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Donovan K MXN

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Everything posted by Donovan K MXN

  1. Here's a more general setup with comments. I'm calculating the number of chunks to create based on the length of the input array and the chunk size. chunk-arrays_v01.c4d And this is probably overkill, but I've also recorded a YouTube video talking through this setup:
  2. You've got an open/unhandled Scope. Your Range node is initiating a scope/loop. You can see this because there's an open `{...`, you need to pair it with an Assemble Collection, Append Elements or some other node that will take your open scope and turn it back into a "single" thing. With a bunch of arrays, that "single thing" would be an Array of Arrays. Here, I'm using an Assemble Collection to collect the different sliced arrays. With a custom-specified data type that's the matching type of an array of the incoming arrays. chunking-and-joining-arrays_v01.c4d
  3. @filip - Nice setup! You've landed in one of the trickier areas of scene nodes: Dealing with nested iterations/scopes. Here's a setup that more explicitly handles the different scopes that uses Append Elements to make a new points array from scratch each iteration rather than deleting existing elements. As to why things lock up after 10 iterations... these numbers are scaling exponentially, so 10 iterations is a _lot_ of points. I'd recommend soft-capping your iterations with a slider, maybe 0-9, and hard-capping the values 0-10. Project File: kock_send_v02_dk.c4d
  4. The drag multiplier increments are fixed. However, if you write in a number with the level of precision you want like `10.002` then put your cursor to the left of the digit you want to increment `10.00|2` you can use the up/down arrows on your keyboard to do your fine adjustments `10.003`.
  5. New Tutorial: And a demo project file: stylized-wooden-ladder_vD01.c4d
  6. @Hrvoje - There's an even simpler method. You can use the "Select by Weight" node to create a points selection. Then use the Transfer Selection node to convert the Point selection to a Polygon selection.
  7. CORE4D has got a great beginning series: My Scene Nodes 101 series isn't exhaustive but has some simpler examples: For more advanced training, Dominik Ruckli has some great videos: Dominik Ruckli - YouTube Additionally - once you've got a handle on Scene Nodes data structures and beginning/intermediate setups, you can generally follow along with Houdini / Geo Nodes tutorials. For those, it is hard to do better than Entagma: Entagma - YouTube
  8. What you're describing is very useful for things like fences / support structures. You can get pretty close with this setup: Here, the Disconnect node breaks up the spline into a bunch of 2-point "spline edge" segments. This can work well if you don't mind double points at the start/end. If you want to ensure you don't double points, you'll need a more complex setup. The good news here, is you can save this as a node asset and just reuse it rather than rebuild it. resample-spline-per-sub-segment_v02.c4d
  9. This seems to work: """Name-en-US: Solo VORLAGEN Layer Description-en-US: Toggle's the Vorlagen layer's Solo state. """ import c4d def find_vorlagen_layer(root): # Warning: This will only work if "VORLAGEN" is a top-level layer # as we don't iterate the child layers. for layer in root.GetChildren(): if "VORLAGEN" in layer.GetName(): return layer return None def toggle_layer_solo(layer): # source # https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=Uboqi5jQDTU layer_data = layer.GetLayerData(doc) # Toggle the layer's Solo state. layer_data["solo"] = not layer_data["solo"] layer.SetLayerData(doc, layer_data) c4d.EventAdd() #c4d.CallCommand(12147) # Update Screen def main(): doc = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument() layer_root = doc.GetLayerObjectRoot() vorlagen_layer = find_vorlagen_layer(layer_root) if vorlagen_layer: toggle_layer_solo(vorlagen_layer) c4d.EventAdd() # Execute main() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
  10. I don't believe there's a built-in node that would easily allow for this. Someone might be able to do some trickery using the State node to read in the position/normal of a shading point and pass in User Data for the position/angle of the light and perform some sort of hacky "light" calculation, but it wouldn't account for things like shadowing if that's important. Depending on the needs of your shot, you could do this in Physical/Standard render with the Lumas shader.
  11. Hi @RationalEuler - I don't believe that Redshift currently supports rendering spline point colors in Cinema 4D; however, I'll double-check with a member of the Redshift team to confirm.
  12. Off to a great start, thanks Corebot!
  13. Hi Y'all, I'm the Product Manager for Capsules and Scene Nodes at Maxon. Maxon has just released Cinema 4D 2024.3 and I thought I'd share a Quick Tip on a feature that didn't make it into the official announcement. The latest release of Cinema 4D (2024.3) let's you easily preview each step in your Scene Nodes graph with the new "Connect to Output" command. **To Connect a Node to Output** 1. Select the node 2. Tap the `Q` key on your keyboard _I remember this as Q to "Qonnect" to Output_ _The selected node's top-most Geometry port will connect to the top-most Geometry output port of its parent group._ **Alternate Methods** 1. RMB + Click on a node 2. Select "Output Geometry" in the context menu. **Requirements** - You must be using Cinema 4D 2024.3+ - This only works with nodes that have a Geometry output port inside of a Geometry group (Nodes Mesh, Nodes Spline)
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