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Christoph Voorn

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Everything posted by Christoph Voorn

  1. I think if you wait till november it's going to be $99.
  2. It looks like your displacement is going both directions and you need positive displacement only. If you check your displacement node parameters, I think your new range is set to -1 and 1. Try 0 and 1 to see what that does.
  3. Actually I'm hoping bevel isn't needed. Like you said @Cerbera IRL the glass pieces are very sharp edged. I think refraction going through the glass and create those jagged lines through the edges is what makes the mirrorball look. Otherwise you get more of a glitter effect. So I first want to try sharp glass with reflective material behind, to get the edges lit up nicely. IF that will actually work.. Before doing any hard work I should probably also do a test to see if the large flat areas will actually work. I'm a little worried about that. If it's not instantly giving mirrorball , I don't want it 😎
  4. It's not so much the faces I'm worried about but the smooth edges and the transition to them, an from there going to the next face, etc. I don't want to cut the squares. That's the easy way but flat faces are not too interesting for reflections. I think I need the round edges for the real mirrorball experience.. 😎 Maybe I should make them a lot smaller towards and on the edge . If you check my reference image you see how they cut the squares into rectangles moving towards the top/bottom to keep decent coverage on the changing curve.
  5. Thanks! @Cerbera The grid size of the right side model in last screenshot would be a good density. It's for socials and as animation it will do a 360 loop in 15sec. Mirrorballs are usually seen from far so I think the shapes shouldn't be too distinguishable. I want the twinkling reflections. This is the big question! How to tackle those edges. For sure they should scale and / or become more rectangular. Yes it's for a client. I'm wondering how long this will take though. I can discard ideas that are too complicated to do in the time budget but it would be cool if this one works. After all it's for Ibiza nightlife 🙂
  6. Hi everyone, I'm making 30-ish looks with this model, 13 to go 🙂 One of the chosen ideas is the disco ball. This was before I realized the drama involved around this model technically. I'm here to find out IF it's doable without pretty much placing the mirrors row by row. And in critical areas piece by piece! - I've searched for a material / texture solution couldn't find anything decent. The trick with this look is the irregular placement AND scaling of the mirrors. They get squeezed (or stretched) according to the model's slope, basically. For my model this would (have to) be strongest around the edges. But because on the ball they get smaller top / bottom and that's pretty much the only reference we have in our collective concious, maybe I'd make them on the top and bottom faces smaller too. When I look at 3D models of the disco ball, too perfect honeycomb grids makes it look fake and 3D. I'm showing 2 verions of the model. The smoother one has my preference but also more difficult I'd say. THE LOOK: THE MODEL:
  7. For me the export from Bridge to R26 works when Standard render is selected. I only use Redshift. But I open a new project, then export from Bridge, copy the materials to my Redshift project and then convert & replace the material(s). For me albredo, roughness, normal & displacement are all in there.
  8. Thanks @Cerbera I will keep that in mind. And yes, I figured out the blend mode. Never use that 🙂 But after some tries I noticed this wasn't the best way to go so I modeled it by making cuts and moving points on one side of the glass to get the wavy shapes.
  9. Hi y'all, I have to place capsules on every side of this model and I need them to grow linear as you see in my screens below, except that I just want to change the height of the primitive. The caps should remain the same. I'm oblivious when I comes to xpresso and C4D nodes, but something tells me I have to use one of those 😅 Later I will extract them from the model with the Volume Builder to create this look: Thanks so much! Can't wait to see how this turns out 🙂 Textured Glass test.c4d
  10. For sure 😎 Such a wonderful city. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else! Been living here for 10 years and just biking around from A to B is a treat 🙂 yeah sounds like you had a great time! Thanks for sharing. Nice to hear your experience of the dutch flat landscape 🙂
  11. Hey brother! Whereabout you live in NL? That's quite the catchy name you've got there. Should've thought of that. hehe yeah I did a test run and it works great! Thanks Patrick. But you're learning Maya I see. That's brave, no?
  12. I absolutely agree. There is the Cloth Surface, which I tried but also bad results and it's not the right tool for the job anyway. But thanks so much your solution was super helpful. I have to make 35 of these this season and I've been holding off the the ones where extrude is necessary. Looking forward making the more complex models now 🙂
  13. Thanks so much for your help Cerbera. Having said that, I'm having a hard time following the steps you did to get the result! "I started off by removing the ngons in the base shape caused by that rogue vertex in the middle on one side." You mean the dot on the back in the basic shape, right? Does that mean you started with this model, not the one with edge cuts? "Instead we will apply a bevel in Solid mode so that we get box corners everywhere" This basically creates the version I have put at the top inside "Subdivision Surface.2", correct? If I then extrude I get the issue of the split edges on the backside so I guess I'm not doing it right? But then I did the extrude and increased the max angle to the point where no edges are split, and looks like the only this leaves me with an extrude that looks pretty even and good when subdivided. The only 'off' points are the absolute outer points of the 4 corners and they can easily be moved back to their expected position. Is this what you were doing in the last alinea?
  14. Hey Might, thanks for trying to solve the puzzle. Much appreciated! You're right, the cut version is not there. If you delete all inside faces that's what you end up with. If you then select all > extrude, you get the front / back results as shown in the screenshot. Just so there's no confusion, that backside is NOT what I want 😂 The same issue of the splitting edges on the back and sides edges occurs when extruding the most basic shape. I've never used the Normal Move tool I think.. interesting
  15. Hi y'all, For an ongoing project I have to create a new 3D visual from the same logo every week. Sometimes I take just the frame, or I rebuild the whole thing out of something else, but often I want to work with the edges, and create an extrude from there. I prefer to keep my mesh as simple as possible and use SS with some edge cuts to create the smooth result. Because of how the basic shape is, extrude isn't working for me so well. The results are not consistent even after splitting the left / right edge to create have quads only. The points go in all directions. Ideally, I don't brake left / right edge and use edge cuts instead, to keep the most control over sharpness of the edges and top / bottom corners. Not sure if that's possible, because extruding the basic mesh will split points and add new faces I don't want. What would be the best way to deal with this? I understand the basics polygon direction flow etc, but at the same time I'm puzzled why I can't just grow the whole mesh evenly in all directions. Thanks so much for you help! Left: basic shape with on the right with edge cuts for smoothings: Example of what happens when trying to extrude all faces together. The front is good (enough), the back is messed up. I removed the inner faces here but for the issue I'm trying to fix that's not really relevant. This way you can see some of what happens on the inside. Scene example.c4d
  16. Hi y'all, I registered a while back but now I paid the dollas I better start introducing! 😁 I'm a graphic designer and self-taught digital artist from Amsterdam, working almost exclusively in the dance music industry. I've been using Cinema 4D for 10 years now but I still feel like a rookie sometimes being totally perplexed about why it ain't working. So I'm very much looking forward stepping up my game here and hopefully fix some of them mysteries with you!
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