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David Cowell1

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  1. Hi Hrvoje, Thanks for getting back and apologies for not responding for ages, I didn't get any notifications. I need the first two objects to remain in veroni A because the veroni drives the sim that splits it into two pieces. Then as the sim starts initiating the fall I kinda need to start another veroni that will allow me to break the falling chunk into tinier pieces. What might be a good solution that I will try out, is perhaps baking as an alembic and then placing the alembic into a veroni...although I've never placed an alembic in an effector so I can't recall whether this will work.
  2. Hi everyone! So I've been experimenting with a super simple project. I've download a head from the asset browser and I want it to do two things. 1) I want the head to split off from the neck using a veroni fracture with only two seperations. 2) As the head falls I want it to shatter in a much more complex Veroni Fracture. My initial thought was, do the first step, bake everything down to keyframes and then apply the second step with another simulation tag. My issue is, I can't seem to bake this as keyframes, the simulation tag is still there even if I bake as an alembic. What am I doing wrong? I'm sure I've dones something like this before, which is why this is so irritating! Head.c4d
  3. Hi All, I've never had this issue before, but I am getting some bizzare white strips in my texture. I have a label that is on a bottle. The bottle is rendered using redshift. I am not sure whether the problem is with my render settings or perhaps how I have exported the image from illustrator, is there a setting I am missing? I have attached my render below. Any help would be amazing as this is for a client. Thanks David
  4. Hi Everyone, This is a very niche question so bare with me. I am using C4D sketch and toon for a client, the aim is to match the illustrators designs in 3d. In the scene there is a piece of glass with an object creeping out from behind. In the illustration the objects colour behind the glass is different to its true colour (which is peaking out), I wondered if it was possible to recreate this? I am absolutely stumped. Thanks in advance
  5. Hi Guys, Just a general question in regards to compositing from C4D to after effects. I want to start a project where I have an object with a glass material, then I want to composite that into after effects and have 2D elements show up behing it. Is this possible? or do I have to project the 2D video onto a plane behind the Glass object? I would rather it be done in the render so that I have more control when taking it into After Effects however I can't wrap my head around how to approach this. Im just thinking about it at the moment so I don't have any scene files unfortunately. The render will no doubt be in Redshift.
  6. Hi @Cerbera I wonder if you had the time to look at this? I'm wondering if the rope dynamic is the wrong approach. Which is crazy, because it is literally a rope 😅
  7. Hi @Cerbera Thanks for taking a look, here is a more basic scene file. Thanks David 1025188277_HoodieLaceTest.c4d
  8. Hi All, Another simulation question from me on here 😅 Im using the new rope simulation for hoodie strings, which you would think would be the perfect use for it. Everything seems to be working fine except when I move the character downwards, once I do this the hoodie (which is a sweep) basically sticks in the air until the timeline is played out and refreshes when I go back to frame 0. I have tried playing around with the gravity but that didn't help at all. Here is a screen record, very bizarre behaviour. Has anyone come across this issue before? Thanks team David 2147190166_bandicam2022-12-1510-14-34-298.mp4
  9. YOU my friend! Have saved my tookus on this one! Thanks so much, Ive been trying to play about with the new roipe simulator to get good results but it has glitched all over the place! Thanks again, its very much appreciated!! 👏
  10. Definitely needs to change, what's the point in paying for access to a community with knowledge when theres no one on here to help?
  11. Hi Everyone, I am rigging a character, and the client has asked for certain parts of the character to be dynamic, more specifically the name bedge that the character wears (see attached). I have a limited amount of knowledge in simulation but I just cannot get the badge to attach to the character whilst also moving independantly. I essentially need to pin the badge to the chest of the character and then when I animate say the body of the character the badge will rotate accordingly. Unfortunaltely I am getting pretty cruddy results no matter what settings I try to play with, I have also tried applying it to a spring and that just made the badge freak out. I have attached a more basic version of the C4D file, hopefully one of you awesome people could shed some light on the situation. Thanks Dynamic_Test.c4d
  12. Hi Everyone, I have a deadline for monday morning so Im hoping this can be answered over the weekend. I am trying to rig an arm using a spline, I am rigging with IK and a goal. I also have a hand which is aligned to the spline so that it stays in place when moving the goal. My issue is that when I move the goal the wrist will rotate in almost a snapping/twisting action which is obviously not helpful when it comes to animating. I attach my file and also a video of what I mean. I dont wish for the wrists to rotate automatically with the Goal I need to have complete control. Thanks in advance. 1932630191_bandicam2022-11-1823-03-22-934.mp4 New Arm Testv02_issue.c4d
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