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Jeff H1

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Jeff H1 last won the day on November 14

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  • DCC
    Blender 4.2, Houdini 20.5
  • Texturing
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  • GPU
    Quadro RTX 5000

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Community Answers

  1. Vincent Schwenk - Gumroad - 50% off https://vincentschwenk.gumroad.com/
  2. Adobe Creative Cloud - 50% off year subscription (billed monthly) https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud/plans.html?promoid=TBJRLL8W&mv=other
  3. Travis Davids - GUMROAD https://mrdavids1.gumroad.com/ use code: blackfriday24 You can grab any product at a discounted price. Deal runs from now until the end of November.
  4. Started so people can keep track of deals in the industry. Does Maxon have any deals for the holidays… if not, they should. Insydium: BLACK FRIDAY HALF PRICE SALE* Coupon code: BLK50 11th November until midnight (UK) 4th December 2024
  5. Blender wasn't bought by a larger company and went with a subscription, with similar pricing to C4D. Blender hype is because it's not locked behind a paywall with development happening without any roadmap seen by the people renting the software, and updates are more substantial than a slow subscription trickle. When you charge a lot for your software but you have little to differentiate yourself there is a problem, especially when you self-identify your software with a niche in the industry....
  6. I wish I understood more of how Blender assigns its commands to hotkeys and how to interpret the commands based on their naming conventions. For instance I have to realize that VIEW3D_MT_PIE_template which is attached to the "v" key is from Machin3Tools as the Views Pie toggle. However if I toggle that off, the "v" key is still assigned to it even though I'm telling the addon I don't want to use that toggle/feature. Many times addons will set their own hotkeys, wiping out hotkeys from other addons or even stock Blender. It's hard trying to figure out who did what to who and how to reverse it, especially if the command has archaic python text. All other apps at least give you a warning before keys are overwritten. I've saved various keymap configs just in case I install an addon and it wants to overwrite stuff. interesting presentation at BCon24 where Price talks about how to improve Blender's UI. It's a bit refreshing to see open dialog and solutions being provided by the community in an open forum like a conference, versus the community wondering what's going on behind the smoke and mirrors and waiting to see what happens with each update.
  7. surprised at the Blender 4.3 changes to the UI. They've been dead set for years against pop out panels and other UI standards for DCCs. I see they've also released their grip on the icons, going towards individual SVGs. That leads to more customization and moving away from icons that look too close in shape which are also all white. Thanks for those addon callouts, @No One. All Material List is one I'm looking at. I'm still surprised many features just aren't IN Blender and need an addon.
  8. when subscriptions fail, users get screwed. I'm guessing people were leaving their Modo subscriptions for Maya indie or Blender (free). Maybe not enough feature separation from cheaper competitors for the price of $719 per year (oddly familiar). I remember about 10 or so years ago you could get Modo (indie) on Steam, along with Mari. They discontinued it after a couple years. Edit: LInk to Modo EOL 10 year license. https://campaigns.foundry.com/modo-eol-license
  9. have you verified your PC is actually using the GPUs and not the CPU?
  10. When asked about indie pricing in an interview, Dave responded with a straight face that Maxon already has individual pricing along with teams pricing. It seemed rehearsed. He refuses to acknowledge the fact that Autodesk and SideFX have pricing for individual seats and teams, but also have indie licensing as well. As maxon fiddled with their student requirements and pricing for about a year a shift is happening gradually away from traditional centers of learning (uni, college, training centers) to online training where the cost is significantly cheaper (or free). Maxon doesn't work with most online schools so people can't get Maxon student licenses and Maxon hates indie licenses. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone willing to shell out $$ for a C4D+RS or Maxon One bundle just for learning. What's a free app with lots of free learning available online? Blender. Another app that has an apprentice version? Houdini. Max and Maya can be had pretty cheaply too with the indie license. For students, the choices are absolutely clear. These are the people that may ultimately be making decisions in the future about what a studio uses as they become senior designers, generalists and artists. If they've never been exposed to Maxon products due to cost, who do you think they'll go with? I've seen a few training courses on Gnomon and other sites where the seasoned artists are moonlighting, teaching Blender because it's free for them at home and currently there's a lot of interest. So far there's a lot of interest in the community from apps OTHER than C4D...
  11. figures.. seems to be broken in the Node Editor while changing things like offset in a Texture node which is not associated with Units in prefs. Or at least very glitchy to say the least. sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.
  12. Thanks for the tip... I figured there had to be some hidden way to do it. Here I was looking at a python script changing the units!
  13. Thanks. I thought about that. It’s a shame there’s nothing built in. Good ol missing quality of life features which will never be addressed in c4d.
  14. I know you can use CTRL or ALT to change precision while adjusting the values in the Coordinates section but is there a way like in Nuke to where you can move the cursor in front of the smaller increment you want to adjust to refine the precision even more? I think even Maya ended up having a toggle icon to adjust the amount of precision in the sliders.
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