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Everything posted by bezo

  1. Can be used fields? rotation_based_on_moweight.zip
  2. Textura is basically a slimmed down, limited feature, version of regular 3D Coat
  3. Maybe not directly related to c4d or other 3D software, but could be usefull info about upgrade older Camtasia to latest version for a half of price. Maybe someone has older version and want to update... (offer has limited time to 08/06 11:59 PDT) https://www.techsmith.com/camtasia-upgrade.html
  4. I think Cycles4D perpetual licence will remain users which bought it before Fused. But in time when expire Cycles4D maintenance contract can not be updated to newest version other way then switching to Fused. (at least that's how I understood it) Maybe would be very nice think from Insydium give these users some special offer to conversion to Fused since there will not be other way how to update their perpetual Cycles4D licencies.
  5. But there´ s a question maybe for Cycles4D users only. FAQ say about availability of latest version from maintenance date expire, but not sure if is meant "normal" Cycled 4D maintenance contract or (If user also own XP) latest day of maintenance of FUSED... ...yeah, the same question as posted Dave above
  6. You´ll find premium training in your account since it´s product you´ve bought before introducing Fused. Info from FAQ ------ What happens when my INSYDIUM Fused Maintenance Agreement expires? If your INSYDIUM Fused Maintenance Agreement expires and you do not renew, you will retain access to the latest X-Particles Build released by this date and lose access to all other items in the INSYDIUM Fused Collection. Any extras purchased prior to the introduction of INSYDIUM Fused will also remain available. ------ ...and there are also few another questions about licencing, maintenance etc... https://insydium.ltd/support-home/faqs/?q=fused
  7. Motext is still there, but as "Text" object in primitive´s palette... To find best geometry distribution try different settings for intermediate points (border distribution) and Size of regular grid (volume distribution). It´s dependent on used font, so it needs to be adjusted differently....
  8. You could als use Selection object, easily filter all glass objects in OM (if glass objects has the same/part of the names) and add to selection object list. And after refreshing selection just edit basic tab visibility/enable parameters. Or with small UserData/xpresso added to HUD...
  9. Also don´t understand, for just selecting tags with the same name you could create selection tag and add all "test" polyselections to the list and select all at once very fast... ...if you want update materials for selections, you need add to the list also objects which own "test" polyselections...
  10. Not sure if posible directly in xpresso. Maybe creating two separate xpresso tags, one for driving rotation with slider and second one which drive sliders itself with standard rotation of object and adding some switch into the HUD for enable modes (xp1 On/xp2 Off and vice versa) something like in this short example (values are just 0-100 and 0-90 in degrees) just for imagine what I mean... (if sliders enabled ON, works sliders, if OFF, you could manipulate with object and sliders will be updated) slidervsvalues.zip ...maybe some short script in python could solve it...
  11. with slider you mean own user data?
  12. ...really amazing plugin, thanks so much @noseman
  13. Yeah, I saw yesterday Chris Schmidt´s presentation "live" and must say it was breathtaking...
  14. There´s info on the bottom about functionality thru versions... "Note: plugin is written to work with R16 upto R20. Not tested on R21/S22. Will not work with R23 (yet). "
  15. Thanks @zipit for posting solution. Love to see part of code very well described how all that things go 🙂 ...
  16. bezo

    Spring break

    Work just fine for me in R23.110... (not any errors in python console too)
  17. Very nice work Ryan 👍
  18. You could save your scene with all assets/textures with "Save Project With Assets..." command. Textures applied/used in materials will be attached to project folder in "tex" folder next project file.
  19. bezo

    Cafe ownership change

    C4DCafe stay in good hands and we can await bunch of new trainings (maybe VP revival? 🙂) Very good news from c4d user point of view... Congratulation to everyone
  20. Model was based on real train model 813-913
  21. Very nice work Wolfgang, Your last images reminds me train model what I made in the past for challenge. Just found in on old drive... I could remove pictures if you wish... (to not hi-jacking your thread) Btw, did you used some scripts for disassembly model? I think there was python script in c4d for this kind of animation in the past
  22. bezo


    with loop is meant you select just one edge and plugin will select rest of edges in the loop. When you select loop and tell plugin select loop, maybe plugin go in circles and die
  23. bezo


    Did you pasted plugin into library/scripts folder maybe?
  24. bezo


    I have placed plugin into preference "plugins" folder without any plugin path in preference and load plugin correctly without issues. As Daniel said, console say : RingLoop v0.5 - ready
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