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    C4D 2023.1
  • Renderer
    V-RAY 6

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  1. I also went that road, my problem is that I doesnt work for my desired look. I would like to have geometry which I can art-direct a bit better with shaders
  2. Hello people, I am searching a way to recreate such a effect. The general idea I have is that I have a starting point of the laser and a end line. I thought that I can beam many points from this one point to the line and the points would stop where a intersection with another object is. Kinda like this: But I really dont know where to start with Scene Nodes. Is this even the right idea? Is there a simpler way? Any help would be appreciated.
  3. Hello guys One of our client wants to have product renderings for a lot of object. Those objects are basicly tubes. Since we cant ensure that all those tubes will be in the same direction, I though of a script that uses the bouning box of those objects and orient it into the correct direction. We also would like to assign materials based on the display color of the objects. Would something like this even be possible with Cinema? We dont have a good knowledge of scripting.
  4. Well that is exactly what I need. Man, I really have to look into Nodes. Thank you very much for the help.
  5. No problem, your help is appreciated: So the Laser should only be visible, if the end of the laser hits one clone of the cloner grid in the background. The Laser is currently generated with 5 NULLs (4 of them are animated, on is static) and a Tracer Object The decay on the cloner is made with a Blend Cloner and some effectors (shouldnt be relevant to the laser effect) I also would say that this isnt possible with traditional C4D trickery, but I have 0 experience with Nodes.
  6. cam50_rgb.mp4 I had to make the scene more abstract because of NDAs etc. This is my setup right now. Your setup is kinda what I need, so thanks for the input. But the whole laser needs to flicker. I use 5 NULLs and a Tracer for this setup atm. The visibility should affect the whole laser
  7. Hey, thanks for posting, Unfortunatly not. My goal that in a grid of cubes for example that are spaced out, if the field hits one cloner, the visibility of a animated sweep spline would be triggered. Basicly emulating a laser that gets triggered when it hits something. I assumed you could use the MoGraph Selection Tag to have the data if something is selected and based on "if mograph selection != empty" than trigger the visibility of the sweep
  8. Hello, I want to drive a Itensity Value of a light by the rule "If a field intersects with a clone of a cloner, than value = 1, other = 0" I dont have knowledge with Python, so I tried my luck with Xpresso, but I cant get it to work. I tried to use a Mograph Selection Tag with the Selected Output giving me a 0 or 1, but this only works when f.e, Clone 4 is selected but it only works with "hardcoded" values. Does anyone has a idea how to to this? I cant keyframe the values because there are way too many clones, keyframing would take ages.
  9. Apology for the \\: obviously thats not included. When I render the project on my workstation, the file gets generated as expected. It just doesnt save it when I am using the render server.
  10. Hello, Recently my company bought a GPU render server, we use VRay as our main renderer. My plan is that we use the Team Render Server to send jobs to the render server and the render server saves the rendered files to our storage server. I can get the job rendered but it never seems to save the frames we rendered to the storage server. Am I missing some setting? We use the saving location with a direct path \\:\... Anyone has experience with this?
  11. Yea it does. But we need to make this application work on iOS, which according to our partners doesnt support alembics
  12. Hey guys, we have some spline based animation of a cable. We use a sweep to give this cable geometry. What is the workflow to export this animation to an FBX, so we can use it in Unity? We know that sweeps and splines arent uniform from 3D application to 3D application and I dont want to use a joint base animation, while I already have the animation with splines. Thanks in advance
  13. visibal_delay.mp4 Hey guys, I have to rig for some wire channels. As you can see it has a visible delay on it. I dont know why, I tried stuff with priority stuff but nothing seems to fix it. My main issue is that I want this exported, so I can use it un Unreal Engine, but the delay translate into exported files (mainly using Cineware Export, but also happening in a alembric export)
  14. Hey guys, I have a bit of a weird problem: We are using C4D and VRAY 6 on their latest versions. I thought it would be kinda smart to make a Material Libary with all the materials we used in previous projects. The materials were made with globalized data paths. So textures link to our server. When I load those materials in the asset browser and import them on my PC, it works as expected. The textures have now this ://assetb path but that doesnt bother me too much (First question here: Is there a way to import the globalized filepath instead of this conversion?) When I export the libary from my PC and import it on a different PC, the previews load in correctly, the textures also seem to work correctly. When I double click them they appear in the Render Window with Full Res. So when I want to use the materials on the other PC they lose all their textures, while they are still linked with the ://assetb path. They are just getting ignored or something. Do I have missed something while exporting or importing Materials into the Asset Browser? Because for me, all of this doesnt make any sense. EDIT: I appear to be a VRAY issue. When I use the textures with Standard Materials or Redshift Materials, it finds the textures and render them properly
  15. Hello guys, We ran into a task that is above my Xpresso skills. We have a scene that is like a circuit board and we want to animate glowing lines going away from the processor in the middle. We thought, to save us time, we could use XPRESSO to randomize the Growth Valvues of the Sweeps. We tried using the Hierarchy node to get the different sweeps, but if we pipe in a randomized value, of couse, the same value gets applied to each sweep. I know that in Houdini you would use some sort of for each loop, but we cant figure out how to do something simular in C4Ds Xpresso. So if there is a wizard out there who can help us to find the right setup, that would be awesome. Thanks in advance
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