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Jeff H1

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Everything posted by Jeff H1

  1. With Maxon's relationship with Adobe bringing Substance materials to C4D with exposed parameters, what about a way to bring over their procedural texture nodes to C4D as well? Maybe build out a "Substance Noise" node to go along with the Maxon Noise node. added extra since it errored out while posting. building out a material with various procedural textures, while relying less on textures would be pretty nifty. I know we can do it now but adding a variety of newer procedurals would be nice.
  2. Maxon still hasn't added the ability to drag existing nodes in the Node Editor onto an existing wire and have it automatically connect. I think even Octane for C4D allows it. Or the opposite where you click drag (with hotkey) to pull a node out of the graph, even with a simple wiggle movement, like in Houdini. I think we still can't disable/enable nodes currently in a graph either. This is available in Octane and Arnold. We have to manually reroute the wires to bypass the node versus disabling or even dragging the node out of the graph as I mentioned above. Even clicking on a port and dragging out would be nice to have a pop-up with compatible type nodes that would connect to it. For instance, dragging out on the port (dot) of Base Color would have a popup for recommended nodes like Texture. Click on that and it's automatically added. Make Redshift even more funky fresh! 😛
  3. Awesome work!!!! It's astounding that Maxon still doesn't know how to fully support UDIMs in 2024 when every major 3D DCC has been doing it for some time.
  4. So Dave talked about pricing tiers in his interview with Andrey. Apparently there are two tiers already.. one for "individuals" and one for teams. I bet management laughed in their meeting saying, "well you can't say individual without INDIE!! HAHAHAH WE SO FUNNY!!!" 😛 You can watch the whole interview..
  5. I'd love to see MML (Maxon Machine Learning). This would take the Object Profiler of 2025 release further. This would analyze the scene and offer potential tweaks to optimize the scene. You'd run the command and it would provide potential optimized settings for lights, cameras, render settings and even texture resolutions (based on distance to cam, render resolution). It would offer to save an optimized scene version with checkboxes you select from the recommended optimization list. You could even save presets so it just checks specific settings in future projects. One of the interesting features could be either selecting from a drop down list (eg. product vis, interior, landscape...) or writing keywords to describe the scene so it helps to further optimize sampling settings for that particular scene. MML could also be used on other things like textures whereby you import a 2k texture but realize you need a higher fidelity texture and have the texture node upscale to 4k, saving the new version in the same directory as the 2k version. That functionality could work in batch on multiple imported textures as well. Also MLL could be used during rendering. You could render at 1080 and at the end of the render, c4d kicks off an uprez to 4K, saving the new uprezed version in a subfolder next to the original rendered versions. MLL would also do tweening. You'd render every other frame and it would use ML to fill in the missing frames. ---------------------- Adding keyboard and mouse functionality during modeling tasks would be great. For instance, adding loops you could use the mouse wheel to add or remove more loops. For bevels, using the mouse wheel to add/remove subdivisions and maybe tapping B while still in bevel mode to toggle the Bevel profile. Those extra key toggles would appear at the bottom of the UI. Yeah, it's copying from Blender but who cares, Blender has been copying features from other applications for years. Licensing from or implementing Maxon's take on some of the HB Modeling bundle stuff. The same with Merk and Rocket Lasso. Bring them in house, or license their technology. Caveat: Don't make a C4D Maxon One SuperCharged version which costs extra just because you did this. Add value back to the base product. Added: I don't want ML/AI to do my work for me. I don't want to be a prompt monkey. I want it to help me by taking away some of the pain points in production and give me solutions to make my work look better with potentially faster turn around times.
  6. Fine with it. RL plugins cost a bit too much. I’m fine with Maxon making this stuff in house. Besides Chris is making money off Maxon making capsules for Maxon One. If Maxon didn’t take the initiate we’d still be figuring out Insydium licensing and finding a next generation TFD for pyro. I hope Maxon continues making features in house. Is GSG still developing its c4d plugins like signal or are they sunsetted?
  7. shame more wasn't added to import/export like true UDIM support in C4D along with the beginnings of Material X support which was added on RS trello board back in 2019.
  8. apparently no leaks.. I guess nothing they're excited about except zbrush on ipad.
  9. they have an announcement scheduled for Sep 10th. I know part of it is for ZBR on Ipad. It would surprise me if that's all they announce.
  10. is this what you're going after? A shadow pass?
  11. so I ended up creating the project on Team Render Server web interface. I grabbed the tex folder from the original project location and dropped into the project folder Team Render Server created for the project. As soon as I added that folder manually, the assets updated automatically on the web interface. Everything works fine now. I also moved the local repository folder to another drive so my system drive isn't taken up with render files.
  12. I've never really used the Team Render Server. Do ALL of the textures need to be uploaded to the server with the C4d file in the job in order for the clients to see them, even if the textures are on a mapped network drive seen in the C4D scene? I can't seem to get the client to render w/textures even though the workstation has them mapped to F:/..... The Team Render Client says it can't find them there however. When I upload the textures with the c4d file as assets, the render turns out fine. The obvious problem with that is adding... each... and... every.... texture separately. Or, can I drag and drop them directly into the teamrender_server\user\admin\JOBNAME ?
  13. Blender feels like the wild wild west with cheap or free addons which helps blender tremendously, but you have to spend a bit of time getting them to work with each other and blender. Not to mention the bugs introduced with the addons or blender itself. You also spend time trying to figure out why your hotkeys changed only to realize it was an addon that changed settings without your knowledge. Oh yeah, and the more addons you get the more you have to maintain as many are updated quite often. On the flip side, there are some solid addons for a good price or free which really helps out. Some C4D plugin developers could learn a about setting reasonable pricing for plugins or collections. Some want almost as much for their collection than the price of the C4D sub itself. I know I'll probably get blasted by saying it on this forum, but lurking on Twitch, Youtube and X I see the same sentiment regarding these unnamed plugin devs. C4D isn't getting any cheaper! 😛 I still can't see using Blender from start to finish on most projects. Some of Blender is just too damn irritating. I look forward to seeing what Maxon does with R2025 too. I'd love to see Maxon actively look at what other apps and plugins are doing and why people are using them. What makes them so powerful? Then look at adopting some of those features or concepts to C4D. For instance, Light Control addon for Blender does a great job solving how to go into an editing mode for a specific light and using hotkeys to adjust various parameters like brightness, orbit, distance, temperature , angle and more. After you are done, left mouse click to get out of editing that light. Such a simple concept. https://blendermarket.com/products/light-control
  14. Maxon grins and bears this criticism because at the end of the day, they KNOW people like Motion Punk and others will not completely ditch C4D and their legacy scenes for something new. Subscriptions ensured reliance on their software in order to work on legacy scene files. Maxon execs when they see another critical tweet or comment from someone...
  15. you could also make LOD versions of the cars with the lowest poly versions placed all the way in the back and higher poly versions in the forergound. each LOD version would have its own cloner. it looks cool by the way.
  16. reducing the poly count and stripping out content that won't be seen is very important. Also you could try converting them to RS proxies then using a Matrix instead of cloner.
  17. Spline > Clone > Create Outline. there are some procedural plugins that can do it but I think they may be all paid plugins at this point.
  18. is it potentially coming out next month? New VP would be nice, along with the atmospherics would be nice. Modeling and UV refinements would be good but I don't think they care too much about those as their main focus seems to be on their updated dynamics suite and Redshift. Material X and USD enhancements would be cool. As for Indie license, I think that ship sailed with the last CEO. They're raising their prices next month too. The fact they charge extra for capsules, old licensed vegetation assets and a handful of materials in a higher price tier shows they could care less about pricing concerns. On top of that, Rocket Lasso will surely sell you another $90 worth of capsules on their own. I guess it's what the market will bear.
  19. many times AI shadows are visually off/broken. The texturing is typically too smooth with little fine detail or nuance. text is always jumbled/broken. Also with AI you won't be able to get different angles/shots to line up. Also animation. I'd imagine with creating exhibition spaces, you want to show how lighting of the booth space will look. AI always tries to render an "Artstation" style render not completely accurate based on the light sources in the shot. Use AI to generate things like concepts, colors or composition to work from but don't let it pull you down.
  20. It's over my head but seems interesting using Python to work with TP on the GPU.
  21. haha yeah I saw that too on Reddit. I wonder how that meeting went with the managers.. "Ok outside of the price hikes, what obscure restrictive shit should we do to piss off our customers? I mean let's really dig deep and find some real petty shit to F with them. Anyone? 5 license releases per day... DONE!! I love our job, unlike our customers! Adobe has nothing on us.... Let's keep digging and find more stuff and see if customers will find these Easter eggs...."
  22. Already started. Got about 4-5 months down time and my Maxon sub doesn't expire till beyond that. No better time than now.
  23. No they got rid of the C4D only version (which had the RS CPU). As it stands for about 2-3 years they were hiding the C4D only one as you had to click on the C4D + RS bundle to then see an alternative version of C4D only. It was only a matter of time before they canceled it.
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