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Everything posted by bezo

  1. Mesh Checker we have for many years. From beginning you can find it in Attribute Manager/Mode/Modeling/Mesh Checking. Into the layout it was added few releases ago.
  2. Did you add RS object tag on particle group and enable in Particles tab some other mode than Disabled? (and sure cache particles too as Jay mentioned) I think PV is meant as Picture Viewer
  3. Perhaps this technique isn´t suitable for this task. If you have profile of overal shape, you could make upper spline with exactly placed points for sharp corners, duplicate "upper spline" to "bottom spline", connect them, adjust bottom spline points to curved profile, connect both splines into one and optimize it. Or use polymodeling way...
  4. I think its redraw issue. When you press play in timeline and play with parent Null, you should see correct result. I think its solved in latest version.
  5. Add into single layer and disable fourth icon (view in manager)
  6. Another way (not using layers) should be using selection object for all instances and for hiding just using filter (eye next instance object in filter offer.
  7. Hard to say. If you use random effector, it works correctly. Try to use random and animate seed...
  8. Hi and Welcome Jakub, Nice to see people who wants to learn new things or advance their skills. PS Vitaj na fore, tu asi vela cechov ci slovakov nenajdes, ale je tu kopa fajn ludi co ti pomozu. Mas c4d aj na skole ako predmet? Pekne sviatky, Lubo
  9. You could apply texture for part of selection in case you use thicken generator. (Using this way you will not loose abbility of variable thickness like it happend in case you convert generator to polyobject and use standard selections/textures)
  10. I think in these days will start web for Gaea 2. Fully rewritten software, much more faster, better in details etc. https://quadspinner.com/gaea2/
  11. bezo

    Cinema 5D

    You could use edit palettes and remove 2 separators above the icon. I think they want align palette with viewport by edge...
  12. Nice work César, do you plan also horizontal signs for example for airport runway? ...and maybe custom road textures
  13. I think conversion refer to files R12 and older. R17 should be opened fine in latest release.
  14. Not sure if skin material is procedural or standard texture, but can not be used simply another layer for color texture?
  15. Also get this message. As I understand, option 2 means "conversion" whole Fused content into perpetual licence in current state of purchase/update. But don´t know if that means only conversion for that money or there will be some kind of maintenance of that version (something like all service updates untill new version released. (not new features but bug solving/service updates) Since I have a time before my maintenace will expire, I´ll wait what is cooking... 🙂 (but yeah, I think it should be smart step from Insydium and win/win for both sides.)
  16. Put your spline under connect object and clone on that connect object and problems are gone...
  17. bezo

    texture clone

    If cloner will be after modeling converted to poly´s, could be used simple xpresso for texture offset...
  18. simply expand Elements port and use Ratio or Color...
  19. We also had in c4d ptex technology as external plugin (almost 15 years ago) I think not developed anymore...
  20. Check material applied on hairs and try adjust thicness parameters Root/Tip and curve/profile of hairs to your needs. Maybe your character is in very small/large scale don´t know... Also check Generate tab of hair object if enabled option Render Hairs and type is set to none. (if there enabled something else, hair will not looks like hair but geometric objects/objects as you set...)
  21. I mean simple sphere with texture as you want (or some nice noise in luminance...)
  22. JED is right, it will be about priorities (execution + OM position) btw, nice model. Modeled in c4d or CAD import?
  23. Use custom object as moon with applied material as you want. When you drag that object into entry field, it will be automatically placed at place where it could be based on adjusted time...
  24. They have to be in your preferences/userrepository folder. Copy it to new workstation and mount database
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