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Jeff H1

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Everything posted by Jeff H1

  1. You could probably look at OSM maps of farm lands and export as a vector based image (probably eps) then import that in. Or bring in the raster map into illustrator (or c4d) and go from there
  2. still needs to be more of an effort on the part of maxon and any of the showcase artists on their streams to really push the concept of nodes inside of C4D and usefulness. So far we have Rocketlasso pushing capsules specific to the Maxon One subscribers. With the blender youtubers, some have embraced geo nodes and that's all they show. it still feels like the documentation for artists isn't there and certainly not a big push to use them by Maxon and the community at large. Most training gravitates towards the flavor of the month (pyro balls, twisted ropes, rubber bands, balloons and such). It's driven based on the latest addition via a patch. Once nodes finally get to where they are seemingly more marketable, there really needs to be a push. based on just straight free youtube videos, I could get up to speed with geo nodes over a weekend, with a multitude of free setups to download and use. The same could be said for Houdini, but obviously at a longer training period. That can't be said necessarily for scene nodes.. yet. we'll see what c4d 2024 holds I guess...
  3. I still wonder where Maxon is in all of this. USD won't solve everything (yet) but down the road transferring files between apps will be a lot easier. Imagine loading a USD scene from an app into Substance Painter, where it keeps the matX materials, you paint, the textures are applied and exported within the USD and brought back into your app, or moved into UE without any linkage problems or materials looking different. Load the USD into Fusion or Nuke and comp with background plates and footage. The materials and lighting come across.
  4. doesn't matter.. a material is a material.
  5. Couldn't you also select the Background texture in the dropdown to paint on top of it?
  6. I can't tell if it works correctly with Octane but with Redshift, you just use the Paint WIzard and select your material. The last thing you need to do is to make sure you save the texture. Realistically, if it's a problem using your own materials, let Bodypaint create a default for you, paint on it, save the texture to a file and drag that texture back into your material.
  7. I get what you're talking about now. It just takes a bit of time to get used to. I also see I need to toggle it on and off and sometimes reapply the Symmetrize on the selected mesh depending on what I'm trying to do.
  8. the other screwy thing I realized about the newer Symmetry is when you use toggle parent (Q), it actually toggles the Symmetry (turning it off) versus older versions with the old style Symmetry. While it's somewhat advantageous to have that, it is problematic when you have a Symmetry stacked under an SDS and you just want to toggle the SDS (which is the top parent). I ended up using Ctrl-Q to toggle SDS via the CV Toggle SDS Objects Maybe these two issues are inter-related because the newly worked Symmetry behaves differently now.
  9. Not sure if it was reported already but Insydium tweaked their licensing. I received an email this morning about the 2023.3 release as well as this tidbit on maintenance: With this release, we’ve made minor changes to our product; when your Maintenance expires, you have more options. Option 1 – Buy Maintenance You can buy Maintenance, which gives you 12 months of access to the full INSYDIUM Fused Collection from the purchase date. After your Maintenance Agreement expires, your X-Particles license will still be valid. But you will no longer have access to NeXus, Taiao, TerraformFX, MeshTools and Cycles 4D or receive the benefits included with Maintenance. Option 2 – Buy a Complete Upgrade and *switch to a Complete Fused License As you are an existing customer with a perpetual license starting with XPL or IFL, you can switch to a Fused Complete license by purchasing a Complete Upgrade for £350** The INSYDIUM Fused Complete Upgrade gives you permanent access** to the latest Release Update and all the Service Updates for that version. You’ll also retain access to the full INSYDIUM Fused Collection: X-Particles, NeXus, Taiao, TerraformFX, MeshTools and Cycles 4D.
  10. I think I see the problem. The newer version of the Symmetry tool doesn't propagate down to the editable mesh. The darker mesh is the Symmetry and I'm editing the mesh. R21, with Clamp Points on Axis, Delete Polys on Axis. As you can see the Symmetry mesh and the editable mesh align correctly.
  11. I recently started leaving it on by default while modeling as I get an idea of issues as they happen.
  12. I'm waiting for the two heavyweights tomorrow... Billy Chitkin and Gryun Kim.
  13. https://www.maxon.net/zh/event/siggraph-2023 Day 1: Notables for me from Day One were Auturo Wong and Handel Eugene.
  14. yeah I've submitted a few through tickets. I remember one where they responded saying they were aware and the bug was already fixed and ready for the next patch. Pretty responsive.
  15. ahh I tried the tolerance but without snap points to plane.. interestingly enough it actually moved the symmetry side over into the editable side.
  16. I know Symmetry was reworked to create a symmetry hub thing, but are things like clamp points on axis ever coming back? Without it I have to spend a little extra time drawing a cut to the axis then dissolving the extra diagonal edge as both ends. Or are their hidden features I'm missing? I've tried messing with the weld toggle, cut along plane and the tolerance but it doesn't see to act like the old options. old options:
  17. I think it's quite common, especially if you look at detailed release notes for each release. They typically state what's new, fixed or known bugs. In some cases the details on the bug may offer a workaround, depending on the software and the dev notes.
  18. On the Maya beta many more were brought on eventually as not everyone is experienced in every facet of the software. You need character people banging on the animation features, lookdev people pounding on the rendering side and of course modelers putting those features through their paces. Also, you need various people with various backgrounds and importantly enough, with different platforms. As Srek can attest to, some bugs just can't get fixed upon release even if they are known.
  19. yeah on the Maya team it was a bit rewarding to see feedback go back into the product at some point down the line. There were obvious pain points with management with regards to accepting feedback too. 🙂 this is the way...
  20. yeah I was on the Maya beta for years. I just wasn't sure how Maxon handles it.
  21. I'm curious. How does one get accepted into C4D beta testing? Is it invite only or do you sign up somewhere and cross your fingers for a reply?
  22. not sure if you looked but check to make sure you settings are correct on the imported material, specifically the Projection.
  23. Aturtur's Cinema 4D Scripts https://github.com/aturtur/cinema4d-scripts Kaktak https://kaktak.gumroad.com/ Rocket Lasso https://rocketlasso.gumroad.com/ Kengo Ito https://kengoito1110.gumroad.com/ Plugins 4D https://plugins4d.gumroad.com/ Maxsim Bitiukov https://mbitiukov.gumroad.com/ Matthaus Niedoba https://matniedoba.gumroad.com/ Ihor Dmytrenko https://ihordmytrenko.gumroad.com/
  24. I'd recommend checking out ALL of his free scripts on github: https://github.com/aturtur/cinema4d-scripts
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