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Jeff H1

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  1. Jeff H1's post in Redshift Transparency was marked as the answer   
    Another way that would give you more control would be to leave that light alone and use individual RS Tags.  I added one to the lens and the Glass Sphere and turned off Cast Shadows.

  2. Jeff H1's post in Fake Liquid was marked as the answer   
  3. Jeff H1's post in Importing textures from Substance painter into Cinema 4D was marked as the answer   
    I'll remove all textures and work on them one by one.     I also don't know if you'll need all those 6 textures in Physical Render.      You could try looking at this 
  4. Jeff H1's post in Tree Modeling Suggestions was marked as the answer   
    you could push it through the volume builder then Remesher, then use sculpting tools on the resultant mesh to refine.    You could even just use volume builder on individual branches one at a time then combine them later into another volume builder
  5. Jeff H1's post in C4d and Octane - HDRI not showing thru window glass was marked as the answer   
    try this;

  6. Jeff H1's post in Plug-ins not showing in Cinema 4D. was marked as the answer   
    More importantly check to make sure your plugin is compatible with R23.  I looked up and found some arrow  plugins just now which probably aren't compatible without using Insydium's free Bridge plugin.      I did find this ArrowMaker plugin which has been updated:
  7. Jeff H1's post in Line Cut - cuts do not persist. was marked as the answer   
    the knife tool (err line cut) can be very fickle.  I've noticed it doesn't do the cuts I'm asking for and I've had to use the Polygon Pen tool instead.    In your case you may want to try a couple things.  I tend to hit space bar after I've laid down my cut for it to apply it.   I also tend to not use the Snap tools (which I hate anyways in C4D compared to other tools) while using the knife tool.    You can create angled cuts at 45 or 90 degrees by holding down the SHIFT key before starting to use the knife tool on your mesh.
    Lastly, make sure you look at the options when  using the Knife tool to give you more ability to tweak your cuts as you do them.   The one I toggle mostly in the attributes is the Visible Only because sometimes I want to slice right through a model, even on the other side.    The other interesting one is "Preserve N-Gon Curvature" which may be useful for you when cutting a rounded object.
    Also, I have to remind myself Maxon decided to call it "Line Cut" versus "Knife". 😛

  8. Jeff H1's post in Snow spread on objects in Redshift & C4D was marked as the answer   
    yeah I wasn't thinking it through properly.  I  screwed around with a triangle polygon and threw it in 3 different matrix objects with different effectors and linear fields.   I spent about 10 min on it.


  9. Jeff H1's post in Aspect rotation was marked as the answer   
    If I'm understanding the problem correctly, you are selecting the individual objects versus the main null object you are wishing to use to rotate with?

    Instead I believe you want to select the bras (Null object).

  10. Jeff H1's post in Divider plugin + Inset node was marked as the answer   
    throw a Select in there.    I think behind the scenes Divider is selecting polys and Inset is using those selected.   You may be able to do it via the Selection String box in Inset but I'm too capsule-dumb to know what else to put in there.  🙂

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