was asked for mesh example because own plugin for un-triangulation and want to check some more complicated objects. With attached example its just piece of cake. Sure, its not build in, but for few coffee money ( = developer support) its a good option. Helps a lot with this kind of (imported) meshes. Personaly I can only recommend. You could check here: https://c4dplugin.com/product-qu ... or post some complicated mesh for checking :-)
  19. ...you could use moselection as variable tag in field and while selecting with mouse(updating selection) will be updated vertex map. ...or if you want to use numerical value entered from somewhere, you could use small xpresso and update moselection "numerically"
  20. Its isoline editing. (Alt+A) conditions: - object under SDS If you enable SDS cage option in Filter, you could see both at the same time both options enabled
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