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Everything posted by bezo

  1. bezo


    Thanks for your generosity Robert. I know about plugin for a long years thru c4dnetwork community. Very helpful plugin, Thanks a lot.
  2. You could use Daniel´s (C4DS here on c4dcafe) plugin named Seamilar for editing/displaying/adjusting/multipleUV editing in single view... https://toolspixels.be/seamilar/ Also there´s a posible to display/edit multiple UV´s with native c4d tools/without plugins. Not one click solution, but posible...
  3. Since it almost "one man show" (Nvil/Rocket3F) it´s fantastic... "Well its crease options are already better than ours ! 😕 But personally I wouldn't use anything that had smiley faces in the GUI ;)" Why? It should be great fun! Jeremy Cox UI examples:
  4. bezo

    Cardioid gif

    Yes, it could be the same here. It was almost 40 years ago :-)
  5. bezo

    Cardioid gif

    When I was a child, my cousin has this tool. Exact as on your second image. It has a lot of different templates with different shapes (all toothed) and cogs with different radius with many small holes for pencil on differently placed on it. You simply put pencil into some hole and move cog around template. Then use different hole and then another and results was just amazing...
  6. bezo

    C4D Cafe || NEWS & UPDATES

    Really strange... I´m on win10/firefox and have not described issues. Only what I feel is bit slower, some kind of "short delay" feel. But without other issues (signed as user or guest) without adds or something... (clear latest firefox without any add-ones) Described issues (adds on the both sides, sometimes cover button on threads etc. I have in my work, but that pc has installed winxp only (not supported for a long time with firefox/chrome browsers) for compatibility of my working software. In firefox run some (unsupported script maybe) which stop responding server, but on chrome works and not freeze)
  7. You need first align and then bind, but... - use the same count of joints as edge loops (mesh will be better weighted and simpler for rigging) - place joints exactly on edge loops (here you can simply use middle edge going from bottom to top, convert with edge2spline command and with selected spline use character/convert/spline2joints command) - align joints (select all joints and use character/commands/joint align tool command. This way will be joints aligned in "target" axis, but not up-vector.) - align joints 2 (go from root hierarchy to latest one joint and align up-vector axis (Y) to be perpendicular to mesh. You must hold (7) on numeric keyboard and then rotate to prevent childs rotation) - select joint chain and mesh and bind them... Banana peel_0001.zip
  8. Great news Stefan, With tracking you mean something similar like reference shader from BlackStarSolution team?
  9. bezo

    C4D Cafe || NEWS & UPDATES

    You could simply add single word into http link and save to bookmarks. (my favourite way is always type manually 🙂 ) https://www.dropbox.com/s/ebq4vl5akomr1l8/discover.mp4?dl=0
  10. it´s only UI question... Because if you use linear steps, just linear spline in range you want give you results what you want. the same like with fields... ,,,everything is between 0 and 1
  11. Spline interpolate values between output min and output max, so it´s not between 0 and 1. It´s simplified interface for user to know/imagine what value is in this moment/at this point... You could set values as you need, it´s not restricted to ,1 .Could be used also ,875 and it´s really exact number imo 🙂
  12. Hi Ben, Simply use standard range mapper node with spline defined steps... spline_mapping_RM_node.zip
  13. bezo

    C4D Cafe || NEWS & UPDATES

    Don´t know, for me it´s harder to look thru notifications or messages since must role whole page to most bottom part. For me it was good on top of the page...
  14. I think in content browser there are TP scenes/examples as I looking now and there is a scene named "tp_move_on_surface". Maybe kind of setup you need...
  15. not needed to create extra nodes for string names, simply open condition node and set names there... Hide_mat_xp.zip
  16. Use condition node. With bool (or integer user data which you get more options) drive output of condition node in string mode...
  17. Hi Filip, it´s nice to see you here again. Thanks for updating SolidChamfer... (Our last email we changed is from 2012 when I asked for licence for R14...can believe it´s eight years)
  18. Sale extended 9 hours... (Sale must end 5PM PDT)
  19. Congrats Dave, really perfect timing, just in time :-) (I have been working for one company for more than 26 years, hope when I finish, my employers will have the same idea :-D ) btw, looks like database of Redshift users will increase rapidly in these days... Thanks MAXON for this offer.
  20. bezo

    SPETI and TINA

    Thank you Daniel for your generosity
  21. Could be possible you press INS key and your cursor placement is dependent by green marker?
  22. bezo

    Get Timeline Total Frames

    You can also use different animation units, for example seconds or SMPTE (min:sec:frame mode) and together with HUD options Frame and Frame Time you ca have absolute control over actual frame/time state...
  23. bezo

    The end of MSA

    Here are prices from my local distributor (google translator used to translate czech/english). Something similar you can expect across Europe I think... (VAT in my case is 20 percent) https://translate.google.sk/translate?hl=sk&tab=wT&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fobchod.digitalmedia.cz%2Feshop%2Fkatalog.aspx%3Fkat%3Dmxc4d My MSA is also at the end of life btw...
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