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LLS last won the day on December 4 2024

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Community Answers

  1. Here is a very basic octree setup: 10-sn-octree.c4d
  2. I wonder if he uploaded that accidentally, seems to be from months ago...
  3. hmm, I'm curious... no rocket lasso video for this update?
  4. ^ yes, this is an awesome addition thats finally been made very easy to do. and also the fact that we can now support adding infinite children and operating on them, not sure it was even possible before, or at least it was super hard to work with 😭 also just makes things so much more awesome for the end user of our setups as well 💪
  5. I've already been playing around with the new scene nodes features. It's an amazing update! And now we can actually create our own custom particle modifiers using scene nodes system, which is going to give TD's so much power here! I'm loving using scene nodes rn. Thanks team! I haven't had time to mess with the new boolean system that much. Anyone thats stress testing it out, let us know what's different/better etc etc!
  6. right now, the biggest issue is that there are way too many spam threads again.
  7. menger sponge advanced version. it can create a menger sponge out of any platonic shape. this is a port of Junichiro Horikawas menger sponge tutorial for houdini (link to tutorial in scene file). 09-sn-menger-sponge-ADVANCED.c4d
  8. actually I think they lost majority of their userbase to blender years ago... they actually had a concept design and concept art userbase that was strong at one point. those guys are now all on blender.
  9. they were trying to multithread it and I reckon they proposed to foundry execs that they need more manpower for that and its an extremely complex task. When they realised its not worth putting the resources into it, they decided to abandon it... I think Modos architecture was way too complex to multithread anyway... the next evolution to all these 3d programs is what cinema4d has managed to achieve before anyone else... proper multithreading and new viewport... people can talk trash about c4d all they want but they managed to do this before any other 3d program... even before houdini... Maxon saved their own asses by making the right call early... at least for now. if they didnt do this it would end up like Modo real fast...
  10. i've mentioned it in the c4d discord, but i assume they wouldnt open source it since it most likely shares code with their other software offerings. for example apparently the same viewport and offline rendering is used in Mari...
  11. a quick and dirty menger sponge effect. of course, my method is always weird and dumb... 08-sn-menger-sponge.c4d
  12. ahh nice I didn't see that video, that explains it well.
  13. I recommend you have a special video on explaining specifically loop carried value. I think its one of the most important nodes for making more interesting things... although not all the time... also handling arrays and collections is one of the most important concepts as well since geometry is basically just a collection of values and in 3d programs ur basically working with these collections all the time 🙂
  14. generally i feel like for production level work an upgrade should never be done unless necessary because stuff like this unfortunately happens... but yeah maybe you're going to have to downgrade back to a version where OSL isn't broken.
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