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Everything posted by bezo

  1. I thing Taiao will be only part of Fused, no expect separated product (but would be nice have it as stand-alone, one time purchase product)...
  2. You need to have hard edges in weight to see smooth brush in action. If you bind mesh with joints with applied smoothing, you can barely see changes in weight distribution with smooth brush.
  3. Workflow looks more like Xfrog-ish 🙂 , but looks realy nice...
  4. Looks like you have imported character with build-in rig (some .fbx maybe?) Check timeline if there´s not created animation and remove keys...
  5. Both effects (AO,GI) use the same path for cache. If your installation has preferences in Windows controlled folder, maybe c4d could not write cache file there.So, try to change generated path to custom path for cache files... screenshot from R25, but applicable also in R23
  6. bezo

    Bodypaint ? R25

    You´re in UV edit btw, switch layout to paint, create material,create new texture, adjust brush and color and paint... (maybe switch material manger to expanded/compact to view "standard layer hierarchy) If parametric projection is enough for you, don´t need to convert object to polygonal and create UV map... You could paint directly on object or in "flat" texture view
  7. Frank Willeke create python script for importing materials thru mtl file almost 10 years ago. (not sure, but maybe I have somewhere this script). 2 years after was bit updated by Mredig and maybe you could try this script... https://github.com/mredig/Parse-MTL-C4D/blob/master/Parse_MTL.py It´s written in older python version (expect), so it could work in your old version of c4d...
  8. Looks like every DCC app. has different exporter/importer. Since file format was updated by years, added some attributes, some removed etc.Some importers are more "benevolent" to absolute paths in material definitions, c4d importer just "read" data and "believe" paths to image files. Would be good to know which parameters are read by c4d importer and adjust source mtl file to it´s needs. Other question is if importer recognize different map channels and put these images into appropriate material channels (mean color to color, diffuse to diffuse, bump to bump etc.) @hvanderwegen example use just single color channel. Would be good to have some example with different maps not just color/diffuse. btw, @hvanderwegen Thanks for example file. Yes, updating paths in mtl file and checking invert transparency option in obj importer will load object together with textures. (sure, could be edited mtl file directly changing attributes value and leave c4d importer on default preset, but this is another story)
  9. Have somebody some free example file with real textures, not colors/shaders only (like Deck´s file) and can post here or link to file?
  10. When you have selected polygons in selection tool, go to Move tool, then rightclick on axis gizmo and from bottom section select Normal option. Don´t remember revert back option to Axis because all other selections in the future will inherit this settings
  11. and full parametric setup with tracer (could be created also small xpresso to make relationship between number of helix turns and count of matricies points) Tubes around tube loop_bezo_param.c4d
  12. Instead of bend could be used Spline wrap... (for helix needs to be used formula x*360 to be sure start and end point of spline hold the same position) Tubes around tube loop_bezo.c4d
  13. Just throttle spring itself has over 1.5M polygons. I understand you want achieve some point of animation close to real, but it´s simply too much. Making animations with lot´s of huge (polycount number) objects is simply pain. Not for animator only, but for internal xpresso calculations etc. too...
  14. I think we are a bit paranoid in last years. Share almost everything about myself over the net thru social media and don´t care. We need to believe in kindness in people, think positive 🙂
  15. Time to play some shooter game 🙂 ? (less then/almost 18 euro, fiber)
  16. Do you mean xpresso? Maybe you could use simple random node converted with range mapper to switch with all needed values... Example: random_output.c4d
  17. There was in the past free plugin from César Vonc called Pick material. Has few options, (select material in MM, select texture tag and select object with selected material) but it was very interactive. It was just pipette and user simply click on some object in the scene and depending on selected option were selected material, tag or object. This posibilities in c4d is missing and could be very helpful. Can not find on César web this plugin now, so I think not supported in last versions...
  18. ...or in Sketch style tag set Hidden Cull parameter from "Self" to "Project"
  19. For snapping use also "mid point snap" and joint will be placed exactly in center of edge, then use Joint Align Tool for aligning axes of all joints (if not aligned)
  20. From screenshots you´ve freezed coordinates. Try unfreeze before applying deformation... Since it´s simple example, delete everything except mesh and create joints/skin again with aligned joints
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