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Everything posted by Fidelissimus

  1. Hello, I'm trying to find any resources or anyone with information regarding how Bullet Dynamics work with 3d Characters in C4D? If this isn't possible or if there's an alternative method you guys use please let me know!
  2. Namaste all, We haven't really built on our materials/texturing skills and would like some help converting Max and C4D projects to C4D 2023 Redshift. The projects have most of the textures/ao/normal/bump/ect. But I'm an idiot with Redshift materials and materials in general. There may be some additional material/texturing needed as well. Please inbox me your rates and we can discuss specific projects and estimated timelines.
  3. OMG I don't know who you are but I so appreciate the amount of time you put into helping me. You made it clear for me to understanding now and for me that's saying something. How can one return the appreciation for your time? Via donation or such?
  4. I think the issue I was facing was that I'm no actually pasting an object but pasting a group of objects and when I use the view center it only moves the axis to view and leaves the group of objects in the location it was pasted to. I have some more tinkering to do to master this but thank you BOTH of you for helping me 🙂
  5. Hi MJV, Thanks for the answer. You're dealing with an idiot here so can you please expand a little? I clicked view center and it brought the axis to the center of the screen can you tell me how to bring the object to the center of the screen or snap the object to the axis?
  6. Hi all, Can someone help me understand the placement tool more? I'm trying to copy a seat in an auditorium from one project and then paste it into another project with the same auditorium. However, when I paste it into the new project, the seat gets placed about 300 yards away from the auditorium. Is there a way that I can bring an object to the center of my perspective view and not bring my perspective view to the object? I was told I needed to do it with the placement tool but I'm not sure how I would do that, maybe I'm a little slow lol. Any help would be so greatly appreciated!
  7. @bentraje Thank you so much!!! this worked. @mikeh I'm dumb, I got it from cgtrader, not turbosquid. I was able to get it figured out, though. Thanks for your response 🙂
  8. Hello all, We're halfway through school of motion and loving this software. I'm curious if any of you could point me in the right direction. We purchased a few city assets from Turbosquid and are now trying to convert them from Maya to C4D. Is there a more efficient way to locate all of the missing texture assets rather than going into each material texture path and uploading? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!
  9. I was unaware the 4090s are coming out and thank you for your comment. It's clear to me I need to do a lot more research before dumping money into the computers. One of the main concerns I had about dumping so much money into a system is the question of how soon before better tech comes out and should I wait a month or two. Through my own ignorance, I was not aware of the rinse and repeat aspect. Thank you for your response. Looks like I need to hold off and learn some more.
  10. Not tripping, just ignorant to it all haha. From what I understood, the more GPUs, the faster the render?
  11. Hello All, I'm helping my children launch an animation studio this year and just wanted to introduce myself to the community! I'm Brandon, the dad 🙂 We are all taking C4D courses this summer and then will be producing content for YouTube. If there are any pointers or advice you'd like to share, I would love to hear. We will be building out our studio as well as asset portfolio over the next several months. My kids are spread across the country so they will all be working on laptops and then send the final product to HQ for render. Any suggestions on the best laptop for C4D under $3K I'd love to hear your thoughts? The HQ workstation will be built out by puget systems but if you have any suggestions on how we should proceed for that, I'd love to hear as well. I'm hoping to have the HQ workstation armed with 8 RTX 3090's Kind regards to you all! Brandon
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