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Karina P

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    Cinema 4D, Blender
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  1. Hi everyone! I'm totally new to Houdini and normally use C4D, but I've always wanted to start digging into it and I thought this project is a perfect chance. So I’m trying to create a viscous droplet hitting a surface and slowly spreading into the particular shape (indicated by the spline) and ideally becoming flat at the end. I’ve tried to use POP attract and a spline but it doesn’t seem to work anyhow close to what I need and totally ignores the spline. Another approach I was considering is to create a container in that shape, but then I’m not sure how to still make it act as an attractor and not just as a collider. I use Houdini 19.0.I’d be really grateful for any tips.
  2. Hi everyone! I'm trying to cache the Pyro sim but even after decreasing the voxel size it looks incorrect. The scale of my scene is pretty small and I thought maybe it's a problem but I also tried with a bigger one. Are there any other settings I should tweak? And also is there a way to make the smoke less dense? Since it's supposed to be dust from sand at the end. Thanks a lot. test_sand with pyro.c4d
  3. I've faced another problem with Pyro cache while recreating the scene. The scale of my scene is way smaller so I expected it to act differently. In the viewport it looks somehow ok even though not so goodlike in your file, but when I tried to cache it, it just gave totally weird results even when I decreased the voxel size a lot. When I tried to cache your file it also didn't look correct. Maybe I'm missing some other settings? Another weird thing is that Polygon selection for particles Cloner just stooped working at one point, maybe it's a bug.. test_sand with pyro.c4d
  4. thanks a lot! I've digged into the scene and learnt a lot but also got some questions.. - where is the vertex map applied and what does that circle field do? - for cylinder fields you do color remap but I'm not sure what it does in this case? - and for Particles set up I can't understand what triggers them? I see the same cylinder fields are used to control the plain affector but how they appear only when the product touches the plain?
  5. Hi guys! I'm trying to create sand at least a bit similar to https://player.vimeo.com/video/720171339?h=5ebd4a7396&color=ffffff&title=0&byline=0&portrait=0 (time 0:09) So I want to achieve that it's not just sand texture waving but also some stones etc are interacting with the surface. I've tried to spread stones with matrix scatter and also use rigid body/collider but nothing seems to works. Only texture looks very boring so I'm not sure how I can achieve at least something similar without x-particles or Houdini. Thanks for any tips. I've attached the file sc6.c4d
  6. Hey everyone! I'm trying to achieve the result when the bottom torus normally collides with the top one, when the top one swings. The first problem I can't resolve is that there is like an invisible boundary between them and they don't actually fully collide, plus weird jittering in the beginning. I tried changing the shape in the collide setting and played with mass centre but it doesn't seem to work. Please see the attached file and thanks a lot for any tips. test.c4d
  7. Hi everyone! I'm trying to achieve this effect that the floor is rather mat in the middle and more reflective closer to the walls. I was thinking of achieving it with Fresnel node to Roughness but it looks weird, the whole floor becomes shiny. Could you please advise? I use redshift. It could be done through a ramp but I'm curious if Fresnel could also work
  8. I've tried and I think it gives the best possible result in this case. Thank you!
  9. I haven't worked with hair before so when I tried to convert it looks very weird, rope sim didn't really work either
  10. this is with materials and I'm trying to get especially outer hair to move fluidly like for example there is some wind
  11. here is the file I tried to add splines to hair objects but It looked super weird on render, maybe I miss some settings. WIth a Rope tag it didn't really work. 694355405_tracerhairtest.c4d
  12. Hello everyone, I've created this abstract thing with a bunch of tracers, then added hair strands mode in redshift object tag. I'm now wondering if there is a way to animate it so each hair is moving fluidly and naturally? I've never worked with hair so it's a bit tricky, I'd really appriciate your tips.
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