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vide_yo_fx .

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    Cinema 4D, Blender
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    Redshift, U-Render
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    RTX 2070 Super

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  1. Oh.. I see. Thanks for the reply! I will explore that option. Currently, I tried a different method. Where I saved a txt file in the preferences folder and everytime I opened the script, it will look for that txt file. If it's there, then populate the input field with the data. If not, then show default values. For now, this can fit my purposes. But your option is definitely a good alternative to writing external files. Thanks again!
  2. Hi! I have made a Python script that displays an interface. I have an option for a user to use a save dialog to select a folder. The selected folder will be stored in a variable and called whenever it is needed. However, when the user closes the script UI and re-run the script again, the folder needs to be re-selected with the dialog. Which can make it really tedious to keep re-selecting the folder every time the user wants to run the script. Is there any way for the script to save the details and recall it when the script is closed and opened again? Not quite sure what's the best way to do so. Some advice will be helpful! Thanks!
  3. Just encountered this situation when building up a rig that I intend to pass to other designers to use. The in-/exclusion list allows users to place their own objects and re-order them as they need. But no way to bring that list into xpresso with the nodes. So the code shared by MIGHT worked perfectly according to what I wanted. And its very easy to customise to my needs too. Thanks a lot for this solution! And also wondering why there isnt that input in xpresso in the first place.
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